Jewish Moments in the Morning with Nachum Segal: Playlist from January 7, 2011

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January 7, 2011: Guests: Malcolm Hoenlein and Rabbi Benjamin Yudin

Listen to this show: RealAudio

Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Regesh  Modeh   Regesh Volume One  Regesh Productions  0:00:00 (Real)
Dovid Gabay  Eretz Yisroel   Eretz Yisroel  Sameach Music  0:05:01 (Real)
Udi Davidi  Im Ein Ani   Ruchot Tovot  Pirsumei Nisa  0:09:04 (Real)
Yaakov Shwekey  Boee   Libi Bamizrach  Yochi Briskman Productions  0:12:09 (Real)
Cast  Yibone   Ora V'simcha  Nigun  0:20:06 (Real)
Yeshiva Boys Choir  Atoh   YBC Live 3  EG Productions  0:23:55 (Real)
Beri Weber  Shabbos Hee   B'ezras Hashem  Meraked Productions  0:29:25 (Real)
Breslov Bar Band  Lecha Dodi   Have No Fear  0:37:21 (Real)
Breslov Bar Band  Friday Night Freilach   Have No Fear  0:42:10 (Real)
Yehuda Green  Mimkomcha   Yearning  Yehuda Green  0:49:46 (Real)
Cast  Overture   A Time For Music 23  HASC  0:52:07 (Real)
Shamayim  Nachamu   Ha'Meir  Shvil Halev  0:58:55 (Real)
  7am ET News [in Hebrew] from Israel
  Norman Laster's Neshoma Program
Cast  The Nigun   Hadrash V'Horaayon  TEEM Productions  1:35:02 (Real)
Lev Tahor  Ma Yona   Lev Tahor  Lev Tahor  1:36:41 (Real)
Asher Scharf and Sons  Hashomer Shabbos   Hashomer  Asher Scharf  1:41:00 (Real)
  Nachum Segal speaks w/ Malcolm Hoenlein (1:46)
  Rabbi Benjamin Yudin: Parashat Bo (2:26)
Baruch Abittan  Lecha Dodi   Me'emek  Abittan Productions  2:38:19 (Real)
Baruch Levine  Lecha Dodi   Touched by a Niggun  Project Productions  2:49:50 (Real)
Benzion Solomon  Lecha Dodi   U'shmuel B'Korei Sh'mo  Shirei Shmuel  2:53:00 (Real)
Journeys  It's Time to say Good Shabbos   Journeys  M and M  2:55:26 (Real)
IDF Orchestra  Hatikva   We Are One  CBS Records   2:55:55 (Real)
Nachum Segal conducts the Weekly Update with Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (Listen to this set: Real)
Nachum Segal present Rabbi Benjamin Yudin and the Torah Portion of the Week (Listen to this set: Real)

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