Hey Mr. FW! It's Becky in Ventura. Sounding good so far! Maybe I'll see you in Dec!
Don (trip dub):
What was the singer's name from CA you played last week that I thought was Major Lance? Thanks for helping out Rex also. I was too late on the pumpkin ale - all gone.
Listener Jumpy:
"Twitchy" is one of my top faves. Play it out at gigs a lot.
Fine Wine:
Heya, Beck!
Don: I don't remember!
Jumpy: My week ain't complete unless I play you a NEW favorite!
Don (trip dub):
Got Shirelles onhand? (or anything on Scepter), in honor of Jane Fonda's appearance on Oprah w/ Richard Perry.
Listener Jumpy:
Hmm, "The Cat." That's claws for alarm.
Fine Wine:
Sorry, Don!!
Sonny Rickles:
I wanna hear more of that "Limber Up"!
And more of those instrumentals behind the DJ!
Listener Jumpy:
Another great show!
hey man, music coming out of my ears! thanks for yet another great show. Best show around. cheerzzzzzzzzzz
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Listener comments!
Don (trip dub):
Listener Jumpy:
Fine Wine:
Don: I don't remember!
Jumpy: My week ain't complete unless I play you a NEW favorite!
Don (trip dub):
Listener Jumpy:
Fine Wine:
Sonny Rickles:
And more of those instrumentals behind the DJ!
Listener Jumpy: