Favoriting Bitslap with KBC: Playlist from December 21, 2010 Favoriting

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Favoriting December 21, 2010: Xmas 6

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Artist Track Comments
  THE GREAT WOK   Not a four-star restaurant, but a rant by John Lennon. You can get the 'lyrics' here (beware the pop-up): http://www.metrolyrics.com/the-great-wok-lyrics-yoko-ono.html 
Capitol Records  SHAKE IT UP SANTA   Favoriting  
Michael Lynch  WONDERFUL XMAS TIME   Favoriting  
Christine Hunter  SANTA BRING ME RINGO   Favoriting One of many Beatle-for Xmas songs. Here's a cute little video featuring this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZCE9va_CnI. And if you really want a beatle, visit the Ringo Store (get the play on words?): http://www.fented.info/bargains/0-Ringo-1-bin.html 
Debbie and the Darnels  SANTA TEACH ME TO DANCE   Favoriting AKA the Teen Dreams. Here's some info: http://www.blogg.org/blog-65325-billet-967483.html 

Music behind DJ:
Kustard Kings 

LITTLE ST NICK   Favoriting

This next set comes to us courtesy of Dennis Flannigan from Tacoma, Washington, who is one of my Xmas trading buddies. Dennis is 70-ish, and is a retired Washington State congressman, who has served a few terms in the State House. A Democrat by nature, he is a credit to the party. We could use more like him. Here's a bio: http://www.weeklyvolcano.com/entertainment/guides/2010/08/Best-of-Tacoma-2010-In-Memoriam-Dennis-Flannigan/ [his legislature page has since been taken down]. You can contact him at dennis.flannigan@gmail.com 
Rev J M Gates  GETTING READY FOR XMAS   Favoriting You've heard this in back of Paul Simon's Xmas song for this year, so here's the origiinal. Here's Gates' Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._M._Gates The Simon video has been removed [chicken!!!] 
Mel Henke  BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE   Favoriting Here's henke's page at SpeceAgePoop.com: http://www.spaceagepop.com/henke.htm 
Carolleer Singers  SQUIRREL'S XMAS   Favoriting Carolleers were a vocal crew workingwith Peter Pan records. Their home page: http://www.peterpanmusic.net/ Their Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Pan_Records. Some cute pictures of squirrels at Xmas (suitable for Xmas cards next year): http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=squirrel+xmas&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=WWUfTanqCIGglAfYorWDDA&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=2&ved=0CCsQsAQwAQ 
Commercial Message  PLANTER'S NUTS (Nickle Bag)   Favoriting  
Dick 'Two-Ton' Baker  JOLLY OLD ST NICOLAS   Favoriting No, he didn't really weigh two tons, but he sure looked like it! Here's his home page; http://twotonbaker.com/ And a YouTube of one of is better-known works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWGoVZF0jik 
George Formby  SITTING ON THE ICE IN THE ICE RINK   Favoriting George Harrison was one of his biggest fans. Here's a video of him playing his banjolele: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSc-e-QffTs More info here on his Wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Formby,_Jr. 
Halifax III  MAN WHO WOULDN'T SING ALONG WITH MITCH   Favoriting They featured Zal Yanovsky and Denny Doherty, who would brush with fame as the Mugwumps [featuring Cass Elliott and John Sebastion]. Zal and Denny would then hit it big with the Lovin Spoonfull. Here's the Halifax 3's Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Halifax_III 
Dennis Day  BE HAPPY, GO LUCKY   Favoriting Dennis was a regular on the Jack Benny Show, and this is a drawn-out cigarette commercial featuring the whole Benny gang. Here's Day's Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Day and a video from the Benny Show featuring Richard Deacon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SwmiJ-phIg 
Lawrence Welk  OUTER SPACE SANTA   Favoriting Larry really had a warped sense of humor. Here's everyone's favorite clip from his interminably-running show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye3ecDYxOkg and, just to be fair, Larry's Wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Welk 
Spike Jones and George Rock  RADIO BIT   Favoriting  
Rev J M Gates  GOODBYE TO THE CHAIN STORES   Favoriting Really good advice. How good? Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiSmlmXp-aU Or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATu-WhQ8IsY Or this: http://wakeupwalmart.com/ Am I unfairly picking on Wal-Mart? Watch this: http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/?page_id=9810 

Music behind DJ:
Count Basie 

JINGLE BELLS   Favoriting

This next set is from the massive collection of Tim Sewell of Burbank, CA. Tim was my first trading pal back in 1997 or so and is probably the biggest Xmas collector in the country, if not the Galaxy. He tells me he has about 8000 singles (just Xmas) and no idea how many other items in his collection. While I trade with about 8-10 people a year he has over 40 on his list. In his spare time he works for the City of LA in the Water department and is an active ferrett rescuer. All bow to the power of Tim Sewell! He can be reached at xmastrader01@att.net. 
Rentaflop  10 DAYS OF XMAS   Favoriting Probably their only record. Here's what I could find (the Flip is 'A Man and a Woman" - God knows what they've done to it) 
Lord Weatherby  SANTA CLAUS IS FREAKING ME OUT   Favoriting A real video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2BsbXZMXtI and better watch out, because they're on MySpace Music: http://www.myspace.com/lordweatherby. And just to mess with your head: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8L70Favl8A 
Mike Driscoll  FIGGY PUDDING   Favoriting What the hell IS figgy pudding anyway? I've never had it, but here it is: http://www.suite101.com/content/the-history-of-figgy-pudding-along-with-recipe-a176058 While we're at it what are ANY of those stupid carols about anyway? http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2010/12/15/christmas-songs-a-feast-decoded/ 
Ludlow  XMAS SHOPPING BLUES   Favoriting No idea who this guy is, but here's another one that's related somehow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxl8K-btX3U 
Heebie Jeebies  SOX AND UNDERWEAR   Favoriting An innocent enough web page: http://www.heebee-jeebees.com/channel4.htm and a plethora of other stuff: http://www.heebee-jeebees.com/music_v2.htm 
Hummingbird  HOT DOG! YOU MUST BE SANTA!   Favoriting Sorry, no info. Probably a sad story. 
Ray Campi and the Sidekicks  SOMEBODY TOOK MY TEETH ON XMAS EVE   Favoriting Ray's actually got cred (and a Wiki): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Campi and a page in the Rockabilly Hall of Fame! http://www.rockabillyhall.com/RayCampi1.html 
Ray Oddis  HAPPY GHOUL TIDE   Favoriting Flipside of that old holiday barfbag 'Randy, the Newspaper Boy', a top-ten sobfest from 1964. 
Homemade Theater  SANTA JAWS [part 1]   Favoriting Here's a video and many others as well. http://wn.com/SANTA_JAWS You can download part 2 here: http://lookwhatwehavefound.wordpress.com/2010/12/25/httpwp-mepnohy-eu/ 
Andrea Perry  FAT AUNT BETTE   Favoriting Gotta be a Tim Sewell exclusive 
Carol Roes  COUNTING THE REINDEER   Favoriting  

Music behind DJ:
Los Straitjackets 


Here's a webpage that features many holiday notables (including Tim Sewell): http://www.jinglebellrocks.com/characters.html And speaking of Jon Solomon (who does the ultimate Xmas Eve show on WPRI in New Brunswick, NJ - we've never met or even texted): http://keepingscoreathome.com/ 
Jimmy Barnes  LOBSTAH FOR XMAS   Favoriting Here's a little-known fact about kbc - he is one of the biggest collectors of lobster crap on the planet. It's one of the reasons I want to move to Maine. I literally have over 300 different type of lobster thingies, fom claw-harmonicas to lamps. Help me please... 
Monterreys  SANTA HAS GAINED MORE WEIGHT   Favoriting  

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