Jewish Moments in the Morning with Nachum Segal: Playlist from July 28, 2010

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July 28, 2010: Ayoob Kara and Chaim "Lobo" Silber

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Artist Track Album Label
Regesh  Modeh   Regesh Volume One  Regesh Productions 
Baruch Levine  Ki Hu   Choson Hatorah  Project Productions 
Safam  Nachamu   The Greater Scheme of Things  Safam 
Yeshiva Boys Choir  Oz V'Hodor   Shmoy  EG Productions 
David Dardashti  Yibone   The Return  SAP 
Beri Weber  Chazak   Veharev  TEEM Productions 
Gershon Veroba  Time to Come Home   Second Impressions  Town 6 Entertainment 
Yaakov Shwekey  Ovinu   Ad Bli Dai  Project Productions 
Shloime Gertner  Mehaira   Nisim  TEEM Productions 
Yeedle  Min Hametzar   Lev Echad   
Breslov Bar Band  Kumi Roni   Have No Fear 
  7am ET News [in Hebrew] From Israel
Mordechai Ben David  Es Achai   Kulam Ahuvim  MBD Music 
C Lanzbom  Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena   by the wake of the moon  Desert Rock 
Shloimie Taussig  Lashem   Single   
Avraham Rosenblum  Im Eshkachech   Ushmuel Bekorei Shmo  Shirei Shmuel 
  Morning Chizuk w/ Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser
  Nachum Segal speaks w/ MK Ayoob Kara
Shuli Natan  Yerushalayim Shel Zahav   The Very Best of Israel   
  8am Break
Baruch Levine  Samchem   Choson Hatorah  Project Productions 
Yaakov Shwekey  Ma Ma   A Time For Music 22  HASC 
Yerachmiel Begun and The Miami Boys Choir  Baavoor   Yavo  Yerachmiel Begun 
Elyon  Seu Yideichem   Elyon   
Sherwood Goffin  The Little Bird   Neshomo  Sherwood Goffin 
Uri Buskila  Hebron   Hebron  Hebron Fund 
Yoni Shlomo  Shehecheyanu   Tracht Gut  Moshe Laufer 
  Nachum Segal speaks w/ Chaim "Lobo" Silber
Shlomo Katz  Od Yishoma   Malei Olam  Shlomo Katz 
IDF Orchestra  Hatikva   We Are One  CBS Records 
Nachum Segal speaks w/ MK Ayoob Kara (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Nachum Segal speaks w/ Chaim "Lobo" Silber (Listen to this set: Pop-up)

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