Favoriting Daniel Blumin: Playlist from November 6, 2010 Favoriting

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The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.

Monday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting November 6, 2010: Noblac Mortimer Disturbance Reduction Team

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Twig Harper & Daniel Higgs  Number Seven   Favoriting Clairaudience Fellowship Omphalos/Baltimore  Thrill Jockey  2010      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Call Back the Giants  Call Back the Giants   Favoriting Call Back the Giants  Kye  2010  LP  Tim Goss of Shadow Ring  0:11:36 (Pop-up)
Charles Austin, Joe Gallivan & Voices  Peace In The World   Favoriting Compendium Records  Plastic Strip  2010      0:16:24 (Pop-up)
Zeitkratzer  The Avalanche   Favoriting Whitehouse Electronics  Zeitkratzer  2010    Zeitkratzer interpreting the music of Whitehouse  0:22:38 (Pop-up)
Ninni Morgia & William Parker  Prism II   Favoriting Prism  Ultramarine  2010  LP    0:26:08 (Pop-up)
The Dub Organiser  Chim Cherie (version)   Favoriting Chim Cherie  Upsetters/Pressure Sounds  2010  7"  Chim Cherie aka Billie Jean by the Upsetters - 1st use of drum machine on a reggae trk?  0:29:09 (Pop-up)
Tomutonttu  Likaiset Pilvet   Favoriting Split 7" w/ Oneohtrix Point Never  Alter  2010  7"  aka Jan Anderzen of Kemialliset Ystävät  0:32:56 (Pop-up)
Lesser / Matmos / Wobbly  Untitled Improvisation   Favoriting Simultaneous Quodlibet  Important  2010  LP    0:38:42 (Pop-up)
Ensemble Economique  Real Things   Favoriting Psychical  Not Not Fun  2010  LP    0:44:50 (Pop-up)
King Blood  Sinful Woman   Favoriting Eyewash Silver  Ignorant Gore  2010  LP    0:50:05 (Pop-up)
Purling Hiss  Space Roots/Limerence   Favoriting Hissteria  Richie  2010  12"  Mike Polizze of Birds of Maya  1:07:24 (Pop-up)
Plastic People of the Universe  Kanarek   Favoriting Magical Nights  Munster  2010    trk from Hovezi Porazka lp '84  1:10:39 (Pop-up)
The Foggy Joe Band  Zig Zag Dance   Favoriting Zig Zag Dance  Les Disques Motors  1972  7"  aka Jean-Michel Jarre  1:16:17 (Pop-up)
Ali Mio feat. Sultan Steven  Popcorn   Favoriting Popcorn  Ultra Eczema  2010  LP box set  2 lp's of "Popcorn"!!!  1:18:26 (Pop-up)
Position Normal  User Friendly   Favoriting Goodly Time  Rum/333  2003      1:20:48 (Pop-up)
The Keggs  (Slow) Girl   Favoriting To Find Out  Orbit    7"  '67 45 reissued  1:22:14 (Pop-up)
Mekanik Kommando  River of Singers   Favoriting Shadow of a Rose  Cat/Sun  2010    3rd lp from band straight outta Nijmegen, '85  1:25:42 (Pop-up)
The Passions  I'm In Love With a German Film Star   Favoriting I'm In Love With a German Film Star  Polydor  1981  7"    1:28:25 (Pop-up)
Space  Magic Fly   Favoriting Magic Fly  Vogue  1977  7"    1:31:55 (Pop-up)
DJ Technician  Never Answer The Phone   Favoriting The West Coast Electro Sound of Holland: The Hague Rocks the Planet #2  Bunker  1998  LP    1:35:30 (Pop-up)
Mantronix  Who Is It?   Favoriting Music Madness  Sleeping Bag  1986  LP    1:41:32 (Pop-up)
Laetitia Sadier  Un Soir, Un Chien   Favoriting The Trip  Drag City  2010      1:47:53 (Pop-up)
John Foxx  Your Dress   Favoriting Your Dress/A Woman on a Stairway  Metal Beat/Virgin  1983  7"  a Zeus B Held production!  1:51:56 (Pop-up)
Alvin Curran  Canti Illuminati I   Favoriting Solo Works: The 70s  New World  2010    '77 piece - performed on voice & synth w/ tape in '82  2:10:20 (Pop-up)
Beaks Plinth  I'll Never Fall In Love Again   Favoriting Organo Saturado  Gigante Sound  2010    aka Mr. Jared Blum  2:36:35 (Pop-up)
Melvin Davis  Wedding Bells   Favoriting Detroit Soul Ambassador  Vampisoul  2010    comp of early to mid-60's recordings + unreleased stuff from Mr. Davis; b-side of It's No News single on Ke Ke '64  2:37:52 (Pop-up)
Freddie Hart  Blue   Favoriting V/A: The World Is a Monster: Columbia Hillbilly 1948-1958  The Omni Recording Corporation  2010      2:40:22 (Pop-up)
Shirley Collins  The Bonny Labouring Boy   Favoriting Sweet England  Fledg'ling  2010    reish of debut album from '59  2:42:37 (Pop-up)
Gail Laughton  The Hebrews 425 A.D.   Favoriting Harps of the Ancient Temples  Laurel  1979  LP  "A 23,000 year trip back through man's magnificent past: his temples, deities and rituals - expressed through the sounds of his favorite and eternal intsrument"  2:47:15 (Pop-up)
Marika Papagika  Hrissaido   Favoriting The Further the Flame, the Worse It Burns Me  Mississippi/Canary  2010  LP  great collection of never before compiled 78's on Columbia Records + three songs that were on a cd of MP's work on Alma Criolla; on this song: cellist Markos Sifnios, violinist Athanasiou Makedonas, Constantinos Papgikas (cymbalum) + MP (1919)  2:49:36 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Mad Dog:

D. Blumin:

Mad Dog:

Oops sorry that's meant to say First! can some nice editor fix that.
Mad Dog:

I'm not used to typing things myself, but I'm afraid I find myself between interns at the moment.
D. Blumin:

I think it looks better this way, Mad Dog!
Supreme Bliss...

hiya daniel--ho was your halloween?? did you have any fun?? btw since the holidays are here do you have any holiday tunes??

daniel?? you don't have any holiday tunes tonite??


thank you daniel
Mad Dog:

The great thing about anything Onehotrix P.N. is involved in, is that whatever is played next sounds great in comparison. Oops did I just say that out loud?
Mad Dog:

Thanks for playing CBTGiants. Awesome sounds! Any thoughts on the LP in toto? Do we need it for our Shadow Ring and Descended section?
Marmalade Kitty:

Great show danny boy!

... just one thing..
More Beefheart on 'FMU
Marmalade Kitty:

..just a thought, a reccuring thought of mine! What year is this Ali Mio track? :)
D. Blumin:

It's on a new comp of versions of Popcorn - two lp's of Popcorn - so it's new shtuff, ML...
Mad Dog:

Thanks for your on-air rundown of Call/Giants.. I think you answered my question. (The answer is, Yes.. So right for us.)

Mr. Blumin, all this groovin' is interfering with my schoolwork. Keep it up!
Marmalade Kitty:

:) thanks.. I'd love to hear the entire album in one sitting/standing/ or maybe lying down!
D. Blumin:

Hiya Alex! Schoolwork Schmoolwork...

Tons of great lil nuggets on the comp, ML. Worth checking out...

The answer IS yes, MadDog!
Marmalade Kitty:

great concept album! Is there any other track you could listen to x30 without becoming irritable?
Marmalade Kitty:

The nature of the track is infinite!!!

Very soothing, it goes well with the toast I'm having. I'm willing to give a medical testimonial for the programme.

let me be the first to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS daniel
Marmalade Kitty:

I was listening to a WFMU show last week when all of a sudden my computer hardware imploded! I was unable to listen for a considerable 1 or 2 days :(
I feel guilty (and paranoid!) because, (admission of guilt), I didn't subscribe during the last marathon.
Is it possible my hardware was struck down by the big WFMU in the sky?
D. Blumin:

No way - we do not strike thee down, ever, MK.
But if you do support WFMU in fundraiser 2011, you WILL get good karma for at least 54 years...
D. Blumin:

Thanks, Cheri.
I hope you're talking about Gustavus Adolphus Day... Backatcha!
D. Blumin:

ms_a - many thanks - a medical testimonial is always welcome!
Mad Dog:

Ah glad the Curran got there.. extremely tasty collection, thanks for playing.

Cool, never heard of Curran before. Thanks for turning me on!

Wow. I just ingested something, and i goes nicely with this.

daniel you never told us about your halloween,,,did you have any fun??
Mad Dog:

Taylor, y'might investigate MEV if innerested in Curran, in addition to his solo stuff I mean.

thanx for another great daniel i gotta head out,,g'nite
Marmalade Kitty:

Daniel, oh, my droog! Thank Bog and all his holy Angels!

hey daniel, really enjoyed the set. Had someone nearby comment on the alvin curran piece (which i'd heard before by the OHM compilation) "wait, what is that sound? Is that a broken machine?" hehe...
D. Blumin:

Thx fer checking in, Emma! That's one excellent machine!
D. Blumin:

MK, have a great week!
Taylor, Bilk - apologies fer slow commenting... and many thanks fer dropping a line!
Till next week...
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