Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from January 27, 2010 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting January 27, 2010

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
graham lambkin  20:40   Favoriting softly softly copy copy  kye  2009  CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
slicing grandpa    diaper down  scatological liberation front  2010  CD  0:20:03 (Pop-up)
oh no  p*ssy   Favoriting ethiopium  no label  2010  CD-R  0:23:31 (Pop-up)
moniek darge  stormfugle   Favoriting soundies  kye  2009  CD  0:25:58 (Pop-up)
rale  somehow   Favoriting the whispering gallery  arbor infinity  2009  LP  0:33:01 (Pop-up)
paris 1942  paris 1942   Favoriting   majora  1994  7"  0:49:29 (Pop-up)
archipelago brewing co.  criswell   Favoriting   nuf sed  1991  7"  0:55:10 (Pop-up)
mx 80  you can't win 'em all   Favoriting   quadruped  1992  7"  0:58:11 (Pop-up)
the necks    silverwater  ReR magacorp  2009  CD  1:02:24 (Pop-up)
roxy jones  chantal goya   Favoriting   h.o.i.  2009  7"  1:15:26 (Pop-up)
philip perkins  coronation/wedding / war   Favoriting king of the world  fun music  1983  LP  1:26:50 (Pop-up)
ippu du  radio japan   Favoriting radio fantasy  epic  1981  LP  1:32:50 (Pop-up)
sparks  bergman ponders escape   Favoriting the seduction of ingmar bergman  lil beethoven  2010  CD  1:36:00 (Pop-up)
ben watt w/ robert wyatt  aquamarine   Favoriting summer into winter  cherry red  1981  12"  1:40:58 (Pop-up)
duncan browne  the crash   Favoriting the wild places  sire  1978  LP  1:44:54 (Pop-up)
the mantles  bad design   Favoriting   i wish i was a lumber tone  2009  7"  1:48:43 (Pop-up)
unrest  woody allen/ cats   Favoriting unrest  teen beat  1985/2010  CD  1:51:08 (Pop-up)
nothing people  enemy with an invitation   Favoriting   permanent recordings  2010  7"  1:53:36 (Pop-up)
sun city girls  my friend rain   Favoriting sumatran electric chair  abduction  2001  CD  2:01:47 (Pop-up)
larry coryell  herman wright   Favoriting lady coryell  vangaurd apostolic  1969  LP  2:05:06 (Pop-up)
davilla 666  primero muerta   Favoriting   hozac  2009  7"  2:08:24 (Pop-up)
homosexuals  hearts in exile   Favoriting   lorelei  1978  7"  2:12:43 (Pop-up)
nudge squidfish  marriage vows   Favoriting   new age  1982  7"  2:14:43 (Pop-up)
ego summit  small piece of germany   Favoriting thr room isn't big enough  old age/no age  1995  LP  2:16:38 (Pop-up)
cluster  proantipro   Favoriting curiosum  sky  1981  LP  2:20:03 (Pop-up)
minimal man  far away   Favoriting slave lullabyes  pias  1986  LP  2:26:42 (Pop-up)
street life  act on instinct   Favoriting   blackmarket records  1984  12"  2:30:08 (Pop-up)
foust  jungle fever   Favoriting jungle fever  swill radio  2009  CD  2:36:34 (Pop-up)
sunburned hand of the man  action figure   Favoriting a  ecstatic peace  2010  LP  2:44:16 (Pop-up)
circulasione totale orchestra  disc one   Favoriting bandwidth  rune grammofon  2009  CD  2:50:00 (Pop-up)
noveller  st. powers   Favoriting red rainbows  no fun  2009  CD  2:57:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Enid Coleslaw:

Morning John...current track only coming out of the left channel here. Maybe something up with the stylus?
Enid Coleslaw:

Ah it's fine now!

thx for heads up
maxim goose:

magik markers song?
maxim goose:

clearly not--lyrics reminded me of one off boss
maxim goose:

i must stop talking to myself

it's ok

As usual, no witty remarks, but gotta say what a great salad of sounds this show has been.

hey parq, nice to see ya
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