Jewish Moments in the Morning with Nachum Segal: Playlist from July 16, 2010

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July 16, 2010: Nachum Segal speaks w/ Malcolm Hoenlein (1:59);Rabbi Yudin (2:23)

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Artist Track Album Label
Regesh  Modeh   Regesh Volume One  Regesh Productions 
  Rabbi Berel Wein: Women of Vision: Sarah Schenirer
  7am ET News [in Hebrew] from Israel
  Rabbi Berel Wein: Women of Vision: Dona Gracia Beatrice Mendez
  Nachum Segal speaks w/ Malcolm Hoenlein (1:59)
  Rabbi Yudin: Shabbat Chazon/Parashat Devarim (2:23)
Journeys  It's Time to say Good Shabbos   Journeys  M and M 
IDF Orchestra  Hatikva   We Are One  CBS Records 
Nachum Segal Presents Rabbi Berel Wein: Women of Vision: Sarah Schenirer (part 1) (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Nachum Segal Presents Rabbi Berel Wein: Women of Vision: Sarah Schenirer (part 2) (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Nachum Segal presents Rabbi Berel Wein: Women of Vision: Dona Gracia Beatrice Mendez (part 1) (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Nachum Segal conducts the Weekly Update with Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Nachum Segal presents Rabbi Benjamin Yudin who called in live from Israel to deliver words on the Torah Portion of the Week (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Nachum Segal presents Rabbi Berel Wein: Women of Vision: Dona Gracia Beatrice Mendez (part 2) (Listen to this set: Pop-up)

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