I 'd like to send this song out to my bud Jeff C., visiting Lima, Peru.
Hi Mr Fine Wine,
I'm just listening your show from France, great show as usually, you played OSCAR BOYD "So Bad", he was backed by THE CALVAES and they are on the flip of this song ("Anna Macora"), can you please tell me where you found this 45 because I am looking for. THE CALVAES were recorded on Cobra label. You just played by a great guy EDDY WARE " Lima Beans" on CHESS. I've got in my collection. Thanks a lot for playing so good stuff every friday. So long, Fred
Fine Wine:
Hi, Fred. Email me: finewine@wfmu.org. I might be able to help you with the Calvaes.
Hi Fine Wine, whata deep voice this night!!!
John Boy:
At last somebody else who knows "I'm a Bachelor".I've had this superb track for years n every time i get it out nobody seems to know it.Also thanx to the YKSoul boys n girls who i dj'd for at their recent charity all-dayer raising over a £1000 for York Breast Care Unit.The last track i played in my spot was "Nice n Easy" from the Ketty Lester lp when a woman loves a man on Tower n it'd be great if you could play it for the YKSoul guys in recognition of the sterling job they do for local charities.Cheers John Boy
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Listener comments!
Listener Jumpy:
I'm just listening your show from France, great show as usually, you played OSCAR BOYD "So Bad", he was backed by THE CALVAES and they are on the flip of this song ("Anna Macora"), can you please tell me where you found this 45 because I am looking for. THE CALVAES were recorded on Cobra label. You just played by a great guy EDDY WARE " Lima Beans" on CHESS. I've got in my collection. Thanks a lot for playing so good stuff every friday. So long, Fred
Fine Wine:
John Boy: