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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Sunday, May 5, 2002 Favoriting
The Jawharp Show with Lena Strayhorn

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An all-world all-jawharp show with special guest Lena Strayhorn! Including a live demo/performance by Lena and special guest jawharpist, WFMU's own DJ Bryce. Lena, who has travelled the world in search of jawharps and their players, leads jawharp workshops at Tribal Soundz, 340 E6 St in NYC. The next one will be Monday May 13 at 7pm.

There's going to be an international jawharp conference and festival in Norway Sept 11-15, 2002.  Find out more:

To learn more about this truly international instrument and the growing U.S. jawharp scene visit

All music programmed by Lena Strayhorn except selections in [] brackets.

Kerejing solo / Music for the Gods-- The Fahnestock South Sea Expedition-- Indonesia / The Library of Congress Endangered Music Project, Rykodisc

Mehardeen Langa : Murchang Solo / Musicians & Poets of Rajasthan / Long Distance

Hayat Langa: Morchang Solo (with kamaycha & dholak), Raga Bhairavi, Ek tal; Hayat Langa & Meherdin Langa: Morchang duet (with dholak), Karwada tala / Instrumental Music of Rajasthan-- Langas & Manganiyars / King Records World Music Library

[Rajasthani wooden stringed jaw harp track from LP in Rob’s collection]

Nurlanbek Nishanov : "Kukuk" ("Cuckoo"); Suydum Tolokova : "Too irgagi" ("Rhythm of a Mountain"); Baktybek Shatenov & Bermet Orozbekova : "Kosh Karik" ("Double Tune") ; Nurlanbek Nishanov : "Improvisation" / Shuudungut’s Road: Music of the Kyrgyz People of Central Asia / Kyrgyz Music

Oorzhak Khunashtaar-ool : “Alash Um” ("My Alash River") / Uzlyau: Guttural Singing of the Peoples of the Sayan, Altai, and Ural Moutains / Pan Records

Ivan Alexeyev & Spiridon Shishigin : “Impromptu" / Sing, My Khomus: Jew’s Harp of the Sakha (Yakut) People, Eastern Siberia / Nihon Kouikin Kyoukai (Japan Jew's Harp Association)

Hmong ncaas solo / unmarked cassette bought on street in hills of Northern Vietnam

Spiridon Shishigin : “Fantasies of Berlin” / Soul of Yakutia --Spiridon Shishigin, Khomus /Wergo

The OddTones : “Ion Propulsion”; “Tree Trumps”; “Kubing Bow Bop” / We’re Allowed / Mouth Music Press

Pak Pande & Pak Bagus : Genggong duets, including "Frog Climbing Banana Tree" / recorded by Lena Strayhorn in Bali

[Utete solo : Tonga from Lyrichord Tonga LP in Rob’s collection, recorded by Dutch musicologists Ad and Lucia Linkels]

[Bungkow solo : Borneo from a 60s Capitol Records Borneo collection, also from Rob’s collection]

Tserendorj Soyolonerdene : "Xumuun Torolxton" ("Humankind") ; and "Zadgai Tsagaan Uul" (Zadgai Tsagaan Mountain) ; Tseyen Tserendorj : "Bogd Xairxany Ayalguu" ; Yanjiv Tsogtbaatar : Tomor xuur solo / Jargalant Altai: Xoomii & other vocal & instrumental music from Mongolia / Pan Records

T. Jynybekov : “Koro Chetynde” ("In Flocks") / Khomus: Jew’s Harp Music of Turkic Peoples in the Urals, Siberia, and Central Asia / Pan Records

[Inuit wooden harp from Canadian Inuit throat-singing and jawharp LP, in Rob’s collection]

Anchimaa Sonat, Anchimaa Khert, and Chandanmaa Torten-ool : Khomuz melodies performed by a trio of Khomuz players ; Oleg Kuular : Sigit with Khomuz ; Balgan Kuzhiget : wooden jew's harp / Tuva: Voices from the Center of Asia / Smithsonian Folkways

Larry Hanks : “8th of January” ; Gordon Frazier : Kubing ; Bill Gohring : "Turkey in the Straw for Fred" / North American Jew's Harp Festival 1997 Highlights / North American Jew's Harp Guild

Phons Bakx, Andre Houwing and Iz van Elk : "Afraltia" / Music & the Dispel of Thoughts / Antropodium

Akha jaw harp solo / Hill Tribe Music-- Akha / Disco Cassette Chiang Mai

Lahu ata solo / Hill Tribe Music -- Lahu / Disco Cassette Chiang Mai

Srirangam Kannan : Morsing solo / Nandeesa Sammelanam / Ananda Cassettes

[Lombok jawharp track from King Records collection, courtesy of WFMU DJ Bryce]

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