Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from June 4, 2010 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting June 4, 2010: Put the Needle On The Retro 80's technology: feat. Jason Bitner, Dave Tompkins, & Felix Visser + an interview with Frank Nitt

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Billy + Bryce  Post Primavera Preemption Talking World War III Robert Zimmerman meets Bryce Talkin Blues   Favoriting   Motherboard FX Records  2010    *    
Tone Tank  Tone Tank for Burrough President   Favoriting           0:03:53 (Pop-up)
Coolzey (WORLD PREMIERE)  Faces of Death   Favoriting Search for the Hip-Hop Hearts He's The DJ I'm The Rapper (summer 2010 free mp3 series)    2010    *   0:06:44 (Pop-up)
Bush Babies  3 MC's (feat. Q Tip)   Favoriting           0:10:14 (Pop-up)
Homeboy Sandman  Yeah But I Can Rhyme Though (produced by Ski Beatz)   Favoriting The Good Sun    2010    *   0:14:09 (Pop-up)
Coolzey  Do   Favoriting Search for the Hip-Hop Hearts He's The DJ I'm The Rapper (summer 2010 free mp3 series)      This is song #4 that was held over from last week....other one played earlier is this week's new song - These are avail for free download on Free Music Archives as well as three other sites and get their radio premiere here each week on this show on this station    0:17:17 (Pop-up)
Tobacco  Fresh (feat Beck)   Favoriting           0:21:32 (Pop-up)
kraftwerk  Pocket Calculator   Favoriting           0:22:37 (Pop-up)
Zapp & Roger  Computer Love   Favoriting           0:27:48 (Pop-up)
Cybotron  cosmic car   Favoriting           0:32:25 (Pop-up)
gary numan and tubeway army  cars   Favoriting           0:34:22 (Pop-up)
L'Trimm  Cars That Go Boom   Favoriting           0:35:42 (Pop-up)
Zeus  Held It   Favoriting            
Brain  D.I.X.O.   Favoriting            
Escape From New York  Slow Beat   Favoriting     1983       
?atist unknown  Dreams of Animals   Favoriting            
Felix Visser               
Ramsey 2C:3D  Fly guy and the unemployed   Favoriting            
Matrix  deaf beats   Favoriting            
NAME THIS SONG????          HINT it is Japanese     
2 Live Crew               
The Springers  Every night and day   Favoriting            

Music behind DJ:
Frank Nitt 

go girl   Favoriting






Frank Nitt  WFMU interview   Favoriting            

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Listener comments!

Billy Jam:

Welcome to the post Primevera preempted show. This show is preempted by the spirit of Robert Zimmerman who told me in a dream that the retro technology don't work cause the vandals took the handles. Really doe! But I digress. How are YOU? How the hell are you feeling now that summer (at least in the NY/NJ area) has truly kicked in? More importantly can you help a brotha' out and, in the spirit of today's retro technology show, post in these here comments what you think the you in 1985 (assuming you are 25 or older - but even if you are not, it doesn't matter here in the theater of the mind of the medium of radio) would say to you today of the myriad of available high-speed new technology in 2010? Or alternately, when you think back to early to mid eighties technology (telephone answering machines, bulky calculators, Walkmans, PacMan, Commodore 64 and Apple II computers. etc.), what do you miss and long for (if at all) about those pre-WiFi, pre-iShit, pre-online Social Networking etc. etc. days? Hmmmmmmm? Please do share.....pretty please.
Billy Jam:

PT Two of my COMMENTS intro since you, like me, suffer from ADD (hey, that rhymes!). Today is the second last show of this WFMU season. Next week (June 11) will be the Fourth Annual WFMU Graffiti Special. Meanwhile coming in today is Jason Bitner; the co-founder of Found magazine and the editor of last year's popular anthology of nostalgic stories about mix tapes "Cassette From My Ex: Stories and Soundtracks of Lost Loves," who was a guest on both this show and Seven Second Delay. Jason recently launched the wonderfully engaging website (and possible future book) "How I Met Your Motherboard: Tales of Early Computing" (www.howimetyourmotherboard.com) which complies firsthand stories centered around such 1980's computers as Commodore 64s and Apple IIs. I will ask him about many things (suggest your questions too) including what gives with his fascination with the past? Also coming into the WFMU studios this afternoon will be Dave Tompkins; author of the recently published, exhaustively researched "How To Wreck A Nice Beach: The Vocoder From World War II to Hip-Hop, the Machine Speaks." Dave, who I know from years ago when we both used to regularly write for the BOMB hip-hop magazine, will talk on the topic of vocoders - an instrument that he knows inside out and can talk on every aspect of for days. Also phoning in from the Netherlands will be Felix Visser the founder & president of the Dutch company Synton that in the 70's and 80's manufactured the Syntovox vocoders; a type of vocodor favored by Wendy Carlos among other musicians. And then in the last half hour there will be an interview with Frank Nitt of Frank-n-Dank fame and longtime J-Dilla association. The Detroit emcee, who recently relocated to LA and just released the six song EP "Jewels In My Backpack" on Delicious Vinyl, will talk about LA vs. Detroit, J-Dilla's legacy, and the future of Frank-n-Dank.
Laura Heywood:

It’s 1994; I’m 15 and going through puberty. This means, of course, that I am simultaneously struggling to feel understood, immersing myself in rock & roll, and spending the rest of my free time obsessing about boys. And unlike the teens who’ve come of age before me, I have access to a brand new tool that promotes my ability to do all three: a miracle computer program by the name of Prodigy.
I’ve learned from aunt Cappy, who knows such things, that Prodigy is a system of “message boards” that can be accessed and “posted on” by anyone using a computer connected to a phone line. I can’t picture this at all (am I supposed to plug the computer into a phone jack instead of an electrical outlet?), but she sets it up for me. Now, I’m not just Laura Heywood of Oakland, CA; I am also KSHG11D – the handle assigned to me along with my shiny new Prodigy account. (There’s no such thing as a “username” in 1994.)
I set out immediately to find the music boards. I’m obsessed with a local Berkeley band that has just released their first major label CD: the Counting Crows. Is there a message board dedicated to their music? I type, click, wait patiently for the screen to load… and I find it. There is!!!
My first post is titled “Favorite Counting Crows Song” and I write a thousand-word dissertation on Perfect Blue Buildings. I push a button and realize with exhilaration that I’m now a published writer! I stare at the screen, waiting for someone to comment or respond. Before anyone does, Mom comes in and tells me to go to bed.
After school the next day, I run to my parents’ bedroom and wait for the Apple Macintosh to boot up so I can check my replies. One stands out: it’s from a boy my age in Washington, DC. He tells me that in addition to Counting Crows, he loves Live, Hootie & the Blowfish, and the Grateful Dead. He plays football, has a golden retriever puppy, and even sings and writes his own songs on the guitar.
His name is Christof and we’re soon spending hours composing public messages to each other on these Prodigy boards. We calculate the time difference and set dates so we can both be sitting in front of our green-tinted computer screens at the same time, synchronizing our CD players so we can analyze new albums track-by-track in real time. Sometimes we write parallel critiques at the same moment, and I just know that we are dissolving into fits of simultaneous laughter when they post.
Via this electronic/ telephonic/ futuristic connection, Christof brings me exactly what I lack in my face-to-face relationships: the ability to feel understood, no matter how weird or vulnerable I get. We’ve never been in the same timezone, let along the same room, but I feel closer to him than anyone else in my life. I may be tying up the family phone line, but I’m also freeing myself from the overwhelming loneliness of youth.
Christof and I stay in touch for just over a year. Prodigy has upped its fees, and my parents decide it isn’t worth it any more (plus there’s this new phenomenon called America Online that’s starting to catch on, which supposedly allows its users to actually send each other private messages at no extra charge!). For a while, we keep in touch via paper letters; but as we get more comfortable in our bodies and in our real-life social lives, little by little our need for each other wanes. We lose touch right around the time I get my drivers license.
A decade later, I find Christof on Friendster and technology connects us once again. We are both now living in New York, and decide to meet in person for the first time. Over sushi in the East Village, I’m touched to learn that his memories are as glowing and affectionate as mine.
As it turns out, Christof is scheduled to move to San Francisco just a few days after our dinner. I’m bummed (of course I’d imagined that we might fall in love and have the most romantic story ever to tell at our wedding), but I can tell that we are forever joined by a connection made years ago, through our love of music and a series of computer chips and telephone wires. And you know what? I still think of him every time I hear the Counting Crows.
(c/o howimetyourmotherboard.com)
Peter Smith:

My parents were relatively early adopters–we got our first computer, an IBM PCjr, in 1984, when I was two, and I quickly got totally fixated on it. I was a pretty inward kid, often drifting off into imaginary worlds. I also wasn’t very athletic. The computer was one place where I had total control, so it’s no wonder that I spent as many hours in front of it as my parents would allow.

By fourth grade I had programmed a bunch of simple games in BASIC and Pascal, and I considered it a serious indignity that my school computer room was still stocked with by-then clunky Apple IIs. (I complained about this loudly and often; luckily, I went to a pretty progressive school, so my classmates teased me affectionately instead of taking the opportunity to invent new kinds of wedgies.)

Obsolete equipment aside, I still loved computer class, which in those early days of popular computing basically meant 45 minutes of futzing around on the Apples under the supervision of a not-very-computer-savvy teacher. My favorite Apple software was LOGO, the “educational” programming language. Though I really wasn’t any kind of tech wizard, I still found LOGO’s limitations kind of insulting. But even I had to admit it was fun to play with. Whatever my proto-hacker-ethic principles about doing everything the hard way, I really liked the immediacy of the language. You could easily edit together bitmap graphics and add simple instructions for animation.

With characteristic obsessiveness, I started spending my computer classes assembling a cartoon epic called Supercat. Supercat was a cat with a cape. He had a friend named Turbo Turtle; there was also some kind of rabbit, but I can’t seem to remember its name. Actually, at this point, I can’t remember much about Supercat, period. I know that he first appeared standing on a brick wall, which I’d composed by making a brick graphic tile and STAMPing it eight times, in a four-by-two grid. He ran along the wall, then hurtled into the air at a 45-degree angle, wavering up and down with his cape flapping in the digital breeze.

But I can’t say with any certainty what he did once he landed. I have this vague recollection of animating an explosion, which suggests that Supercat had it out with some kind of antagonist, but who would that antagonist be? (Turbo Turtle? But that would be madness!) Anyway, it went on for a long time. I occasionally even begged out of recess to stay inside and animate more.

Eventually I guess the whole thing reached a high enough level of ambition to justify mean-spirited parody, which my best friend gleefully provided in the form of a LOGO animation called Stupidcat. Stupidcat had a friend named Turbo Turdball. I’m not sure what kind of abusive handle he foisted on the unfortunate rabbit, but it was enough to rob the world of a budding artist who could’ve been the Cecil B. DeMille of LOGO animation.

+ + + + +
(c/o howimetyourmotherboard.com)
Andrew Huff:

For a little while in the early 1980s, my dad was on the cutting edge of technology. Mind you, this is a man who prided himself on being early to the “grunge look” in the mid-’90s simply because corduroys, flannel and layers were and still are his usual garb — he knew if he waited around long enough it would be in fashion. He still clings to his AOL account and has trouble using Google if he doesn’t get there from AOL first. But still, for a little while, he was right there on the cutting edge. My evidence for this is the Kaypro II which graced our dining room table for stretches of 1984 and ‘85.

The Kaypro II was not the first but the second “portable computer.” I use that term loosely, of course. It was more portable than the average PC at the time, by virtue of its being encased in a heavy-gauge aluminum box with a handle on the back. To use it, you would unclip two latches to reveal the keyboard in the sort of lid that hinged down, while the nine-inch black-and-green screen (large for its time!) and two 5-1/4″ floppy drives — one for the operating system, the other for a program. My dad had purchased it a year or two earlier for his fledgling PR firm, and when we moved to the new house in ‘84 it didn’t make it to his office right away.

I had already seen a couple of larger computers — or “mainframes” — at school, so my dad let me play around with the Kaypro a little, just for fun. Because this thing was so rugged, there was little damage I could have done, short of mangling the OS floppy disc or pouring juice into the keyboard — although even that might not have done anything serious.

It came to pass that the Kaypro had a couple of games. (I nearly called them videogames, but seeing as how the Kaypro II was capable only of text, the term just doesn’t seem right.) I’m certain there was more than one, but the only one I recall ever playing was Zork. Zork was special because in the limited pantheon of the handful of games my dad had, it was the only one that had a flashy intro. And by flashy, I mean whoever programmed it had a sense of humor. The green all-caps writing on the screen told me I was in a large, dark cavern, and nearby there was a lantern. And then I would get killed by something. Usually a “grue.”

Early adopters who remember Zork might be saying, “Wait, that’s not how it started!” They’d be right, as the standard version of Zork began with a house and mailbox with a leaflet and all that. But not my version. The game must have been supplied by my uncle, who was an ubergeek and an amateur- soon to become professional- computer programmer. My guess is that he’d hacked the game to skip the perfunctory introduction to get to the good stuff. (You could do that in those days — just open up the code and mess around. All it took was some basic programming knowledge.) While that may have been great for him, it sucked for me. Without a leaflet explaining, however vaguely, what was going on, and without much idea of what I was supposed to accomplish, I never got very far. If I didn’t pick up the lantern quickly enough, I’d be eaten by a grue! Even if I did grab the lantern, chances were high that I’d be killed upon my first encounter with a troll. I don’t think I ever got farther than a few steps down the trail before dying.

Despite the game being nearly impossible, I was fascinated. My parents probably relished the hour or two that the game held me spellbound, trying to comprehend what was going on on screen. A couple years later when I received my first personal computer as my sixth grade graduation gift (another obscure model: the Laser 128, an Apple IIc clone — this time with an *amber* screen), I got some games with it, including a football game and chess, but they just didn’t hold the same appeal.

The Laser was relegated to word processor duty most of the time, and was mostly abandoned in favor of my mom’s new Windows computer and something called AOL by the time I got to high school. But those hours spent staring at a green screen, trying to figure out which way to walk that wouldn’t get me murdered immediately… I’m really tempted to go dig the old Kaypro out of my parents’ basement and fire Zork up for one last time. Now the Internet can help me keep from being eaten.(c/o of HowImetyourmoterboard.com)

Homegrown New Jersey artist SNOW, started as a student of graffiti and street art. His early works and influences came from his time spent with various graffiti legends from Paterson, NJ to the Bronx, NY. He has an immense body of work that spans 3 decades. From his bombing days in the 80's to his production work in the 90's, and his mixed mediums of the new century, SNOW continues to push the bar with his versatility. His ability to challenge himself and try innovative styles while maintaining a distinct feel to his work, has entertained and inspired graffiti writers and artists worldwide.

SNOW has worked for Todd McFarlane, creator of Spawn, as a painter and designer of action figures, play sets, and environments. He has created stage sets, props, album covers and backdrops for numerous music industry icons: Will Smith, Wu Tang Clan, Gangstarr, Mobb Deep and Chris Brown to name a few. His work and career is frequently featured in periodicals including Time and People magazine. He currently operates Fly Dragon Studio where he is creating a series of graffiti and hip hop inspired comic books. With this series, titled TALES from the MIST™, SNOW hopes to expand his influence into a new realm!


The Paul Vincent Gallery is committed to bringing high quality art and entertainment to the City

Of Hoboken. The team at Paul Vincent Gallery strives to continue building a community of people who celebrate culture and an appreciation for the arts. In addition to exhibitions, the gallery hosts live model drawing sessions every Tuesday night and offers its space up as a photo rental studio. The space is close to 2000sqft and is located at 49 Harrison Street, Hoboken, NJ. For more information please contact paulvincentstudios@gmail.com.
Geoff Rantala:

Wish I could listen live tlater oday.. but if you can ask Jason Bitner if he's got anything on the Commodore PET thanks
Bad Ronald:

Ballad of the Jam Man!!!

beefcorn again?

i could totally go for a $2 slice of brooklyn pizza and can of soda right now
north guinea hills:

I'd vote for Tone Tank over Markowitz.

The Series of Tubes would impress my about-to-get-married 1985 self, but I think that other aspects of the 21st Century would be of greater interest. "All of the major sports stadiums are named after big corporations?" I'd say. "*All* of them?? And the major news organizations say whatever Repubican government officials want them to? And envoronmental pollution is not the fault of the corporations that cause it but of the federal government for imposing the lax regulations that the corporations themselves demanded?? And what in God's name is 'Lost'??"

holy crap, there's a lot of writing here.

And I sold a hell of a lot of that calculator as a phone rep at a college bookstore. Oy.
north guinea hills:

Parq is welcomed on my lawn. (albeit, i was rocking the 4 square court in 1985)

*disclaimer, my lawn in concrete (dern BK )

computer world... one of my desert island discs.


If you have "Cosmic Cars" by Cybotron, I will explode from happiness.

Shooby do wop a do wop i wanna luv u shooby do wop a do wop computer love

north guinea hills:

Cleans Cecile's durma mater off my face.
Bad Ronald:

Sound and Vision by Bowie... just sayin.

Ken From Hyde Park:

Hey, it's the guy from Primavera!

Hmm. Two former Hoof 'n' Mouth Finale classics in one day! (Hot Rod played "Vitamin C" this morning.)

ka-Bam, Billy Jam!

2010 chris misses the '85 chris's lack of career... more time with friends and the chalice... 2010 chris loves... loves.... loves... sitting here in Cali diggin' Billy Jam on the air in NJ... WFMU = 2010 Love
north guinea hills:

120 minute cassettes (when found)!
(still have a box of mix tapes from friends, etc) Used to make one a month for friends, girls, etc....

I have a whole flippin' card catalog of them. Even some blank tapes - does Clay Pigeon still need som e?

I think it was when the first computer geeks started having kids...

Nerds, weird science, war games... movies brought nerds out of the closet
north guinea hills:

I have a store of blank tapes. Still like to sample the old fashion way.

in 85, I had a mac plus. Started publishing political rags promoting legalization of cannabis, social democracy, green politics in general

wait, maybe it was an Apple ii at that point... I think the mac plus came along in 87

We had a Heathkit.

apple ii started my idea of using computers to create stuff, not just play... made programming accessible... made writing long documents easier...

There's an article in this month's The Word about the vocoder and the invention of the massive PA and how it all changed live music.

I still have my Mac SE!

I still have my comodore 64 with a tape drive. just hook it up to a tvr using the old type of back-tv connector. When the system loads you are in BASIC.
10 Print "Put the needle on the record"
20 GOTO 10
north guinea hills:

My father got a Commodore 64 in 1983, I remember it took almost an hour to load Halley's Comet (a huge astronomy exploration game) but only 10-15 to load the 1984 Olympics game.

We would buy a book with the code to write for a simple program. Then we would write the code for days and save it to a cassette tape. Then load the tape, both sides, and the program was loaded into RAM. Then you run it!

@scanner then you find out how many typos you had... either in the book, or by typing it in... I spent hours figuring out what the hell...
aaron in chicago:

I think I spent most of my Prodigy time just asking people what the time/weather was where they were. Because they were so far away!

So, aaron in chicago, what's the weather like. Wait, I'll find out faster on Google.
aaron in chicago:

I've been in a windowless office for hours so your source is probably more reliable than mine

2400 baud, baby.
My first academic publication was in the first volume of one of the first online scientific journals [of World Anthropology. then of World Systems ]. We consciously opened up and linked our tools, work, , and institutions towards finding more than the sum of those parts. Intarwebs ftw.

wasn't until the late 90's that I started to see a lot of women geeks at computer geek conferences... what a refreshing site it was... nice! but still far more men than women, and more white than not, sadly

Don't exclude PCs from this discussion. I worked for a small office that already had a DOS PC in 1984 and was making remarkably sophisticated use for it, even though it still had a dedicated Lanier terminal for word processing.

We have no Windows either, thank god.

Last weekend we had a conversation about how the Internet is god -- it knows everything.

how many hours did folks waste on alt usenet groups back in the days after prodigy? I remember my boss coming to me and asking why I was spending 8 hours on the modem every day... tee-hee...

I paid for AOL!

It all ended when it was unlimited.

I still do, too. $10 just for email. I'm going to be ending it soon. I have a hard time with change.
north guinea hills:

I remember getting Prodigy in 1989... and switching to AOL in 1994...wow.....tedious times.....

I remember those crazy numbered usernames on prodigy.

In a very real sense, I grew up with computers. My father worked for AT&T during the 80's and sometimes would take me to Bell Labs to make a big show of the wonders of technology. In that context computers were digital altars, incomprehensible conduits to a higher reality that only an elite priest-hood could have congress with. They were how the great powers looked ot the stars, walked the planets, read the weather and turned mere statistics into gold. Then when my elementary school a computer (singular) it was like a strange twisting of the order of things, like a jet fighter been loaned out so the kids could aspire to pilotting. The slide into banality just sped up over the decades; I somewhat miss the days when the big blinking boxes were uncanny and unknowable.

i read some press release recently that quoted a review from... get this... CompuServ.

also, someone at my job recently was wearing a very faded Ultimate Band List t-shirt

this is teh awesome.
You wouldn't happen to have "Menergy" by Patrick Cowley, wouldja Billy?
PBS Fanatic 12:

Billy, you know I need some Lenni Frazier "You Gotta Believe" in my life.

JillyBams - this is an awesome set!!!!

E.T, Smith, I recall those days - college classes done on punchcards, a computer taking up an entire floor...

Usenet passed me by even though I was at university during its heyday. I knew people who would spend hours in the computer centre Vaxing, but I couldn't see the attraction. I did play a LOT of video games at the time, though. My favourite was called Loderunner, which was a freebie. I had to delete it, and Tetris, because I would play for hours and, when I went to bed, I'd close my eyes and see the shapes on my eyelids.

ETS, everyone who is part of an elite group is disappointed when mass access develops. One day we'l wax nostalgic about the days of the WWW in 1993 and 1994, when the community was all oddballs and pornographers and major consumer corporations didn't even know what the Web was.

I remember having turntables with 16 rpm on them!

@LizGig, yep, absolutely loved LodeRunner and Tetris!
@Parq, agreed... and the major corporations still can't admit they learned how to do the web from a bunch of pornographers!
north guinea hills:

Switched on Bach (1968)

Like, don't call it a ...

hi there, dave tompkins!! your book is absolutely amazing, a true labor of love. love that mix you put online too!

Was Jeff Lynne using a vocoder on ELO's "Mr Blue Sky?"

Anyone know where to get/hear or info on the D.I.X.O. track?

Hoy cow, I just remembered, I'm seeing Wreckless Eric and Amy Rigby tonight, with McGinty and White opening, yet! Have a great night and weekend guys. Peace, Billy.
Bad Ronald:

Wreckless Eric, way cool Parq, enjoy!!!
foxy brown:

nice to have you back billyjam after your 2 week absence. we missed you!

@Chris, you wouldn't have a copy of LodeRunner that would work on a Mac SE, would you?

Hey, didn't Bobby Nunn's At the Mall have a vocoder on it to? Maybe I'm remembering it wrong.

I just jumped in through this vocoder loophole and am trying to catch up on all your killer posts about "vintage" computer technology. Love you people. hmmmm.....played lots of Intelivision and Atari in 5th grade while listening to Quiet Riot and Prince. No computer at home...just the Commodore 64 at school. Big ass clunky thing never sucked me in very much. I preferred the a.m. radio and boys. oh yeah....my favorite song was Computer Love--Roger & Zapp.
Ken From Hyde Park:

In high school (late '70s), I really wanted an LED wristwatch and when I finally got one, I dropped it about eight feet from the basketball bleachers about a month after I got it and it never worked right after that. That, and the school had a Radio Shack TRS-80. Oh yeah, and I had a digital alarm clock that had rolls of tape and a motor inside that would move the tape to a different number each minute.
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill, really enjoying the show tonight big up to your guests. Nice to hear Throw the D again. Great weather here in sunny Dub. Catch you soon. Peace, One Love

YEAH!!!! I LOVE me sum shouties!! Thank you Mr. WillyJellyMan. Holding it down as usual. WFMU forever!

@LizGig, naw, my mac plus finally died a few years ago... its all gone now...
north guinea hills:

phattabulous show as always! have a great weekend y'all!
Mal Ronaldo:

Kickin it a usual Mr. Yamz. Big thanks ta your guests and friends and especially you! Peace!
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