Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from April 9, 2010 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting April 9, 2010: Anti-Reagan and stuff man...yeah! feat. Joe Pop-O-Pie + dedicated to Malcolm McLaren

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Billy Pop O Jam + Bryce O Pie  reagan and stuff man, yeah   Favoriting   Vandals Took The Handles Tapes  2010         
Pop-O-Pies  A Political Song   Favoriting Joe's Second Record  Subterranean Records  1984         
Pop-O-Pies  The Industrial Rap   Favoriting Joe's Second Record  Subterranean Records  1984        0:03:57 (Pop-up)
Pop-O-Pies  Truckin' (Slow Version)   Favoriting Joe's Second Record  Subterranean Records  1984        0:06:30 (Pop-up)
Pop-O-Pies  Square Head   Favoriting In Frisco / Squarehead  Amarillo Records  1993  7"      0:10:01 (Pop-up)
Pop-O-Pies  Christmas Time In Frisco   Favoriting Pop-O:Anthology 1984 - 1993  Pop-O-Pies  2003        0:12:31 (Pop-up)
Bored Stiff  Sucka Free Spirit   Favoriting Now More Than Ever    2010    Get the whole album right here: http://boredstiff.bandcamp.com/    0:13:59 (Pop-up)
Aloe Blacc  I Need A Dollar   Favoriting Good Times  Stones Throw   2010      *   0:16:49 (Pop-up)
Uncle Lew & Cam Russett  Cherry   Favoriting VA: Jimmy Penguin Presents, Volume Two  Community Skratch Music  2010      *   0:21:15 (Pop-up)
Joe Pop-O-Pie  Joe Pop-O-Pie, Phone Interview on Billy Jam's "Put The Needle on The Record", 04.09.2010   Favoriting Not On Album  Not On Label   2010        0:30:25 (Pop-up)
Pop-O-Pies  The Catholics Are Attacking   Favoriting The White EP  415 Records  1981        1:01:25 (Pop-up)
Pop-O-Pies  Fascists Eat Donuts   Favoriting The White EP  415 Records  1981        1:00:48 (Pop-up)
Anti-Pasti  Six Guns   Favoriting Six Guns  Rondelet Music & Records  1981        1:03:31 (Pop-up)
Violent Society  Violent Society   Favoriting Special Duties Violent Society Split 7"  Rondelet Music & Records  1982        1:06:37 (Pop-up)
Sid Vicious & Johnny Rotten  Bonnie Simmons Interviews Sid Vicious & Johnny Rotten on KSAN, 01.14.78   Favoriting Never Mind The Filthy Lucre, Here's The Sex Pistols  Suck My Filthy  1999        1:09:01 (Pop-up)
The Sex Pistols  Pretty Vacant, Live at Winterland 01.14.1978   Favoriting Never Mind The Filthy Lucre, Here's The Sex Pistols  Suck My Filthy  1999        1:11:33 (Pop-up)
Malcolm McLaren  Double Dutch   Favoriting Double Dutch  Charisma  1982    produced by Trevor Horn    1:14:38 (Pop-up)
Malcolm McLaren And The World's Famous Supreme Team  Buffalo Gals   Favoriting Buffalo Gals  Charisma   1982        1:22:27 (Pop-up)
Malcolm McLaren And The World's Famous Supreme Team  D'Ya Like Scratchin'   Favoriting Double Dutch  Charisma  1982        1:26:10 (Pop-up)
Malcolm McLaren And The World's Famous Supreme Team  Legba (excerpt)   Favoriting Duck Rock  Charisma   1983        1:31:52 (Pop-up)
Malcolm McLaren And The World's Famous Supreme Team  Song For Chango   Favoriting Duck Rock  Charisma   1983        1:33:00 (Pop-up)
Caribou  Bowls   Favoriting Swim  Merge  2010      *   1:35:08 (Pop-up)
Art of Fresh  Get Money feat. Tona & JD Era   Favoriting Back To The Earth  Northstarr Ent/Beatchild Prod  2010      *   1:41:26 (Pop-up)
Eulorhythmics  Leavin   Favoriting Green St. & Avers  All Natural Inc.  2010      *   1:45:13 (Pop-up)
Chiwawa Studios  Democracy   Favoriting Nubiro Blues  Community Skratch Music  2010      *   1:47:55 (Pop-up)
Mux Mool  Crackers   Favoriting Skull Taste  Ghostly International   2010      *   1:51:13 (Pop-up)
Kings Go Forth  I Don't Love You No More   Favoriting The Outsiders Are Back  Luaka Bop   2010      *   1:54:52 (Pop-up)
Bonobo  We Could Forever   Favoriting Black Sands  Ninja Tune  2010      *   1:59:17 (Pop-up)
Son Of Bazerk Feat. No Self Control The Band  Bang (Get Down, Get Down)   Favoriting Son Of Bazerk Featuring The No Self Control & The Band  MCA  1991        2:03:33 (Pop-up)
Amp Live  Dropp feat. Hot Tub   Favoriting Murder At The Discotech  Child's Play   2010        2:08:54 (Pop-up)
Jahcoozi  Barricaded feat. Barbara Panther   Favoriting Barefoot Wanderer  BPitch Control  2010        2:12:12 (Pop-up)
Meth, Ghost, Rae  Our Dreams (produced by RZA)   Favoriting Wu Massacre  Def Jam Recordings  2010        2:16:09 (Pop-up)
DJ Babu  Ghost Romper Room / Lil' Juanito   Favoriting DJ Babu - The Beat Tape Vol. 2  Nature Sounds   2010      *   2:19:33 (Pop-up)
Alex B  Talk It Out   Favoriting Moments  Elm & Oak   2010        2:22:27 (Pop-up)
Nas  Nas Is Like   Favoriting I Am...  Columbia   1999        2:24:34 (Pop-up)
Black Sheep  Strobelite Honey   Favoriting Single  Mercury/PolyGram  1991        2:29:12 (Pop-up)
Nice and Smooth  Sometimes I Rhyme Slow (Wicked Mix)   Favoriting Single  Rush Associated Labels  1992        2:32:45 (Pop-up)
Diabolic  Soldier's Logic   Favoriting Liar & A Thief  Shayna's Pop   2010        2:36:04 (Pop-up)
RRR 500 Various Lock Grooves by 500 Various Artists vs. President Kennedy In Ireland      RRR vs. The Gramophone Limited          2:40:11 (Pop-up)
DJ Skizo  Ghetto Child   Favoriting Broken Dreams  Relief Records  2007    Tune in next week, DJ Skizo will be live in the Studio with DJ ALF, Shingo & Icewater    2:44:05 (Pop-up)
Rumbus Merrylegs  Boredom feat. Tweek   Favoriting VA: Community Scratch Music Volume 2  Nozl Recordings           2:48:01 (Pop-up)
Neil Buchanan  GG Peniston   Favoriting VA: Community Scratch Music Volume 2  Nozl Recordings       Djaculuate & Moschops    2:50:47 (Pop-up)
Malcolm McLaren  madam Butterfly   Favoriting Fans  Charisma   1984        2:53:18 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Will York (sfbg):

Bring home the baking
Would you like a slice of Pop-O-Pies with that cuppa Joe?

’MOST OF THE bands that you go out to see / Save the hit till the end and it’s all real cheese-y / But there’s only one group, and it comes from San Fran / That will play you the hit over and over again."

So go the words to "Pop-O-Rap," possibly the only song anyone’s ever written to brag about how they only play one song. The "hit" was a cover of the Grateful Dead warhorse, "Truckin’," the band was the Pop-O-Pies, and before you get any funny ideas, no, they were not a joke band.

Still hot off the presses, Pop-O-Pies’ Pop-O-Anthology 1984-1993 (www.pop-o-pie.com) is a classic time capsule of San Francisco punk rock history. The disc brings together the hard-to-find Joe’s Second Record (Subterranean, 1984), Joe’s Third Record (Subterranean, 1986), and a later, long-out-of-print single, "In Frisco"/"Squarehead" (Amarillo, 1993). Their first record, 1983’s The White EP, was originally released through Columbia subsidiary 415 and its material had to be left off the comp due to publishing issues.

Pop-O-Anthology’s 18 songs cover a surprising range for a band who, true to their word, played nothing but "Truckin’ " during their first two years of live shows. There are catchy, Sex Pistols-style punk rock songs, spoken word diatribes and early experiments with rap, a squalling cover of "I Am the Walrus," and a couple of droning, proto-noise rock workouts spilling over with lead guitar that sounds like it was played by Black Flag shredder Greg Ginn if he’d stayed in one key at a time. Out of time

Pop-O-Anthology is, among other things, a very of-its-time .., which accounts for the time-capsule quality. The rap songs sound like Kurtis Blow, and they even bleep out a curse word in one particularly quaint moment. Meanwhile, the lyrics address a specific time and place in history, taking on arrogant scenesters, cokeheads, New York City, the music industry, and dumb hardcore bands. Indeed, a lot of it is punk rock about punk rock, but rather than coming off as insider-type snobbery, band leader Joe Pop-O-Pie’s sarcastic, observational lyrics resonate with a truthfulness and sense of humor anybody can relate to.

On the other hand, while Pop-O-Pie knew how to skewer punk pretensions as well as anyone, he only did it because he cared. Before becoming a punk convert in the late ’70s, Pop-O-Pie, who prefers not to use his real name, was a classical composition major and a follower of the ultra-intellectual serial music of Anton Webern, and his punk rock conversion story is worthy of the Minutemen – "Punk rock changed our lives" and all that.

"I was really stressed out during that time," the Tenderloin resident recounted the day before Halloween at a coffee shop south of Market. A Pop-O-Pies clock hangs from the wall. "I had a lot of ulcers, and I had a bad back ... and I swear, I heard this music, and it was like this whole world opened up to me. I thought it was magical because it healed all these stress-related diseases I had. I thought, ’There’s something to this, so I gotta get into it.’ " Rough stuff

In light of Pop-O-Pie’s classical background, it’s remarkable that his band’s music was so rough-edged. Throughout Pop-O-Anthology, vocals fall flat, guitars feed back, false starts are left on the tape, and the whole approach seems guided by a one-take aesthetic that flies in the face of stereotypical music-schooled anal-retentiveness. But it’s part of the all-inclusive ethos of the Pop-O-Pies, whose lineup completely changed (apart from Pop-O-Pie himself) for each recording. "I never wanted to alienate anybody by being too concerned with virtuosity or getting too complicated," explained Pop-O-Pie, who’ll be unveiling a new version of the band this spring for their first live shows in more than a decade.

Playing the same song for two years was certainly one way of keeping things uncomplicated. The idea of covering "Truckin’ " originally came to Pop-O-Pie in 1979, when he was still in college in New Jersey. "The big bands back then who were still considered kind of underground were Devo and the Talking Heads and the Ramones," he said. "And so I said, ’What if you got those three elements together and they were to write the Grateful Dead’s "Truckin’ " instead of the Grateful Dead – what would it sound like?’ "

The answer came when he recorded a demo version of "Truckin’ " after moving to San Francisco in the early ’80s. As the story goes, that demo wound up becoming the most requested song on KUSF 90.3 FM in late 1981. So for their live shows, he reasoned, why not give the people what they want and just play the hit? That’s exactly what they did, although they didn’t just play it once and then call it a night – they’d play the song and then play it again. And again. For an entire 40-minute set.

"You’d think that might be boring," Pop-O-Pie admitted. But it wasn’t, because it was different every time." They’d start off playing their original version, which sounded roughly like the one on Joe’s Second Record. "And then we began to do an improvisational thing where we’d kinda take it out there, so by the end it would sound like John Cage was sitting in with the Pop-O-Pies – like the Residents doing ’(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction,’ " referring to the masked band’s brilliant deconstruction of the Rolling Stones hit. Doing ’Donuts’

At first, audiences were confused and irritated, but as he explained, "It became like this cult thing that you just had to come see in San Francisco, like the Coit Tower."

"Flipper was kind of the big band here at the time, and it was a similar sense of humor," added Bill Gould, former Faith No More bassist and a member of the Pop-O-Pies circa Joe’s Second Record. "But when we went to L.A. or Texas, people would freak out. They’d get pissed off."

Another song that used to piss off unsuspecting audiences was a Pop-O-Pies original called "Fascists Eat Donuts," which appeared on The White EP. That song consisted of a single chord played over and over, while Pop-O-Pie repeated the lines "Make those donuts with extra grease / This batch is for the chief of police."

"That was actually one of the highlights of my life," Gould said about performing the song live and watching unsuspecting audiences go from nervous laughter to mild annoyance and then to full-fledged anger and, finally, passive acceptance. "There was this one [show] we did in Texas, like in Dallas at this warehouse, where we just played ’Fascists Eat Donuts’ for so long that I was actually starting to hallucinate. I was starting to hear new melodies and new songs, because it was just this drone that was going on relentlessly."

In a bit of trivia that’s usually omitted from the rock history books, Pop-O-Pie was actually the first vocalist for Faith No More in their early days as a "shitty local band that nobody cared about," as Gould put it, or "the greatest band to come out of Frisco since the Pop-O-Pies," as the singer himself once boasted. In 1983, Gould and Pop-O-Pie shared a house with FNM keyboardist Roddy Bottum on Shotwell Street in the Mission District. Another early FNM vocalist also lived there: Courtney Love. "What a house," Pop-O-Pie said with a laugh.

"Those guys used to use my name to get gigs," Pop-O-Pie added. Now, he’s returned the favor by pasting Faith No More’s name on the Pop-O-Anthology cover in prominent bold print – right above equally bold pronouncements of the band’s personnel connections to Mr. Bungle and the Dead Kennedys. It’s beautifully tacky, and whether it’s crass self-promotion, intentional self-parody, or a little bit of both is anyone’s guess – which fits the Pop-O-aesthetic perfectly.

"There’s a certain sense of humor where it’s hard to find where it’s real and when it’s a joke," Gould said, putting the Pop-O-Pies’ audience-confounding antics in context. "But it’s a certain kind of mentality that San Francisco produced that was really good.... Flipper, Pop-O-Pies, Zip Code Rapists ... even the Dead Kennedys had that a little. It was very interactive. It’s like a theatrical kind of blurring the lines between reality and art, in a way."
Billy Jam:

good day mate......good to be back in the WFMU studios in Jersey CIty - Shout out to all the people over in Galway who made WFMU so welcome last week including Paul Deacy at Bell Book and Candle and Jimmy Penguin of the Vince Mack Mahon crew and all the folks invloved in the Community Skratch Games. - This show is dedicated to Malcolm McLaren who died of cancer at age 64 yesterday. Today's guest (on phone from the West Coast) is Joe Pop-O-Pie. The photos on top and bottom of today's playlist are ones I snapped last October in a castle over in the island of Jersey in the UK Channel Islands last October when this show and WFMU broadcast live from the Branchage Film Festival. Shout out to Xanthe! - Thanks for listening. Please send your thoughts on life, music, and your plans for the summer of 2010 in these here COMMENTS - peace Billy Pop O Jam

No room left to post! Hiya Billy!

Too godamn early to be as pissed as I can tell I'm gonna need to be to *really* feel this show. well, i'll do my best... rock the fuck on, BillyJam!
Bad Ronald:

Happy freakin Friday everyone! RIP Malcolm M.

hi billy boy! v nice tunes indeed. what am i up to? preparing to meet my birthday girl down town!
hi bad ronald. yeah, rip malcolm. he deserves it.
Timothy Devlin:

Right back @ ya Ronald....
Timi Dz...Nutz:

Heeeyyyyy BIIILLLLLLLYYYYY........it's Timi Time!!!!
djspiderman Z:

exactly what i need to hear--- chillin me right out, Cheers Billy J
life = love
music = love
summer 2010 plans = go raintcoat shopping (UK resident )
happy Jam day to y'all on the board ,,,,,

Life = the only thing worth living for
music = makes the people come together
summer = hopefully getting a dog and visiting Lake Superior.

pop-o-pies were on my playlist back in the day at WCBN, too. They were/are great!

that must have been because 415 was bought by Columbia when they acquired Romeo Void.
You'd think they would put them out!

I met Leary too, a few yrs. earlier. He spoke before small audiences, so it wasn't hard to meet him. This was a somewhat disappointing presentation on virtual reality with Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary at NYU, or nearby it at least. About, oh, 1989.
Sean Daily:

Not even close to first comment! Woo hoo!

Sean Daily! As I live and breathe!
Billy Jam:

hey Sean Daily - great to hear from you....Where ya been buddy? -
Sean Daily:

Gettin' my sh!t together. Sitting with elders of a gentle race this world has seldom seen, who talked of days for which they sit and wait when all will be revealed. You know, stuff.

How are you, Cecile, Billyjamicus Maximus?

What was the last song about the Catholics are attacking?
dc pat:

hey Sean. welp gotta go.

I'm doing quite all right. Glad to hear you're doing well!
Sean Daily:

Glad to know Billy Jam's still here and you guys are okay. I fianlly figured out a way to listen to WFMU at work without getting fired. This, of course, rawks.
dc pat:

huh, what did you have to do to sneak the streams in?

do you have State Violence , State Control by Discharge, Mr. BIlly Jam?

see ya dcp
Sean Daily:

Ah, punk AND hip hop on Friday. Does it get any better? I think not.

It could only get better if I was sitting on Jemaine Clement from FLight of the Conchords' lap, he was feeding me nachos, and Sylvester and John Coltrane amd Jay Reatard just came back from the dead.

I will just take nachos in a pinch.
Sean Daily:

Gotta stream it on my personal laptop from an outside WiFi server AND make sure my production at work stays up, DCP. Took me a bit to get the second part worked o

Life = Being able to enjoy Bill Jam's show
Music = freeform WFMU, vis a vis Billy Jam's show
Summer '10 = Life + Music + a pinch-o-lovin
dc pat:

I see, yeah the second part is hard for me too. Luckily they don't expect too much anyway, KNOW WHAT I MEAN? HAR, HAR,HAR.. ok, really leaving now.
Sean Daily:

See ya, DCP.
dc pat:

seeya, nice having you back Sean.

y'know, I never really liked McLaren anyway...bye!


This was my first introduction to Malcolm standing in front of the camera and singing. It's still a great song.
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

I remember Double Dutch. Never seen the video though.


You should def look up the video on youtube. It's great seeing all those girls and their moves doing double dutch. Apparently it was shot in some gymnasium in the Bronx.
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill n Alf, what up? Checking in now. Bill good to catch up with you in Dub. Hope all is good with you.Oh sugar Buffalo Gals takes me back remember poppin to this at home. Peace, One Love

Found myself watching the movie Fifth Element, that Bruce Willis future romp with the cutie in the skimpy costume... anyway, there's a scene where a space Diva is singing in Operatic fashion, backed by some techno kind of track... found myself wondering yesterday if there was a McLaren influence to that... he kinda made that sound first, didn't he?

I love this Caribou.
Do you have The Bells by Jeff Mills?
dj laz-e:

hi billy.. what was that last tune??? rapaa!!
Bad Ronald:

Dang! I step away and I miss the Malcolm tribute AND the second coming of Sean Woo Hoo Daily. I am chagrined.

ahaaa!! a list
Billy Jam:

hey Laz-E - sorry I missed you in Dublin this time - Saw Tu-Ki on Weds....I think song you mean is the instruemtal one by Caribou - who is producer Dan Smith

Billy Jam, I like it when you bring the electro-funk.
Billy Jam:

thanks Cecile - I love it too....Hey thanks for sending me that High Decibels on NPR link and for doing it. Am sending to the guys back in Oakland in case they dont know

I think they might, they sent a photo, but thanks for doing that, just in case.

I think they could be really huge. Like as big as Lady Gaga. But that's in my world.

billy jam!!


OH. Kings Go Forth did a record with Tom Moulton, didn't they? I think they did! I think this might be it, right?
Billy Jam:

hey Tall Paul Lowe - good seeing you too.....and thakns for all that music....will be playing some now and next week.......>>What up Chris! Good point you made in that comment! > Hey Bad Ronald.....He DEMER......we gotta schedule this years GRAFFITI special - email me and figure it out - Maybe late May? - They had a nice big GRAF exhibit ove in Dublin All CIty Tivoli Jam -

for sure bill..will be in contact within a few days!!
much love n respect bill..as always

great set jillybam! muchos muchos grassyas!
Sean Daily:

Loving this Bonobo track, Billyjamicus Maximus.

Son Of Bazerk!!!

what keyboard or whatever makes what I call that "heavy falling electronic sound"?

Oaktown in da house! Yeeeya!

Together = to get her = Classic!
dc pat:

...but, I'm starting to like the Pistols again...
billy jam:

Hey DC Pat - talk about delayed reaction.......but nice how you could keep your mind on the one topic.......Mine had gone off elsewhere.....

What a g'wan, Mr. Jam! Great to see you on Irish soil again, cousin - the weekend was the iLLnEss. Cuttin the Last Kreep all weekend. Massive props. Billy Jam - Knows the time....stays ahead of it.
Bad Ronald:

Hey DCP how can you stop liking a tune like "Did You No Wrong"? I may havta screen "The Great Rock and Roll Swindle" this eve...
Billy Jam:

yo dOObs - great seeing you too....and your set on WFMU last weekend (as well as all your other CSG contributions) was off the hool......Saw Aidin )Tu-Ki) who said he would be playing alongside you down in Limerick this weekend.....And Steinski is heading over there too. Are you booking him this time?

Nope, he's playing Galway as far as I know. We have Egadz and Dj Pain coming through for a show in May though. Should be boomin'. A lot of sore heads around town this week, but definately one of best CSGs yet. Biggup, the selection is awesome.
Bad Ronald:

I concur deez raps is kickin!
Bad Ronald:

I wanna get you to do vox one one of my tracks man!
Timi Dz...Nutz:

Hey..I see Sean Daily is back. WooHoo!!

ta Seanie!

er and, Woo Hoo!!!
Timi Dz...Nutz:

DJ C U Next Tuesday cut the music off so she could hook up a turntable play old Malcom records for a tribute....not so bad but sucks just the same...
Timi Dz...Nutz:

Hey Billy..think you might have The High Decibels on the 30th show straight outa Oakland??? I'm the mutherfucker you read about....
Bad Ronald:

Thanks again for another bang-up job Mr. Marmalade. Keep it slammin!!!
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