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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, April 17, 2010 Favoriting
Scythian Stones / Kyrgyzstan vs. TriBeCaStan

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Left to right: John Kruth and Jeff Greene of TriBeCaStan;
Kyrgyz singer and actress Kenzhegul Satybaldieva.

This week, a cornucopia of uncommon acoustic instruments from around the world. First, singers and musicians from Yara Arts Group's new theatre piece Scythian Stones, a musical exploration of tensions between tradition and modernity for women in Central Asia and Ukraine. (The piece runs from April 16 to May 2 at La Mama E.T.C.)

Later, the hyper-eclectic musical mad scientists TriBeCaStan serenade us on some of the many far-flung instruments they deployed recording their forthcoming (April 27) release 5 Star Cave. They'll be tuning up for the cd release show at Joe's Pub on May 8.

Big thanks to our illustrious engineers Dave Mambach & Chris Stubbs!

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new, *** = special)

Shego Band: Dada Hamuda Favoriting / Kabeebey / MCM

Kurtunwaary: Muumina Favoriting / Various Artists: Jamila / Original Music

Vieux Farka Toure: Al Haira Favoriting / Other Roads - Fondo Remixed / Six Degrees / ***
Tamir Muskat remix

Hadja Kouyate: Sembere Favoriting / Various Artists: Frikyiwa Present Electronic Experiences in African Music / Frikyiwa
Remix by Tokyo Black Star

Razia: Mifohaza Favoriting / Zebu Nation / Cumbancha / *

Scythian Stones artists and Virlana Tkacz: Interview Favoriting

Nina Matvienko: Oy Rano Rano Favoriting / Live on WFMU

Nina Matvienko: Don't Cry Mother - Wedding Ritual Song Favoriting / Live on WFMU

Kenzhegul Satybaldieva: Kyrgyz Song Favoriting / Live on WFMU
With Nurbek Serkebaev

Nina Matvienko, Tonia Matvienko, Kenzhegul Satybaldieva and Ainura Kachkynbek Kyzy: Kyrgyz and Ukrainian Songs Favoriting / Live on WFMU

Nurbek Serkebaev: Song on Komuz - Live on WFMU Favoriting

Nurbek Serkebaev: Boastful Owl Song on Kyl Kiyak - Live on WFMU Favoriting

Nurbek Serkebaev: Song on Wooden Jaw Harp - Live on WFMU Favoriting

Nurbek Serkebaev: Horse Herder's Song on Chor - Live on WFMU Favoriting

Nurbek Serkebaev: Song on Metal Jaw Harp - Live on WFMU Favoriting

Dilbarjan Bekturdyeva: My Only God Favoriting / Various Artists: Music of Central Asia 7 - In the Shrine of the Heart / Smithsonian Folkways / *
CD & DVD Set

Alim and Fargana Qasimov: Kohlen Atim Favoriting / Rainbow: Music of Central Asia Vol. 8 / Smithsonian Folkways / *
CD & DVD set also features Homayoun Sakhi and Kronos Quartet

Salma Habib and Zikrayat: Mashghoul Favoriting

Diese 3: Radieuse Favoriting / Diese 3 / *

Jen Shyu: Soomi Line Favoriting / Jade Tongue

Talvin Singh: Uphold Favoriting / Ha

Aby Ngana Diop: Dieuleul-Dieuleul Favoriting / Littal

Mgababa Queens: Maputhi Favoriting / Various Artists: Next Stop Soweto - Township Sounds of The Golden Age of Mbaqanga / *

TriBeCaStan: Yusef's Motif - Live on WFMU Favoriting

TriBeCaStan: Afghan Tune - Live on WFMU Favoriting

TriBeCaStan: Yovanka - Live on WFMU Favoriting

TriBeCaStan: Live on WFMU Favoriting

TriBeCaStan: When You've Worn Out Your Shoe It's Time to Get a New Foot - Live on WFMU Favoriting

TriBeCaStan: Improvisation - Live on WFMU Favoriting

TriBeCaStan: Live on WFMU Favoriting

TriBeCaStan: One Day His Axe Fell Into Honey - Live on WFMU Favoriting

TriBeCaStan: I Drove My Car Down to Baja Favoriting / 5 Star Cave / Evergreene / *

TriBeCaStan: Juni's Calypso Favoriting / 5 Star Cave / Evergreene / *
Music Bed for Concert Info

Listener comments!

  7:14pm carl:

great as usual
  7:16pm Your DJ:

Thanks Carl!
  7:17pm Billy Jam:

good show DJ
  7:22pm Mitten John:

I agree with Carl and Mr. Jam.
  7:23pm Your DJ:

  7:23pm Jeff C:

I just slaughtered a fatted calf to this song.
  7:48pm Jeff C:

Now I'm dancing with it...
  8:13pm julian:

i'm here! I'm enjoying it! I'd like a CD!
(and can they play 'he hears the ants' please?)
  8:15pm Your DJ:

Julian, you shall receive a cd! And dear listeners - we have a few to give away - so if you would like a new TriBeCaStran cd just send me your address via robw AT wfmu DOT org and we'll send one your way.
  8:19pm julian:

  8:24pm James:

Hey I'm enjoying this. If there's a CD left I'd be grateful. An email is coming your way Rob.
  8:25pm Your DJ:

Glad you like it James and yep, we still have some left - just email me your postal address!
  8:36pm James:

Thanks Rob and Tribecastan. Come to Philly!
  8:41pm wilbur twinhorse:

Please Sir, I would like one of those 3-beka-stan cds. Thank you please, sir.
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