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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, January 16, 2010 Favoriting
Live from the Golden Festival!

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This evening, with the help of co-host / tech guru Irene Trudel and our peerless crew, we broadcast all the music from the Golden Festival of East European Music and Dance Kafana stage from 6pm until midnight. (Kafana is Serbo-Croatian for "cafe"; the stage is located conveniently near the food!) We went an extra three hours (with thanks to Daniel Blumin).

About the Festival: Every January, NY Balkan music scene pioneers the Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band organize the Golden Festival - a massive two-night grassroots Balkan and East European music and dance festival at the Good Shepherd School, 620 Isham Street (near Broadway and 207 St.) in upper Manhattan. The festival, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, is the biggest event of its kind in New York City: The second night (Saturday) is a marathon featuring 40-50 bands and artists performing on three stages from 6pm until 4 in the morning. See:

Massive thanks to Zlatne Uste and the festival organizing committee, the on-site festival staff and volunteers including Kafana Stage house engineer Charlie Pilzer, and our illustrious on-site crew: Irene Trudel, Rob Christiansen, Glenn Luttman, Bil Bowen, Jason Sigal, Katie Gentile and Doron, With help from Kris Percival, Bryce Kretschmann and Benjamen Walker; and board-ops Lamin Fonfana and Jeff Mullan.

Post-Mortem note from Your DJ Rob W: Sorry everyone about the drop-out problems we had during the live transmission of this remote. We'll make sure that doesn't happen if we do it again next year. The good news is, we've created the archive from our on-site recording (extra thanks to Doron and Irene) - so it's totally clean, free of drop-outs and glitches.

This Week's Playlist:

  These are the sets that will be included in the WFMU broadcast from the festival's Kafana stage. For the full three-stage 6 pm to 4 am festival lineup and schedule see:

The Rosen Sisters: A mix of line dances and couple dances Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
6 pm set.

Sarah Alden, Brian Slattery, Cristina Crowder, Benjy Fox Rosen (bass): Moldavian music Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
6:30 pm set.

Yale Women's Slavic Chorus: Singing music of Eastern Europe with their trademark Yik! for 40 years Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
7 pm set.

Kadife: Traditional music from (mostly) Southern Albania.  Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
7:40 pm set.

Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band: Dance music from Serbia and the Balkans from the four-time invited guests to the renowned Guca Trumpet Festival in Serbia Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
8:20 pm set.

Družina: Bulgarian and Rom music featuring compositions and arrangements written especially for Druzhina by Ivan Milev Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
8:50 pm set.

Romashka: Gypsy / Romani music for dancing and dreaming Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
9:20 pm set.

Loretta Kelley: Springars and other Norwegian dance music featuring the Norwegian hardingfele fiddle Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
10 pm set.

Scott Wilson & Efendi: Music of the Middle East, raqs sharki (belly dance) music Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
10:30 pm set.

GipsyYork: Gypsy (Romani) dance music from leading Romanian jazz trumpeter now based in NYC Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
11:10 pm set.

Novo Izvorno: Macedonian village music Favoriting / Live from the 2010 Golden Festival
11:50 pm set. (Broadcast portion will probably end with set in progress.)

Listener comments!

  6:13pm annie:

tuned.. tuned..
  6:13pm Liz B.:

Lots of dropouts at the beginning... Sounds great aside from the hiccups, though!
  6:13pm Mitten John:

This promises to be a great evening of music, Rob. Thanks to you and the hard-working WFMU crew for bringing it to those of us in the mitten and elsewhere outside of NYC.
  6:19pm annie:

i am sooo dancing to the old dances now..
  6:27pm ethanol:

hi from balkan, serbia!
  6:37pm slugluv1313:

curious about that "trademark Yik!" . . . !
  6:43pm ethanol:

anyone intersted in balkan music should hear Saban Barjamovic, late serbian gipsy, find his "A Sunen Romalen " album , it's pure gold.
  6:45pm bw:

sounds great! I want to come - see you in a bit
  7:38pm maria:

wish I was there!

there is a lot of drop - out on the audio here, just ta let you know. xo
  7:44pm Scott:

Aw man! This buffering is killing me. I really hope it gets sorted soon.
  7:55pm Wfmu remote team:

Is it still dropping?
  7:56pm annie:

  7:59pm Scott:

It's a lot better now. Maybe only dropping out every 30 seconds, rather than every 5 seconds.
  8:00pm Liz B.:

Still dropping out a lot, maybe you guys could reduce the bit-rate of the feed you are sending?
  8:19pm jason:

question : do you know of night clubs and/or bars (across the country or in your neck of the wood) that have live (wfmu) listening parties ? i just started in the kitchen at a club here in columbus and i would really like to push for a live radio night .. let me know ?
  8:21pm Wfmu remote team:

We are sadly at the mercy of verizon wireless. We just made a switch that should hopefully help. Let us know how it's going...
  8:25pm annie:

it's been wonderful, rob.. great idea!! off to hit the sack with a volume of faulkner.. night all.
  8:33pm Scott:

Sad to say, it's worse now. What I can hear sounds utterly brilliant. Very jealous of you guys who are there to see and hear it. Maybe I'll come over the pond and be there for the real thing next year!
  8:35pm Liz B.:

Still rocky with the tieline, not sure if it's much better. Has the tieline had time to stabilize or did you guys just connect with it? I guess the best you can do is lower the bitrate on the tieline or experiment with lowering the bitrate on the shoutcast stream if you go back to that.
  10:21pm Ike:

Connection is still a bit wobbly/warbly. Hang in there! Also, playlist no longer linked to front page.
  11:34pm gaugh:

heck! i missed zlatne uste and other bands i was looking forward to listening to.
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