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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, March 13, 2010 Favoriting
Marathon 2010 2 with Bethany

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Thanks everyone for your pledges! And it's not too late - you can always go to to make a pledge and secure your FMU swag, DJ premium CDs etc!

And - apologies but with the madness of the Marathon I couldn't quite keep up with the playlist this week - missed some things and didn't get the last few songs in at all - if you have any questions about what was played, email me c/o the email link above.

This Week's Playlist:

Cuban Cowboys: Senor Balaban Favoriting

Los Mirlos: From Roots of Chicha comp - CD Currently up for Grabs! Favoriting

Los Diablos Rojos: From Roots of Chicha comp - CD Currently up for Grabs! Favoriting

The Commerce Starlift: Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey - from the premium cd - $75 pledge! Favoriting

Ali Farka Toure & Toumani Diabate: CD currently up for grabs - pledge now! Favoriting

Letta Mbulu: From the premium cd! Favoriting

Flamenco: From the Premium CD World Music 70s! Favoriting

Angelique Kidjo: New CD Ojo Favoriting

Najma Akhtar and Gary Lucas: CD up for grabs - we also have the Gypsy Caravan DVD up for grabs! Favoriting

Aster Aweke: From the premium Cd - non-Ethiopiques track! $75 and up pledges get it automatically! Favoriting

Tinariwen: Currently have a Tinariwen CD (Imidiwan) AND a DVD (Live in London) up for grabs - your chances are good! Favoriting

Mhd Rafi: Jaan Pehechaan Ho - from Bombay Bombshell - one of 2 cds currently up for grabs! Favoriting

Listener comments!

  6:58pm paul out west:

Hey evrbdy... This station is so great and has so much integrity... we shouldn't make them struggle and beg. We all can and should put them over the top - WAY over the top... this is SOOOO much better than the corporate CRAP... THIS IS SO WORTH IT!!
  7:12pm eh:

WFMU.. the last bastion for good music.. Worth every penny you can give..
  7:25pm texas scott:

I second that,eh.Worth every penny.
  7:43pm dc pat:

what am I doing here??? But yes, I third that, eh, EVERY penny.
  8:31pm Jeff M:

Give, give, give! Turn those pockets inside out.

An illustration from a little while ago:
  8:43pm culprit:

I don't usually say this, but here's one that really is even better on video!
  8:55pm Jeff M:

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