Jewish Moments in the Morning with Nachum Segal: Playlist from August 9, 2010

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August 9, 2010: Guest: Dr. Stuart Ditchek

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Artist Track Album Label
Regesh  Modeh   Regesh Volume One  Regesh Productions 
Meir Sherman  Maasecha Hashem   Tomorrow  Tzahala Productions 
Lipa Schmeltzer  Splash   From the Depth of My Heart  Lipa Schmeltzer 
Yitzchak Fuchs  Mizmor L'Dovid   JM in the Am Live 2010  WFMU 
Yaakov Shwekey  Reu Banim   Libi Bamizrach  Project Productions 
Baruch Levine  Ki Hu   Choson Hatorah  Project Productions 
  0630 Break
Beri Weber  Der Vaiber   Be'Ezras  Meraked Productions 
Yaakov Daskal  Ana Avda   Shomea Tefila  L'chaim Productions 
Menucha  Kadosh   Shma  EG Productions 
Cast  Am Yisrael Chai   Pioneers for a Cure 
Dovid Stein  Ki Ata Hu   Melech  EG Productions 
  7am ET News [in Hebrew] from Israel
Aryeh Kunstler  Nachamu   Our Eyes are on You  Aryeh Kunstler 
Shimon Craimer  Nashir B'Yachad   Nashir b'Yachad  Shiru 
Shlomo Carlebach  Nachamu   Nachamu  Rare Productions 
  Nachum Segal speaks w/ Dr Stuart Ditchek re Kids of Courage (
Dovid Gabay  Nagila   Omar Dovid   
Menachem Herman  Sweet Home Jerusalem   Sweet Home Jerusalem  Menachem Herman 
  8am Break
Avraham Fried  Lo Avo   Live in Israel  Avraham Fried 
Chaim Dovid  Hashem Tzevakot   Chaim Dovid and The Good News Bearers  Chaim Dovid 
Yaakov Shwekey  Libi Bamizrach   Libi Bamizrach  Yochi Briskman Productions 
Mordechai Ben David  Es Achai   Kulam Ahuvim  MBD Music 
Sandy Shmuely  Ki Tov   Ki Tov  Sandy Shmuely 
Yehuda Green  My Rebbe's Nigun   Yearning  Yehuda Green 
Aryeh Kunstler  Mi Camocha   Our Eyes are on You  Aryeh Kunstler 
Yeshiva Boys Choir  Shabchi   Shabechi  EG Productions 
Menucha  Shma   Shma  EG Productions 
Moshav Band  Haazinu   Dancing in a Dangerous World  Moshav Music 
IDF Orchestra  Hatikva   We Are One  CBS Records 
Nachum Segal speaks w/ Dr Stuart Ditchek re Kids of Courage ( (Listen to this set: Pop-up)

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