Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from June 17, 2009 Favoriting

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"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Fri. Mar 14th, 9am - Noon: John Allen and his Co-Host Clay Pigeon

Favoriting June 17, 2009

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
gen ken montgomery  it's over / as i was/ anyway/fever down   Favoriting 8 track magic ll  aif sound art  2009  CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
roedelius  cafe central   Favoriting jardin au fou  paragon  1979/2009  CD  0:05:11 (Pop-up)
anthony moore  just us   Favoriting flying doesn't help  quango  1979  LP  0:08:28 (Pop-up)
rueber  spielkind   Favoriting anna  staubgold  2000  LP  0:14:23 (Pop-up)
helene prevost  VSM   Favoriting victoriaville matiere sonore  victo  2009  CD  0:26:26 (Pop-up)
yvonne fair  it should have been me   Favoriting the bitch is black  reel  1974/2009  CD  0:33:59 (Pop-up)
cameron  feelin   Favoriting s/t  salsoul  1980  EP  0:38:37 (Pop-up)
pete dunaway  supermarket   Favoriting black rio 2  strut  1975/2009  CD  0:45:06 (Pop-up)
chancha via cirtcuito  bucetao   Favoriting funk mundial  man  2009  CD  0:51:02 (Pop-up)
ladji camara  lamban   Favoriting africa, new york  lyrichord  2008  LP  0:54:34 (Pop-up)
virgil moorefield  tatendrang   Favoriting transformations  slipped disc  1982  LP  1:10:52 (Pop-up)
robert quine/ jody harris  don't throw that knife   Favoriting escape  lust/ unlust  1981  12"  1:15:08 (Pop-up)
john martyn  small hours   Favoriting one world  island  1978  LP  1:26:11 (Pop-up)
foetus  the anxious figure   Favoriting limb  ectopic ents  2009  CD  1:30:43 (Pop-up)
insayngel  dig yer heels   Favoriting s/t  heavy tapes  2009  12"  1:34:14 (Pop-up)
ryucichi sakamoto & kazumi watanabe  thousand knives   Favoriting toyko joe  better days  1982  LP  1:42:55 (Pop-up)
kante manfila  wariko   Favoriting musicale mandingue  tangent  1986  LP  1:54:38 (Pop-up)
daniele baldelli  wawa kossa   Favoriting cosmic sound  mediane  2006  CD  1:57:03 (Pop-up)
blues control  tangier   Favoriting local flavor  siltbreeze  2009  LP  2:02:36 (Pop-up)
creme d'cocoa  waiting for the last goodbye   Favoriting funked up  venture records  1978  LP  2:11:08 (Pop-up)
robert wyatt  instant pussy   Favoriting theatre royal drury lane  hannibal  2005  LP  2:15:34 (Pop-up)
harry merry  pierpaschu   Favoriting first contact  ole records  2008  LP  2:19:22 (Pop-up)
kilburn & the high roads  upminster kid   Favoriting handsome  pye  1975  LP  2:24:51 (Pop-up)
severed heads  a million angels   Favoriting gashing the old mae west  ink records  1986  12"  2:29:11 (Pop-up)
sonic youth  antenna   Favoriting the eternal  matador  2009  LP  2:39:35 (Pop-up)
yoshi wada  earth horns with electronic drone   Favoriting earth horns with electronic drone  em  1974/2009  CD  2:45:03 (Pop-up)
yoko ono  calling   Favoriting don't stop me  chimera music  2009  CD  2:51:16 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Ken From Hyde Park:

Hey Iceland, have a happy National Day. Any listeners from Iceland here today? Is your economy getting better?

why do you have to taunt the icelanders ken?

Whats the difference between Ireland and Iceland?

John, glad to know you're staying put. Eileen, one letter.
eileen gogan:

Yes, also a few thousand killometers and six months!

Plus, Bjork is cuter than Bono.
Ken From Hyde Park:

Wasn't meant as a taunt. I read a magazine article in the gym recently. They took a real beating in the financial markets and I was wondering if anyone from there was tuned in. The article said people couldn't keep up payments on their Range Rovers and resorted to blowing them up for insurance money. The article was in Salon magazine, if I recall correctly.

Yes, Iceland has since had special elections to oust the former government,and a debate over how to invest or whether to invest at all in foreign markets continues. Good news is that with nations that small, rebounding from situations like these is a bit easier.

Ken, just a little gallows humor. God knows NYC is in no position to laugh at other place's economic collapses.

good morning all. just making my way here.. i love icaland!! great movie : "cold fever"

Hey, Annie. My coffee's finally done.

wonderful!! nothing like it!
stingy d:

is this from that new record? yoko is killin it man
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