Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from May 7, 2010 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting May 7, 2010: Live from San Francisco's Gallery 16: feat DnZ, Griff Williams, Sonny Smith, Tommy Guerrero, DJ Quest, Albert Mathias, DJ Marz, Z-Man, H.O.P., + Mista B

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Year Comments New Approx. start time
DnZ _ Billy Jam Intro to a post Bryce party             
Hank Chanpion  from dud to stud from zero to zero   Favoriting 100 Records Vol 1  2010      0:04:39 (Pop-up)
Sonny Smith + Griff Willliams  interview   Favoriting         0:10:22 (Pop-up)
Zig Speck and the Spectones  last night on earth   Favoriting         0:26:55 (Pop-up)
Little Antoine & Sparrows  Do I remember me?   Favoriting         0:28:41 (Pop-up)
            0:29:57 (Pop-up)
E40  Its Gotta Get Betta (feat Mike Marshall + Suga T)   Favoriting Revenue Retriieven Day Shift  2010      0:30:53 (Pop-up)
The Mighty Underdogs  UFC Remix (Cuts By DJ Shadow)   Favoriting         0:34:16 (Pop-up)
            0:37:17 (Pop-up)
Foreign Legion  Piano Banger   Favoriting         0:38:53 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Tommy Guerrero 

interview   Favoriting





0:45:16 (Pop-up)
DnZ  Live Freestyle on WFMU   Favoriting         0:56:09 (Pop-up)
Tommy Guerrero  live guitar & loops WFMU session   Favoriting         0:58:09 (Pop-up)
            1:03:11 (Pop-up)
            1:03:36 (Pop-up)
RBL Posse  dont gimme no bammer weed   Favoriting         1:17:07 (Pop-up)
Paris  get fired up   Favoriting         1:18:47 (Pop-up)
Mochipet  get your whiste wet   Favoriting         1:24:14 (Pop-up)
            1:24:41 (Pop-up)
Amp Live  Gary Is A Robot feat. Micro Jaxson & Trackademicks   Favoriting         1:27:01 (Pop-up)
DJ Quest + Albert Mathias + DJ Marz  Live WFMU freestyle @ Gallery 16   Favoriting         1:34:16 (Pop-up)
DJ Quest + Albert Mathias + DJ Marz + H.O.P.            1:42:47 (Pop-up)
            1:50:07 (Pop-up)
DJ Quest + Albert Mathias + DJ Marz + DnZ            2:00:55 (Pop-up)
        pics     2:04:32 (Pop-up)
DJ Quest + Albert Mathias + DJ Marz + H.O.P.            2:06:35 (Pop-up)
            2:06:51 (Pop-up)
Marz vs Albert            2:14:46 (Pop-up)
            2:14:53 (Pop-up)
Mista B            2:27:43 (Pop-up)
Mista B DnZ Marz            2:34:10 (Pop-up)
Quest vs DnZ            2:36:54 (Pop-up)
Coolzey  Enjoy Your Holiday (DJ Quest live WFMU scratch remix)   Favoriting   2010  Check out thing about this posted on Beware of the BLog earlier today  *   2:38:46 (Pop-up)
Z-Man  live in the gurp city   Favoriting         2:43:34 (Pop-up)
Quest vs DnZ            2:57:09 (Pop-up)
Barry Manilow  cocacabana   Favoriting         2:59:15 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Billy Jam:

On today's WFMU live from Frisco show Z-Man, DJ Quest, Albert Mathias, DJ Marz, DnZ, Tommy Guerrero, Sonny Smith, Griff Williams are among the guests while tracks being played include world premiere of Coolzey's "Enjoy Your Holiday" + new E40 single + classic pre-Charisma, 1992 Peanut Butter Wolf production (when he was called Chris Cut). Also many other folks expected to stop thru. It is open to the public for free. Gallery 16 (great exhibit "100 Records" on display) at 501 Third (@ Bryant) in San Francisco. Noon to 3pm local West Coast time. Back in Jersey City at the WFMU HQ 3 to 6pm.

Yeah! Billy Jam!

If there are any WFMUers out there near Providence, RI, this weekend is the premier of the Banksy Documentary "Exit Through the Gift Shop". It's playing Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the Cable Car Cinema (http://www.cablecarcinema.com/).

Happy Friday.
Bad Ronald:

Hey everyone, happy Friday!

@ FMS - RE:Banksy - did you hear about this?


Thanks for the info, BR! Can you imagine receiving that in the mail?

Sounds great Billy!
Elvis Presbyterian:

I really dug the "no sex" song, but it may need more details. Does the character suffer from involuntary celibacy due to shyness/aversion to people, or is it more of a medical issue? Lack of libido? No response to ED meds? Fun song anyway.
dc pat:

guy I knew back in PA built a half-pipe in his mom's back yard (82 or so?). The tops of it could be seen over the top of the house from the street. It was massive. Scared hell out of me.

100 thanks to the artist and the DJ. It's great to be able to see some of this art and hear this music and interview. It's amazing!

VIlly Yams! Tommy Guerrero!

Tommy Guerrero, your records showed up on my Pandora on my funk instrumental station . I dig 'em,
Sean Daily:

Not even close to first comment! Woo hoo!
north guinea hills:

Shizite, i remember the tommy guerrero articles in thrasher in the 80's. This is really nice guitar works.
north guinea hills:

my grammar sucks, "These are really nice guitar works."

I wish Jackie Feathers and Carol Darger with the Concrete Prairie Band existed. It looks like something Tony Coulter would play.
north guinea hills:

For reals! Cecile. Carol Darger could be Henry Darger's long lost estranged sister, and jackie could be charlie feathers blind adopted son.
Tall Paul:

Yo Tommy thanks for the amazing guitar playing I really enjoyed the cool and laid back rhythms. Peace, One Love
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

What up peeps?! Nice sounds on the guitar Tommy. Thanks for being an inspiration to me during my skateboarding days in the 80's.

now what is "endo"? We used to call Percodan "endo" in the 80s because that was what was printed on the pills. (I never took any - someone gave me some and I flushed 'em.)

a way of saying "indoor"

as in where it's grown

ah, got it.
Tall Paul:

Article in a paper here in Dublin: NWA Biopic is Straight Outta Hollywood.
Andrea Berloff Journalist and screenwriter of World Trade Centre, has been assigned to write Straight Outta Compton the biopic of NWA
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

"Quest represent, represent......!"
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Andrew there in spirit!!
Billy Jam:

Next week's show should be a goodie - Pioneering cut-and-paste, hip-hop recording artist & regular WFMU contributor Steinski, who in the early '80s along with Double Dee crafted the highly influential, sample-based, sound collage "Lessons" series, revisits the WFMU studios after returning to the States fresh from from his latest European tour for an interview and live studio set. Also in the studio will be WFMU DJ and former president of Tommy Boy Records Monica Lynch to talk about the history of one of hip-hop's most important record labels.
matt phunkin 1:

sup peoples..rip that shit....
Bad Ronald:

Billy Jam you have got to hold the FMU record of most LIVE music air time and that is why you are my man! I am a fan, thanks!!!

Damn, week after week, Put the Needle is the perfect soundtrack to take me out of work and into the wknd.
matt phunkin 1:

is there a cam?
Bad Ronald:

Damn straight SiHV I hope Brian doesn't mess with PTNotR's slot!
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

I wish there was a camera. I'm sitting here bobbing my head to this! :-)
Billy Jam:

no Matt - no camera this week -sorry but I am shooting short clips that I will upload to YouTube and then embed on this plalylist later today

Sweet Billy.. Must be hot in that room.. Damn sounds so good.. I wanna be there!!!! Sup everyone...
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

What up Matt Onerrrrrrrrrr!!!!?

Sup Alf !!! How's the Subie??:)
Mattskee Beat:

is albert on drums?
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

The Subie is running oh so lovely! Thanks! Yup that's Albert!

HARD SHIT fellas....
Billy Jam:

Coming up in the next 20 minutes is a WFMU radio world premiere from emcee Coolzey.
Talented emcee Coolzey, who for the past several months on WFMU has been supplying the radio station's Jason Sigal (link) with a steady stream of MP3's of his hip-hop music to download on the FMA (Free Music Archives), has just unveiled a unique new project this week. The Iowa emcee who hates capitalism and loves giving away music for free has titled this new free music series Coolzey and the Search for the Hip Hop Hearts Volume I: He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper, and every week for he next twelve he will drop a new song recorded with a different hip-hop producer that will be premiered on radio on WFMU each Friday (at least until mid-June) on Put The Needle On The Record and will be available for free download every Tuesday via Rap Reviews, Adam's World, Above Ground Magazine. And of course these songs will be available each week on the FMA.
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Is that DnZ tapping the little melody?! NICE

is that Marz picking his nose?
Ah yeah @ Gallery 16:

Mista B in the hizzhouse reppin 4OneFunk

damn so many ill folks in one room. I need to be there,
Tall Paul:

Really loving this wonderful amazing Funky Fresh Scratching, Can I hear that Funky Fresh Scratching all day? Funky Fresh Scratching to get you itching for the scratch:-)
Tall Paul:

Really loving this wonderful amazing Funky Fresh Scratching, Can I hear that Funky Fresh Scratching all day? Funky Fresh Scratching to get you itching for the scratch:-)

Wonderful !!!!!!
north guinea hills:

Have a great weekend everyone!

it's incredible!
cheers from moscow!
foxy brown:

great show billyjam! i love scrathing
Billy Jam:

Coming up..... Bay Area rap history circa 92 - one of the earliest Peanut Butter Wolf related productions before was called Peanut Butter Wolf doing engineering production for
THE SIGGNETT from San Jose. The song "Get Right To It (J-Wanz + D-Flat)" on Both Sides of the Bay recorded in Venus Studio San Jose by the local early nineties rap crew. "Chris Cut" was his name in 1992 and PBW reported the other day that, "the lead MC from the group was the nephew of the lead singer of the Village People."
porkchop! thats rieeeeeet!!:

YEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWWWWW........all that scratchin is makin' me itch!!!! YEAAAAASSSS.....loving you'all up in my home town. Hey Mr. Jam and Posse---bringin the BIGPHATJAMMYSCRATCHYJAMS! Im SOOOOO bummed I can't be there today----That space is killer! Saw an art show there featuring Maya Hayuk not too long ago. I have been under a rock people.....missing this show CRAZY LIKE...like when i taste a little scratch of it it makes me itch all over....alas, got other BIZNAZZZ so no live broadcast chatty chattyness on Fridays for this tender porkchop......WHAAAAAAAAHHHHH. All I can say is LOVE ME SOME Mr. JAMMY JAMS = HIP HOP = why WFMU kicks arse!
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

PORKCHOP!!!!!! Where have you been?!! We ALL miss you on the boards!!!

porkchop! thats rieeeeeet!!:

AH SNAP!!! ALF! I MISS you ALL too!!! I have a drop in acupuncture clinic on Fridays here in the Mission, SF.......it was killin me just to listen for a few minutes and then havta cut......couldn't stand the pain of missin out so I jumped on some other spacecraft. THIS SHIZNIT SOUNDS SICK BTW!!! Not to worry.....Ill be baaaaacccccckkkkkkk!
porkchop! thats rieeeeeet!!:

IREEEEEEET..........in the HIZZZZZOUSSSS. Remember, there is no defense for drunken style.
Todd 76%:

Was Itchin' to be splittin', but glad I stayed for the scratchin' and spittin'. Thanks, Billy!

d-styles , can you make it out to 6th street tonight?
Tall Paul:

Yo Billy, much love and respect to QUEST, MARZ, Mista B, DNZ, Albert Mathias, H.O.P., Tommy Guerrero and Z-Man, Too Fresh thanks for a dope show. Have a dope weekend. Peace, One Love

good shit people.. loved the show
dj king t:

wassup biily jam, quest, z man, dnz..........
rip some wax.......
dj king t
porkchop! thats rieeeeeet!!:

YEEEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHH Love me sum SHOUTIES Now Im gonna go get Peanut Butter Wolf and Billy Jam Sandwich. PEACE SPACE FRIENDS!
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

LaterZzzzz! Porkchop!!
Billy Jam:

Thanks to everyone who participated in this radio show - especially Griff Williams owner of Gallery 16 who so graciously allowed WFMU come in and take over the wonderful space for out remote broadcast. Thanks also to Sonny Smith who curated the current "100 Records" exhibit and who stopped by to discuss it and play some of the music from the art/music show. Thanks also to Tommy Guerrero, DJ Quest, Albert Mathias, DJ Marz, Z-Man, H.O.P., Mista B who all shared their musical skills in a dope freestyle session. Also a special thanks to DnZ who not only got busy on the ones and twos but also spent two days working on the set up and take down of all the gear for the remote. Thanks to Joey Lin for been the producer of the show in SF and to Jeff Mullan for engineering back in WFMU studios. THanks to Timi D... for taking photos (which when he gets to me will be embedded in playlist above), and thanks to all the folks who stopped by includnig Eons One, Tino and his bro - and to all who tuned in and sent in comments - especially Porkchop - good to hear from you again. But mainly thanks to WFMU for being such an amazingly unique truly freeform radio station - thanks to Scott Williams, Ken Freedman, Jason Sigal, Brian Turner, Liz Berg, Nat Roe, Bryce, Andy + Frangy and everyone else at WFMU....peace BillyJam
Ash Money:

Fresssh. Big ups to all involved!
future stress recordings:

What a freakin' INCREDIBLE SHOW and thanks for supporting Sonny & the Sunsets!

THE HYPNOTIST 7" + Digi-Download
AVAILABLE NOW on {future stress recordings}
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