Artist |
Album |
Label |
Approx. start time |
Kneejerk Reactions
Don't Underestimate My Love
The Electrifying Sounds of ... |
Screaming Apple |
0:00:00 Pop-up)
Where Have All the Good Times Gone
The Kink Kontroversy |
Castle |
0:04:38 Pop-up)
Pink Fits
Lex In B
De Ja Blues |
Off the Hip |
0:07:51 Pop-up)
Thanks For Nothing
Hey! |
Ricochet |
0:10:07 Pop-up)
Hall Monitors
s/t EP |
0:13:48 Pop-up)
Cecilia Und Die Sauerkrauts
Quelle Heure il Est?
Saurkraut, Wurst Und Other Delights |
Soundflat |
0:18:52 Pop-up)
Davie Allan & The Arrows
Buzz Saw Effect
Retrophonic |
Arrow Dynamic |
0:19:19 Pop-up)
Blue Cheer
Just a Little Bit
Outside Inside |
Mercury |
0:20:47 Pop-up)
Betty Harris
There's a Break In the Road
various - Shake What You Brought! Soul Treasures From the SSS International Label |
Sundazed |
0:32:50 Pop-up)
Bettye LaVette
Piece of My Heart
various - Shake What You Brought! Soul Treasures From the SSS International Label |
Sundazed |
0:35:14 Pop-up)
Johnny Barfield & the Men of S.O.U.L.
Soul Butter
various - Shake What You Brought! Soul Treasures From the SSS International Label |
Sundazed |
0:38:33 Pop-up)
Big Al Downing
Cornbread Row
various - My Goodness Yes! Soul Treasures from the Silver Fox Label |
Sundazed |
0:40:11 Pop-up)
Robert Parker
You Shakin' Things Up
various - My Goodness Yes! Soul Treasures from the Silver Fox Label |
Sundazed |
0:42:32 Pop-up)
Hank Ballard
Sunday Morning Coming Down
various - My Goodness Yes! Soul Treasures from the Silver Fox Label |
Sundazed |
0:45:08 Pop-up)
It's My Pride
United Empire Loyalists |
Nardwuar |
0:54:35 Pop-up)
Barney Rubble Is My Double
Ripple Rock |
Mint/Nardwuar |
0:56:22 Pop-up)
I Say That On Purpose To Bug You
Ripple Rock |
Mint/Nardwuar |
0:57:30 Pop-up)
Nardwuar the Human Serviette
Nardwuar vs. Alice Cooper
United Empire Loyalists |
Nardwuar |
1:02:52 Pop-up)
Tom Donahue
Jeans West commercial
1:05:28 Pop-up)
Dalek/Engam: The Blackstones
That's the Bag I'm In
various - Quagmire Vol. 1 |
Finest Hour |
1:06:41 Pop-up)
That's the Bag I'm In
Music From the North Country - The Jayhawks Anthology |
American |
1:08:52 Pop-up)
Led Zeppelin
Ozone Baby
box set |
Atlantic |
1:11:32 Pop-up)
Where's God In Those Eyes?
Zod, King of Spoons |
Not |
1:14:59 Pop-up)
Jonny Chan & the New Dynasty 6
I Hate You Baby
title cut |
Sound Camera |
1:26:54 Pop-up)
Jonny Chan & the New Dynasty 6
Bad Little Girl
I Hate You Baby! |
Sound Camera |
1:29:03 Pop-up)
Rocket To the Moon
Big Hits |
1:31:14 Pop-up)
High Tension Wires
Get You
Send a Message |
Dirtnap |
1:33:58 Pop-up)
Reckless Hearts
Don't Wander (Far From Me)
Get Up and Run |
Off the Hip |
1:35:35 Pop-up)
Hula Baby
Aguantame la Jarra
s/t |
1:38:11 Pop-up)
Reverend Horton Heat
Oh By Jingo!
Laughin' & Cryin' |
Yep Roc |
1:40:30 Pop-up)
Joe Pernice
Black Smoke (No Pope)
It Feels So Good When I Stop: Novel Soundtrack |
Ashmont |
1:42:38 Pop-up)
various - Train To Nowhere: Unissued Sixties Garage Acetates Vol. 3 |
Norton |
1:54:28 Pop-up)
Jack of All Trades
various - I've Had Enough! Unissued Sixties Garage Acetates Vol. 4 |
Norton |
1:56:42 Pop-up)
One Thing
various - Train To Nowhere: Unissued Sixties Garage Acetates Vol. 3 |
Norton |
1:59:02 Pop-up)
various - I've Had Enough! Unissued Sixties Garage Acetates Vol. 4 |
Norton |
2:01:17 Pop-up)
Reigning Sound
Polly Anne
Love and Curses |
In the Red |
2:03:32 Pop-up)
Heavy Trash
Gee, I Really Love You
Midnight Soul Serenade |
Fat Possum/Big Legal Mess |
2:07:00 Pop-up)
Barbara Lynn
I'll Suffer
Here Is Barbara Lynn |
Water |
2:09:47 Pop-up)
Buddy Rich
The Beat Goes On
2:12:57 Pop-up)
Dennis Diken with Bell Sound
Don't Let Me Sleep Too Long
Late Music |
Cryptovision |
2:22:40 Pop-up)
Robert Pollard
Stiff Me
Elephant Jokes |
Guided By Voices Inc. |
2:24:59 Pop-up)
The Clean
In the Dream Life You Need a Rubber Soul
Mister Pop |
Merge |
2:27:23 Pop-up)
Yo La Tengo
I'm On My Way
Popular Songs |
Matador |
2:31:09 Pop-up)
Grant Lee Phillips
City of Refuge
Nineteeneighties |
Zoe |
2:35:04 Pop-up)
Dan Melchior Und Das Menace
Obscured By Fuzz
title cut |
Topplers |
2:41:10 Pop-up)
Ty Segall
Shoot Me In the Head
Horn The Unicorn |
2:43:27 Pop-up)
You Can't Come Back
Send Black Flowers |
Hipsville |
2:45:24 Pop-up)
Knife Fight At the Planetarium
The Weirdies In 3D |
2:51:10 Pop-up)
Imperial Surfers
The Splib
various - Soundflat Records' Ballroom Bash Vol. 2 |
Soundflat |
2:52:03 Pop-up)
Yellow Fuzz
various - Soundflat Records' Ballroom Bash Vol. 2 |
Soundflat |
2:54:19 Pop-up)
I Smell a Rat Baby
various - Soundflat Records' Ballroom Bash Vol. 2 |
Soundflat |
2:55:49 Pop-up)
The Who
Coke ad
2:58:39 Pop-up)