Kenny G's Hour of Pain playlist | 09.16.10 ![]()
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> Kenny G | Hour of Pain![]()
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7:00pm : Chicago's horn section isn't *that* bad.7:01pm : *click*7:03pm : This episode brought to you by the Colon.7:04pm : Any queefs in the arsenal?7:06pm : Good thing no buildings play FMU as elevator music. That would make for some embarrassing shared rides.7:07pm : No pushing! You cheated!!!!7:08pm : It's got a nice beat, and I can dance to it.7:09pm : You're welcome. I produced this.7:10pm : Wow!!! Someone is having an attack of gastritis!7:10pm : I thought he said hour of FAUST. boy was I wrong7:11pm : Woah the "The Chinese Firecracker Fart"! I commend your taste.7:11pm : My wife and I look forward to 7 PM Thursdays, this is where the lucky one of us will end up being tied with restraints to the bed, having a leather BDSM hood put over the chosen ones head who is about to endure, close the window shades, turn the lights out ... while turning the sound up to the max for the Hour of Pain. Thursday is our day, our day to to explore the heights of aural pain as only Kenny can provide it.
Thank you Master KG!!!!7:12pm : For gods sake! Somebody open a window!!! Your killing me!!!7:12pm : OK nobody else said it, so I guess I have to... this show STINKS!7:13pm : What's the radio equivalent of smellivision?7:13pm : That's sound like me after my breackfast at mc donalds:)7:13pm : Fart proudly.7:13pm : ummm... how about "smell"?7:14pm : This is actually god for me! I'm on the bowl moving my bowels right now:)7:14pm : Adding CO2 to the world since 19547:15pm : At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out
through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual,
fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse
full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big
fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of
tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole.
It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one
out of her. I think I would know Nora's fart anywhere. I think I could
pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish
noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It
is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun
in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her
farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.7:16pm : ...can't wait to download this in the archives7:16pm : I missed those 1909 letters when I burned the other vile ones.7:17pm : did someone mention a horn section earlier?7:17pm : I just don't get no respect!7:17pm : Ahhhhhhhh:) I'm tempted to say that:)7:18pm : hehehehehe He said "down load" hehehehe7:19pm : Woah, did somebody step on a duck?7:19pm : My butt is singing along as we speak7:20pm : I can't tell if these farts are all different, like snowflakes, or have we revisited some already?7:21pm : My doctor would say too much eggs and potatoes in your diet!7:22pm : It's the warm ones you have to really watch out for...7:22pm : Open a window somebody!!! I don't care if hurricane Earl is outside!!!7:22pm : By the way... why are we all listening to this?7:23pm : Whose are these? Collected by one person? Or voluntarily contributed by various people till Kenny reached (dare I say) a critical mass?7:23pm : Lovin the show!7:23pm : Gastritis! Of a 54 year old adult male with hemorrhoids7:23pm : They sound synthetic to me...7:24pm : You shall hear from my attorneys Monsieur G!7:25pm : Somebody call in a case of preparation H!!!7:25pm : Poor bastard died of a massive fart attack.7:25pm : It's Art with an "F"!7:26pm : After that much discharge! Get ready to have your busted piles sewed up!!!7:26pm : needs some delay.7:27pm : Anal Magic!7:27pm : The dialogue is a little simplistic.7:27pm : Best Show EVER!!7:28pm : No! no! that's anal torture!7:28pm : Kenny, stop holding back; you'll rupture yourself.
Let it go!7:29pm : I'm my dad was around he would say "I'm gonna shove a cork up your butt"7:29pm : Those wet ones are scary.7:30pm : What's that smell?
Kenny G!
What's that smell?
Kenny G!
What's that smell?
Kenny G!7:30pm : Could you aim those farts at the wind turbine! We could light up San francisco!7:31pm : That sounded more like a lawn trimmer!7:31pm : For a year!!!7:32pm : Kenny G's Hour of Poot7:32pm : Ohhh that was a bad one! Time for a Chang of underwear!7:33pm : Definitely downloading the archive of this show...7:34pm : This is not quite a black mark, but definitely a skid mark on the history of the radio medium.7:35pm : Kenny g's hour of bleeding hemmroids!7:39pm : Can someone stutter-fart? Did I just hear one?7:39pm : Kenny g is going to be on opera saying "the doctor sewed my butt closed. As a matter of public health"7:39pm : Can you dedicate the next one to my girlfriend?7:39pm : Kenny, if you're taking requests I'd like to hear the "The Hic-Hachoo-Fart Fart" please. Thank you.7:40pm : Pull my finger!!!7:40pm : Yeah baby yeah!! IRS fartadelic man!!!7:41pm : We've been farting along with Kenny G. It's shows like this that bring the family closer together.7:41pm : We can hear the silent but deadly ones in between the ones you humans can hear.7:43pm : For gods sake man get a COLONIC7:45pm : Well that one pair of pants they are going to have to call on the nuclear emergency team with the rad suits!7:45pm : When's the intermission? I need a smoke.7:45pm : I'll have what she's having.7:46pm : You called?7:46pm : For God's sake, man, don't light that match!!!7:46pm : A prisoner on death row would rather take the electric chair then to handel those pants!!!7:47pm : You had me at pffffft.7:48pm : it Methane or Buttane gas?7:48pm : Have the paramedics on standby!7:48pm : We are patiently waiting to hear what Kenny will have to say for himself after this DISPLAY.7:48pm : You have to admit, it's better than Chicago Live at Carnegie Hall.7:48pm : Seriously perfect dinner music. I hope this is a four-parter.7:49pm : This is what it sounds like when doves pie.7:50pm : Kenny all traffic has Been cleared in your area. Were ready when you are!!!7:51pm : I contributed a few to this collection.7:51pm : You now gotta wonder what Kevin Nutt is thinking.7:52pm : this sounds extra good played alongside adam ant7:53pm : Kenny! Post pictures!7:53pm : Così fart tutte!7:54pm : Sound the EAS Kenny g will be leaving the building soon. All emergency services on standby7:54pm : Two people are farting together right now, at the same time.7:54pm : Hope you folks who really think this is great and wacky will make up for my lack of $donation$ next marathon, 'cause I ain't giving nothing if this is the kind of childish stuff you think is free-form and cutting edge. Good luck!7:56pm : I herby declare the WFMU studio a disaster area!!!7:56pm : Thanks Bill! I'm upping my pledge now. I hope this is Kenny G.'s premium this year.7:57pm : YES!!!! AND It COUNTS!!!7:58pm : God Bless America and free-form WFMU!7:58pm : you often ask yourself "what would someone think if they tuned in right now?" well, that just happened, and i must tell you, it was glorious7:58pm : Bill I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.7:59pm : Interesting. When Nat Roe interviewed Justice Yeldham aka Lucas Abela! - he was concerned at Justice's phrase - 'getting their shit together!' - how it might be offensive on air if it referred to defecating! Huh8:00pm : And God Bless You, Kenny G.!
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