Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from September 16, 2010 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting September 16, 2010: Return to Ground Zero - 9-11-2010

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
  I was freaking when I came into the studio on the day of this broadcast. A severe thunderstorm system was passing through the area, which actually resulted in the extremely rare occurrence of a tornado in Brooklyn. Anyway, our Emergency Broadcast System alarm was going off every 15-seconds, so I was quite distraught at the idea of having to interrupt this episode with frequent weather updates, as the show was pre-recorded and timed to be 60-minutes long. Of course, the safety of the listeners comes first, but I was mad and whiny about it, and you can kind of tell in the opening dialogue with Fabio, Julie and myself. Luckily, as storms do, it passed and the program was unaffected.
Eat A Peach and ELP
Show Intro - Dealing with the 9/11 ceremonies at the former World Trade Center site, and the accompanying protests and marches that occurred that day.
  I wrestled with this intro for hours, doing it over and over and over. I think I filled up two 90-minute cassettes with my attempts. I am kind of OCD that way. And in the end, I ended up dissatisfied with the result. I thought it was lackluster and very un-special. At some point, you just have to accept it and keep going. Maybe I should point out here that the show is recorded directly to a normal-bias cassette tape, so there is no "digital insertion" that occurs later. Everything each week (on the recorded shows) is done chronologically, meaning, once I commit to something, there is no going back to fix it without a tremendous amount of difficulty and lost time. Not that any of this is IMPORTANT. It's just a little radio show on a little radio station and we are all dust in the wind as Steve Walsh sang.
Emerson, Lake and Palmer  Toccata   Favoriting Brain Salad Surgery  Manticore  1973  LP  Fantastic. I am almost sad about the prog resurgence, because it adds an air of trendiness to playing a prog cut, when the truth is, I was there the first time around. Ego. That's all. Best dismissed. This song plays at the beginning of the intro under the spoken words. 
George Bennette  Le Sons Impalpable Du Reve   Favoriting ... Plays Messiaen, Helps, Del Tredici  a Desto  ?  LP  Messiaen was born in France in 1908 and wrote this piece when he was 21. I have been enamored with this disc of late. This plays behind the intro (the tinkling piano) before the jet fly-by. I use this song frequently throughout this episode. You will also note other songs that are used more than once in this broadcast. Since I use only a small part of each song, I will list them once and count on you to discern when they are used again. 
Tomita  Limoges   Favoriting Pictures at an Exhibition  RCA/Red Seal  1975  LP  Isao Tomita interprets Moussorgsky on synthesizers. This is the somber music under the intro during the description of the "empty space" where the towers were. 
Lamb  Gorecki   Favoriting   Mercury/Fontana  1997  12"  The intro continues. 
3:30 - Ohio Republican Phil Davidson is "fired up" in a local meeting as he attempts to become Stark County Treasurer. Check him out.


Yes  On the Silent Wings of Freedom   Favoriting Tormato  Atlantic  1978  LP  Phil continues 
The Vienna State Opera Orchestra  The Star Spangled Banner   Favoriting National Anthems of the World  Everest  ?  LP   
  The show is running a little "slow" at this point, tape-speed wise. There is a knob on the studio cassette deck that needs to be activated prior to the show, so I can control the speed of the cassette as it airs. I forgot to do so, and so the first few minutes of the program are a little sluggish. Apologies.
Speaker in front of City Hall.
David Ingles  Fate   Favoriting   Capitol  70's?  45  I found this single at a 25th Street flea market on the Sunday prior to working on this show. I enjoy buying a couple of obscure, non-descript singles and then trying to find a way to incorporate them into the program if I can. 
5:28 - Animated woman exhorts from the stage at City Hall, to a crowd that seemed surprisingly uninvolved, at least, vocally.
Synergy (Larry Fast)  Phobos and Diemos go to Mars   Favoriting Cords  Passport  1978  LP  Early guitar synth recording. Begins playing roughly at 5:55 
A Young Man Describes HIs 9-11 Experience
Chick Corea  Where Are You Now? (Picture 1)   Favoriting Piano Improvisations Vol. 1  Warner Bros./ECM  1971  LP  Appx. 6:40 as young man continues ... 
Glen Scott  Sylk 130   Favoriting Heaven  Giant Step    12"  7:00 - Young man continues ... 
Steve Miller Moment
7:26 - Cynical Man Expresses Views
John Williams  Slave Children's Crusade   Favoriting Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (soundtrack)  Polydor  1984  LP   
Rand Paul addresses crowd in Bowling Green, KY. Courtesy of AP "We've come to take our government back."
The All Star Inter-Conference Band  Buckle Down Winsockie   Favoriting Halftime USA  Somerset  60's?  LP  Music behind Rand Paul 
8:35 - Female Tea Party Member Speaks Out
Alfred Newman  Inez - Lost Forever   Favoriting Airport (Original Soundtrack Album)  Decca  1970  LP  Moody music behind Tea Party woman. 
David Ingles  Good Morning, Mr. Sun   Favoriting   Capitol    45  9:22 
McCain on Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf - foxbusiness.com
This Is Not About Muslims
Bloodrock  Don't Eat The Children   Favoriting USA  Capitol  1971  LP  10:00 
In America We're Naive
Socialist Party Member
Our Children's Children - Man at Mosque Protest 9/11
Hermeto  Yoghurt   Favoriting Hermeto  Cobblestone/Buddah    LP  Music in background 
Bloomberg Is Fired!
Let Me Finish! Pro-Mosque Woman.
Tranquility Bass  We All Want To Be Free   Favoriting Tranquility Bass  Astralwerks    LP box set  Music behind woman. 
Left Wing Loonies
Pakistani Man Confronts Speaker
12:34 - Mayor Bloomberg on Religious Funding - Courtesy of FOX 5 NYC
Man Speaks on Bloomberg and Economic Terrorism
DJ Shadow and the Grooverobbers  In/Flux   Favoriting DJ Shadow and the Grooverobbers  Mo' Wax  1993  12"  Beat behind Economic Terrorism speaker 
Building 7
13:43 - Another Woman Speaks Out Against The Mosque
Rick Wakeman  Catherine Parr   Favoriting The Six Wives of Henry the VIII  A&M  1973  LP  Music behind woman. 
Sharia Law - Read up on it here ...


14:45 - Hitler's Footsteps - Man Addresses Pro-Mosque Supporters at City Hall - 9/11/10
Olatunji  Akiwowo (Chant to the Trainman)   Favoriting Drums of Passion  Columbia    LP  15:12 
The People United
Muslims Intolerant
Man Addresses Anti-Mosque Crowd ... "God Bless America! Wake up America!"
16:47 - Peter Jennings on Demolition - Courtesy of ABC News - 9/11/01
Man Speaks at City Hall on Re-Opening the 9/11 Investigation
Lalo Schifrin  Pampas   Favoriting Gypsies  Tabu  1978  LP  Music behind man. 
People Die! Government Lies!
Man Speaks on Building 7 - 9/11 (Conspiracy Theorist)
Synergy (Larry Fast)  On Presuming To Be Modern   Favoriting Cords  Passport  1978  LP  Music behind conspiracy theorist. 
"Something Deliberate" - NBC Newsperson on the morning of 9/11 after the second jet hits.
Woman speaks about "Freedom."
Starcastle  To The Fire Wind   Favoriting Starcastle  Epic  1976    18:45 
On Teaching ...
Al DiMeola  Race with the Devil on Spanish Highway   Favoriting Elegant Gypsy  Columbia  1977  LP  Music behind woman when she speaks about "Police State." 
Man Speaks on "Taqwaa."
Bruce Springsteen  Badlands   Favoriting Darkness on the Edge of Town  Columbia  1978  LP  Music behind man. 
More Lamb
Cut Your Head Right Off
Doing Taqwaa - For your reference:


Don Rickles  Excerpt   Favoriting Hello Dummy!  Warner Bros.  late 60's?  LP  Live at The Sahara in Vegas 
Bob Kames  Circle Waltz   Favoriting Polkas Waltzes Foxtrots  King    LP  Music behind Rickles. 
Selling Flags
Plane Hits Tower - Courtesy of CBS 2 NYC - 9/11/01
Flag-Seller recounts his 9/11 Experience
Actual bomb sound from Baghdad. Shock and Awe - First Attack, followed by Bush and an excerpt from his "Mission Accomplished" speech.
Obama Moment - More Winsockie
23:00 - Russian/American couple ... anti-mosque protest, 9/11/10
Barbra Moment
Boil Metaphor
Boil Metaphor
More Rickles
Just a Freaking Book!
Michael Jackson  Who Is It?   Favoriting The Acapella Album  Sky Forward   2010  LP  24:22 
Brief Overview of the Event
Dave Brubeck Quartet  Bluette   Favoriting Time Further Out: Miro Reflections  Columbia  1961  LP  Music leading up to interview with woman. 
24:55 - Interview with woman at pro-mosque event
Bush on the Bailouts
Disappointed in Obama
Obama on Wall St. Bankers
Lennon Moment
Spreading the Love!
Hi Susan!
Proud Infidels! Interview with Tea Party Member
Robert Preston Moment
Orange and Pink Make-Up ... Dirty
6' 4" with a Soft Voice
Jesse Crawford  Lonely Hour   Favoriting The Poet of the Organ  Vocalion    LP  Organ music behind Tea Party man. 
No Artist Listed  Sing Along With Millard Fillmore   Favoriting   Time Inc.  1964  LP  30:40 -- This song is a campaign number from 1864. This LP is from a Life Magazine salute to Congress. 
A Woman Speaks out in favor of the Muslim community.
Ron Paul on Timothy McVeigh - Courtesy of CNN - AC360
Socialist Admission
Paul Hardcastle moment.
Crowd at Anti-Mosque rally sings God Bless America
Unidentified artist from blue vinyl flexi-disc purchased in Arcville, NY. If I could read the writing, I'd tell you who it is. Purchased on a recent outing with my wife to The Catskills.
Speaking with a local.
Joe Camp  Excerpt - Benji and his Friends   Favoriting Joe Camp's Benji and his Friends  Kid Stuff    LP  The Officer Tuttle arrest sequence. 
Remember Led Zeppelin?
Led Zeppelin  Immigrant Song   Favoriting Led Zeppelin III  Atlantic  1970  LP  Hammer of the Gods! 
The People United ...
Man Speaks out for First Responders
Man Asks for Support for Further Demonstrations
Newt Gingrich from O'Reilly on FOX News
Woman Speaks out Against Mosque as Police Herd People out of the Protest Area.
More Lamb
Human Immorality, Greed and Sinfulness
Obama on the Upcoming Mid-Terms - Courtesy of CBS News - Katie Couric
Erykah Badu  Tyrone   Favoriting   Universal  1997  12"  Music behind Obama 
Obama Belongs in Hollywood
End Times
Convert or Die
Pakistani-American from Brooklyn relays his 9/11 Experience.
Douglas Trowbridge  The Farewell   Favoriting Meadowlark Records Sampler 1985  Meadowlark  1985  LP  Music behind the man telling his 9/11 story. 
42:17 - Are they hiding Bin Laden in Pakistan? I hadda ask.
The Irritating Horn
Religion as a Tool
Tony Scott  Satori (Enlightenment)   Favoriting Music for Zen Meditation and Other Joys  Verve      Music used here to evoke Buddism 
44:50 - Man's son weighs-in on the Mosque controversy. Smart kid!
And another thing ...
Sheep Give no Straight Answers
Fabio lent me this "Hey Hey Na Na (Kiss Him Goodbye) or whatever it's called. Not sure of the artist.
Crowd sings Lee Greenwood's "God Bless The USA," at the anti-mosque rally - 9/11/10
Woman leads crowd in chant ... No Mosque Here!
Woman speaks against mosque
Street conversation on sidewalk
49:10 - Jehovah's Witness on the controversy
Billy Cobham  Stratus   Favoriting Spectrum  Atlantic  1973  LP  Music behind Jehovah's Witness 
NY Gov. Paterson on the PBS Newshour, speaking about the mosque.
Oval Emotion  Go Go (Deep Destruction Dub)   Favoriting Go Go b/w Lies  Hi-Bias  1991  LP  Music behind man speaking about Culturalism 
Man claims issue to be Culturalist
Emboldened Jihadists
Allah Akbar!
51:45 - Street Preacher
Internal Issue
Artist Not Listed  Excerpt   Favoriting The Guiding Light - Four Chapters from the Long Running Soap Opera  Golden Age  1977  LP  Good Campers 
She Doesn't Want To Get Involved
She Doesn't Want To Get Involved
Man Claims Longshoremen Would Have Cleaned House on the Mosque
Memories of 9/11
America Is Finished
Left-Wing Infiltration
Where's the Middle-Ground?
Nobody Says Anything Anymore!
Burn the Koran
Nalin and Kane  Beachball (Tall Paul Remix)   Favoriting   FFRR  1997  12"  Music behind man 
Crowd sings the national anthem at end of anti-mosque rally - 9/11/10
Closing Comments - Clay Pigeon
Valjean  Naked City   Favoriting The Theme From Ben Casey  Carlton  '60's  LP  Closing music 
  That's it for another episode of The Dusty Show. Thank you very much for listening and for reading all of this. This show was a lot of work to assemble, but also enjoyable, as I was given the opportunity to take part in a huge NYC event of great importance. The energy and intensity of 9/11 at the former WTC site is palpable and affords a psuedo-journalist like me an excellent chance to get in there and get some real emotion and history on tape. I hope you enjoyed it and that you'll continue to tune it. I really appreciate your continued support. As you probably know by now, I love to hear from you, the listener. Please drop me an e-mail and tell me what city you live in (or near) - what you think of the program and what you think of the world you live in. Your input and ideas are important to me and give me the inspiration to keep doing new shows. Thanks again and, until next time, take care ... and always remember!

Clay Pigeon - NYC


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