Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from March 19, 2010 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 19, 2010: Post Marathon, Pre SxSW Show feat. Brian Turner + Keilidh Hamilton

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Billy n Bryce  intro to a post M pre SxSW show   Favoriting              
Nick Nack  strangest secret   Favoriting   Crowd Control  2010  7"    *   0:03:01 (Pop-up)
Eri Bill Orchestra  Reborn!   Favoriting Tropical Temple            0:05:08 (Pop-up)
Sugarcuts  Duid Deed   Favoriting V/A Turntable Essence            0:08:01 (Pop-up)
Nick Nack  Gathering Shadow   Favoriting       7"      0:10:25 (Pop-up)
Eri Bill Orchestra  Sword Dance, Sword Play + Willow Weep Tango   Favoriting Tropical Temple            0:13:54 (Pop-up)
Cut Chemist  Day in Day Out   Favoriting Nat King Cole: Re-Generations            0:22:10 (Pop-up)
Amp Live  Chick Pop   Favoriting Murder At The Discotech  OM  2010    out next month =- great new album from Zion I producer/ Radiohead remixer    0:24:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Brian Turner 

phone interview from Austin, TX   Favoriting







0:27:44 (Pop-up)
Pierced Arrows  Buried Alive   Favoriting Descending Shadows            0:44:27 (Pop-up)
Schlockmaster  Original Wigga   Favoriting O.W.        WFMU fan outta Germany    0:48:15 (Pop-up)
The Mighty Underdogs (Lateef The Truthspeaker, Headnodic & The Gift Of Gab)  UFC Remix (Cuts By DJ Shadow)   Favoriting Droppin' Science Fiction            0:52:08 (Pop-up)
Diabolic  Modern Day Future (feat. Deadly Hunta)   Favoriting Liar & A Thief  Viper Records  2010      *   0:56:28 (Pop-up)
Jahcoozi  Close To Me   Favoriting Barefoot Wanderer  Bpitch Control  2010        1:00:44 (Pop-up)
Amp Live  Mad Man   Favoriting Murder At The Discotech  Om Records  2010        1:03:30 (Pop-up)
Diabolic  Riot (feat. Deadly Hunta & John Otto)   Favoriting Liar & A Thief    2010        1:06:57 (Pop-up)
Suicidal Tendencies  I shot the devil   Favoriting             1:10:26 (Pop-up)
Running in Place + Bee Gees _ D-Styles  Return to Planetary Deterioration   Favoriting   Galactic Butt Hair Records  2001  12"      1:14:37 (Pop-up)
Eaters    Shouting at the Wind  www.eatersmusic.co.uk          1:19:23 (Pop-up)
Grand Invincible (Luke Sick and Eons One)  The Way We Revolt   Favoriting Cold Hand In The Game  ZeroFriends  2010        1:25:03 (Pop-up)
Z-Man  Going Hard (feat Eddie Def)   Favoriting Show Up Shut Up & Rap    2010    free downloadable EP from the Bay mayn - email me "billyjam@wfmu.org" if you want liink  *   1:28:26 (Pop-up)
MC Paul Barman  For Skins   Favoriting Thought Balloon Mushroom Cloud    2009        1:31:45 (Pop-up)
De La Soul  A Little Bit Of Soap   Favoriting 3 Feet High and Rising            1:32:53 (Pop-up)
DJ Yoda  Yoda In Reverse   Favoriting             1:33:39 (Pop-up)
Buck 50 Kutters  Put the needle on the record   Favoriting 2010 Marathon Mix: Put The Needle On The Record        recorded live earlier this year on this show    1:34:23 (Pop-up)
Worlds Famous Supreme Team  do ya like scratchin?   Favoriting             1:42:56 (Pop-up)
Foreign Legion  Piano Banger   Favoriting             1:45:54 (Pop-up)
Charlie + Lola intro theme                1:49:59 (Pop-up)
Amp Live  Interpretation Intro + Blast Off   Favoriting Murder At The Discotech  Om Records  2010        1:50:32 (Pop-up)
Romanowski  Thirteen Thieves + Slingshot   Favoriting The Thirteen Soundtrack    2003        1:52:14 (Pop-up)
Z-Trip  the black hole (remix)   Favoriting The Thirteen Soundtrack    2003        1:57:12 (Pop-up)
Faust + Shortee  The Drumbattle   Favoriting The Thirteen Soundtrack    2003        1:58:38 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Keilidh Hamilton - Beastin The Airwaves 

Hip-Hop Dont Stop by Jef Czekaj + Top 5 @ 5   Favoriting







2:02:47 (Pop-up)
Menya  We're In The Suburbs (Clean)   Favoriting             2:16:52 (Pop-up)
Blood Of Abraham  Southern Comfort   Favoriting Future Profits  Ruthless Records    LP      2:19:29 (Pop-up)
                2:20:20 (Pop-up)
DJ Babu  various tracks   Favoriting The Beat Tape Vol. 2            2:23:36 (Pop-up)
alan parsons vs dandy warhols vs friends medley  Just A Friendly Medley   Favoriting             2:34:28 (Pop-up)
Gucci Crew II  Sally (That Girl)   Favoriting             2:39:18 (Pop-up)
Amp Live  Get Served (feat. Myka Nyne)   Favoriting Murder At The Discotech            2:43:14 (Pop-up)
Mark E Smith Vs DJ Design (Billy Jam mix)  Hopeless as usual   Favoriting   unreleased  2010    live radio remix done live on this show  *   2:47:24 (Pop-up)
FANS  K Stand Barmy Army   Favoriting             2:51:18 (Pop-up)
Dr Dre feat Snoop  nuthin but a G thang   Favoriting     1992         

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Listener comments!

Billy Jam:

THANK YOU to all the good peeps who donated $krilla during the WFMU Marathon -On today's show::::Interview with Brian Turner live from Austin TX with SXSW WFMU/AQ showcase preview from Encore
Keilidh Hamilton (Beastin The Airwaves) doing Top 5 @ 5, reading from the book "Hip & Hop, Don't Stop" which unlike Jeff Chang's Cant Stop Wont Stop about the history of hip-hop "Hip+ Hop Don't Stop" is about a turtle and a bunny. Music by artists including Diaboliq (on Viper) and Schlockmaster from Germany and his song "Original Wiggar" + The Meaning of Life according to Bill Murray
north guinea hills:

Billy, mix in some Ornette!. Scratch/sample or otherwise, i don't care. Today needs to be shows in a row for Ornette.
north guinea hills:

(3 shows in a row)
Bad Ronald:

Thank you Billy for the hours of entertainment!

thank you Bad Ronald!

Hey Billy, congrats on the good marathon result. I was afraid I'd have to stop listening to save streaming costs!

Thanks Billy for consistently rocking my Klein bottle of a world

its all thanks to you LizGig and all the other generous listeners and Bryce's lucky head - THANK YOU ALL

hey, this show is actually good! good work
Bad Ronald:

OK so the Ill Bill Orchestra is not Necro's brother.
north guinea hills:

Fridays on WFMU are wall-to wall awesomeness. (other days rock too, but for some reason, i really dig kicking out the friday jams......)

Where are you my Boy Kushmans this guy is soooo hot!!!
Michael Kushmans:

Oh Goodness me! Tommy is bouncing all over the place after the last set. Great Job!!!!
Michael Kushmans:

DUDE! Play some music, put the needle on a record.
Lisa Hamilton:

BILLY! I just emailed a message from Johnny to you and your listeners to Keili's email address. She can download it when she gets there! Much love! The Mama.

WFMU teams up again this year with our pals at Aquarius Records in San Francisco to drop a 14-band live extravagaza in Texas! Once again, we'll be hosting our very own showcase at SXSW in Austin, and broadcasting live. It all happens on Friday, March 19th at 7pm (central) at Encore (formerly Spiro's) on 611 Red River downtown. Our lineup is a mix of the heavy, damaged, darkly, punk, weird, noisy, poppy, trippy sounds, some hometown NY/SF heroes representing in Austin, and even a full on Cambodian psych-pop dance party at night's end! WFMU curated: Pierced Arrows, Liturgy, Sonny & the Sunsets, Dengue Fever, Drunkdriver, Home Blitz, Moon Duo. From Aquarius: True Widow, Shit & Shine, Todd, Epileptinomicon, Headdress, Iron Man, and Speedwolf! Check out our home page for links to more info and sounds to preview from the bands! WFMU's Liz Berg, Scott Williams, Brian Turner, Diane Kamikaze and Jason Sigal will be in attendance so if you're in Austin come on down and say hi! WFMU will have some swag, as well as posters specially designed by famous UK artist Savage Pencil!
north guinea hills:

There's a nice pitchfork porst-sxsw festival in Monterrey, NL, Mexico. Some of the bigger draws include Neon Indian, Dan Deacon, Grant Hart, Liars, Andrew W.K.


No, I don't work for pitchfork, i just love Monterrey! (says the guy who makes maps for the gov't)

fred cole is crusty as rust on an old chevy-stepside
Michael Kushmans:

SOOOOOOOOO Salty.......

OH SH*T! Dubstep Cure reworking is bOOmin'
mama lisa:

F*CK YEAH! The thing I love about fmu and PTNOTR is that there is never a moment where I need to lower the sound or change the channel until a song is over. It's one knockout assault of pleasure after another.

anybody goin to THE FEELIES in Cambridge,MA tonight?
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

What's up everybody?! Thanks to ALL those people out there who were so generous in giving their loot to WFMU. :-) I was a little worried myself when the marathon got off to a slow start for the first like four days. BUT, deep down inside, I knew WFMU was going to do well in the end.
Anyway, I'm here at the house washing dishes, about to cook some seafood, risotto, hush puppies and other scrumptious delicatessen. OH, and listening to WFMUUUUUUUU!!! Happy friday everybody! LaterZzzzz!
north guinea hills:

feeling this eaters track.....

ALF I would not mind swallowing a few of those hush puppies!

Hello all! Yay for a successful fundraiser!

Would you have the Go Betweens' "river of money?"
mama lisa:

seriously Alf - What kind of seafood are we talking about? Because if there's shrimp involved, I'm hoppin in the momvan right now!
north guinea hills:

DInner Party at ALF's!!!!
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

On the menu.....Orange Roughy, scallops, hush puppies, risotto, and some green vegatable.
north guinea hills:

I can be there by 11ish! haha!.
mama lisa:

Organge roughy? Scallops?! Can we be friends?
minnesota jeff:

Extras is great.

big love atchas all , WFMU lives , wickid ,yaaaaaaaaaaaaay,
missed the first part of Billy Jam tonite-i got caught out by the time lords droppin an hour off me this week, (archives here i come),,, and now i gotta go and eat home made cheese potato and onion pie....mmm pie .... big love to all you WFMU lovers out there--i feel the WFMU "family vibe" bigtime,,,,,,,,Billy yooz da man....

You are making me hungry ALF, I love big hot salty hush puppies.

Thanks for making my Friday smoother aftr dealing with 50 crazy teenagers!

Front porch, Billy Jam, Friday, 70 degrees in the Hudson Valley.
Michael Kushmans:

Charlie and Lola remind me of hush puppies and orange soda. what a grand day.

I like my hush puppies with grape soda and waffles!
Bad Ronald:

I got me hush puppies on me feets and they steppin to the beats!
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Betty! LOL! :-)


Billy Jam, I also wanted to go out on Irish Day to celebrate, but there wuz mad puking-jock-shamrock rejects abound. That's not my heritage....
Keili's Irish Mama:

Not a proud day for the Irish.

Well, some of us were proud... some of us were drooling & blue in the face.

Whoah, this is great! I'm in the suburbs!

Thanks Keili, I really like Menya. Could you put a link to more info on the playlist later?

Hey, that's Eye in the Sky!

Hello all! Loving the show today Billy!!

okay, if you're going to play The Blackeyed Peas, slide on some Gaga. She's weird and Johnny Weir skates to her.

hello, Ken!
Joe Skirkie:

Excellent radio today. Worth every penny.

Or throw on some World Party.

Menya website: menyamusic.com
Email: menya@menyamusic.com

To sign up for a free song a week; http://bit.ly/9GSSBH

Menya playing tonight at Williamsburg Va. College of William and Mary
Tomorrow at Charlottesville NCarolina House Party -- all ages
mama lisa:

OK. If it's gonna be this kindof party, not only am I gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes, but play some beasties Puttin The Shame in Your Game
Bad Ronald:

I'd like to take the opportunity at this time to chime in and concur with the general feeling of big love for Mr. Marmalade. This mix roxx!!!

I want a Billy Jam Barmy Army tee-shirt! Great show!
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