Favoriting Daniel Blumin: Playlist from February 27, 2010 Favoriting

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The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.

Monday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 27, 2010: Where Cold Machines of Calculated Steel Meet the Savage Rabble

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Zaika  Big Jar 1   Favoriting Big Jar  Archive  2010      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Roberto Musci & Giovanni Venosta  The Ups   Favoriting Urban and Tribal Portraits  Recommended  1988  LP    0:13:30 (Pop-up)
Monofonic Orchestra  Just Another Way   Favoriting Musicdesign  Alga Marghen  2010      0:17:47 (Pop-up)
Love Cry Want  Ancient Place   Favoriting Love Cry Want  Weird Forest  2010  LP box set  June '72 concert recordings from Lafayette Pk across from the White House w/ Pres. Nixon sending JR Haldeman to pull the plug lest the tunes "levitate the White House" - sadly that conversation was not recorded for posterity!  0:27:53 (Pop-up)
The Moody Blues  The Best Way to Travel   Favoriting In Search of the Lost Chord  Decca  1968  LP    0:38:07 (Pop-up)
Phil & The Frantics  I Must Run   Favoriting Acid Dreams - Epitaph  Past and Present  2009      0:41:10 (Pop-up)
R. Stevie Moore  Misplacement   Favoriting Me Too  Cherry Red  2009      0:44:00 (Pop-up)
Stephen David Heitkotter  Cadillac Woman   Favoriting Stephen David Heitkotter  Time-Lag/Earmonger  2010  LP  "ex-road runners drummer stephen david heitkotter recorded and pressed the lp in california sometime before 1971 as a demo only edition of no more then two dozen copies in blank white covers, then distributed it only to a handful of local san joaquin radio stations before the pressing plant destroyed the masters due to non-payment. within months of his failed attempt at radio stardom stephen was committed to the state mental ward, and that was that…" till now!  0:47:47 (Pop-up)
Greg Kelley & Alex Neilson  I   Favoriting Passport to Satori  Golden Lab  2010  LP    0:52:57 (Pop-up)
The Musical Janeens  The First Improvisation   Favoriting Sell Out  Plurex  1980  LP    1:16:25 (Pop-up)
Gown  Full Moon Morning   Favoriting The Old Line  Divorce  2010  LP    1:26:01 (Pop-up)
Brian Morant  Travelodge, Derby: Kristallo Overheard   Favoriting     2010  MP3    1:39:28 (Pop-up)
Laibach  Ti, Ki Izzivas   Favoriting M.B. December 21, 1984  Mute  1997      1:47:55 (Pop-up)
Robert Schroeder  Glucksgedanken   Favoriting Brain Voyager  Lifestyle  1985  LP    2:03:36 (Pop-up)
Badfinger  Apple of my Eye   Favoriting Ass  Apple  1973  LP    2:08:09 (Pop-up)
Gareth Davis & Steven R. Smith  The Pulpit   Favoriting Westering  Important        2:11:43 (Pop-up)
Paul de Vree  Organon   Favoriting V/A: Futura Poesia Sonora Vol. 6  Cramps  1978      2:17:12 (Pop-up)
Mauricio Kagel  Ex-position (excerpt 2)   Favoriting Arkivalia Volume I: Music from the Henie-Onstad Art Center Archives  Henie Onstad  1996      2:21:55 (Pop-up)
F. X. Randomiz  Dirtum   Favoriting Goflex  A-Musik  1997      2:25:45 (Pop-up)
Michel Huygen  Meeting at the Hilton   Favoriting Capturing Holograms  Jive Electro  1984  12"    2:35:14 (Pop-up)
Smersh  Greasing Wheezer   Favoriting Free Music Archive Sampler    1984      2:40:39 (Pop-up)
Acid Eater  Dirty   Favoriting Black Fuzz on Wheels  Time Bomb  2010      2:46:06 (Pop-up)
Jetzmann/Liquidski  Ubern Jordan   Favoriting Storage Compilation  Stora  1999      2:50:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


I'm #1! I'm#1! whoop whoop whoop whoop....
D. Blumin:

Hiya Squinchy! Happy Saturday night!

love the show! woohoo i'm on the accu playlist! looking forward to the rest of the set d
D. Blumin:

Hola Harvey! Thanks fer tuning in! I'll try to keep it accu!
If you keep it locked!

love cry want into the the MBs? That's just so crazy it just might work....and yes
it does work
the blumin torch flies high in the sky...
dan in falls church VA:

Gee Daniel, I didn't think there were too many Nixon White House conversations that weren't recorded for posterity! Did this one supposedly really happen?
D. Blumin:

Haha! It... just... might... work... thanks, Sq!
Dan, yes, it says it right here in the liners! And JR went out to do it - that's the converso I'd like to listen to... "The President wishes you to stop levitating the White House, okay? OK? Can you do that for us? We can't concentrate on the war w/ this racket going on..."
dan in falls church VA:

That's pretty hilarious. I was aware of the ealier effort to levitate the Pentagon, but not of this 1972 effort to levitate the Whtie House.

Greetings from Eugene, OR.
dan in falls church VA:

gotta love copious liners

Hey Blumin fans, this can be a tough timeslot for the DJs so be sure to save up your ducats and pledge to this show next week!

gee,this show smells terrific.
smells like pseu braun.
we look forward to your premium,Daniel.
D. Blumin:

Thx Scott! Pseu will be joining me next week to muster up support! And Ike you got that right! Save up your ducats! Pledge, pledge, pledge! Next week, next week, next week!

a marriage made in radioheaven.
D. Blumin:

Most definitely! I'm looking fwd to it!!!

Man, finally that perfect mix of free jazz, tribal drums, and black metal vox I've been wanting to hear. No joke.

man this sounds great tonight - makes me proud to be staying home on a saturday night - what is this track behind you ?

I will try to pledge next week on Mr. Blumin's program!

come on down,Daniel.we'll hold a seat for you.

daniel - how can i own your avatar?
is it like a voodoo doll? i'll poke it in the eye to check!!
D. Blumin:

BW, it's Hammafest "Runter"
Mark from Pompton Plains:

This reminds me of a song on the Petros Pandis album "Songs from the Greek Revolution" that was on the Audio Motherlode a few months back. Do I smell a multinational/lingual mashup?

marathon... here it comes...

that SChroeder was really pretty.

HA Badfinger!
Now I know it's real.
D. Blumin:

Thanks, Muhrv!!!
BW, staying in on Saturday is the new must-do! Esp. the next two weeks! Dave, all you gotta do is adopt me! And that avatar is YOURS! Take him! Take him! Poke that dolly!
D. Blumin:

Yeah, Jeff, I was thinkin of putting that on the premium but then it HAD TO get played w/ Badfinger back to back... so no deal!
Greetings Mark - my premium is a multinational multilingual mash up! Sorta! So that was a perfect descrip - wish I coulda thunk of it first!

Love the Paul de Vree. Digital wizardry still can't beat the old-fashioned primal reverb and echo effects.

I cant fast forward your live show on the iPhone app - I thought it was supposed to be able to do that.. I want to see what you are gonna play next but I guess I will have to wait
D. Blumin:

Scott, I still might come out to SXSW! We shall see!

Muhrv, agreed! Up w/ old-fashionedness!!!

BW, have patience, modern man! Ha!

wow, this is a pretty one too (Michael Huygen).
so relaxing to organize stuff too. Soundtrack to my quest for orderliness
D. Blumin:

And I just went and ruined it w/ this angry outburst! There goes the organization! Doh!

happens. I'll let it slide this time.
dan in falls church VA:

Daniel's show always makes me frantically run around *dis*-organizing everything.

Great show!!! Thanks!
D. Blumin:

An amen to disorder, Dan!

And thnkee much, Tita!

Tune in next week and support WFMU, everyone! In exchange fer yr support:
CD prizes, "Switzerland Surrounded, Neighbors Tripping!" D. Blumin premium, hairstyle adoption program, and mirth and merriment!
dave "mill creek"rankin:

well ...today i got the morning off and i'm listening while drifting in and out of sleep ...this music covers the street rumble and the lack of beat in these tracks suggests to me a subconcious longing for freedom while drifting slowly away from the toxic mainstream and now that guy is ranting about a bottle of water ..am i sleeping or am i awake..gettin creepy here...time for breakfast i think..help!
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