Favoriting The Media Squat with Douglas Rushkoff: Playlist from June 15, 2009 Favoriting

The Media Squat is freeform, bottom-up, open source radio looking towards similarly open source, bottom-up solutions to some of the problems engendered by our relentlessly top-down society.

Each show will initiate a series of discussions, which will themselves comprise part of an expanding wiki of resources, support material, and community-generated content.

This isn't pure '60s or Whole Earth radicalism and self-sufficiency (though it's certainly related) but a 21st Century, cyberpunk reclamation of all technologies and social contracts as essentially open source, up for discussion, and open to modification. It's an application of the hacker ethic and net collectivism to everything, done in the spirit of fun and adventure.

Ongoing forums with host, guests, and listeners take place at http://www.mediasquat.net.

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Favoriting June 15, 2009: Growth

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Artist Track Album Label
Ramones  We Want the Airwaves   Favoriting Anthology: Hey Ho, Let's Go!  Rhino 
Douglas Rushkoff  Show theme Growth   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff  Reaction to the book tour for "Life Inc."   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff  Common Issues   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff  I want my MTV, Why do we have to ghive this up?   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushk  Yes, but at what cost?   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff  Aren't people just selfish?   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff  A No, Science (Food sharing, Glynn Isaac) (Rand, Berautiful Mind - Mathematician)   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff  Ni. Science, Food scaring, Glynn Isaac)   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff  RAND - Beautiful Mind mathematician   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff  Science justifies . Rekligion sells   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff  What is left of belief   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff`  What you actuaolly know   Favoriting    
Gang of four  Damaged Goods   Favoriting Entertainment  Rhino / Wea 
Douglas Rushkoff`  Jody Radzik of Guruphiliac.com   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff`  Sprotual matirity   Favoriting    
Jody Radzyk  Auto-hagiography   Favoriting    
Jody Radzyk  Folk theory of enlightenment   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff & Jody Radzyk  How are post-burningman becoming corrupted   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff & Jody Radzyk  Holding gurus to higher standards   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff & Jody Radzyk  Ideas of enlightenment   Favoriting    
Douglas Rushkoff & Jody Radzyk  Talking devotion   Favoriting    
Love and Rockets  So Alive   Favoriting So Alive  RCA 
Douglas Rushkoff & Jody Radzyk  Continue   Favoriting    
Ramones  We Want the Airwaves   Favoriting Anthology: Hey Ho, Let's Go!  Rhino 

Listener comments!


Is there anyone there?
adam p:

hey did you guys talk about landmark forum yet?

I'm hearing about it right now...
adam p:

thanks doug!

Hi Douglas,
You should have Grant Morrison on, if you can get him. Also, I know you are on this book tour and this book is central in your mind and all, but I'd love to hear you talk about some of the other topics you've written on, such as Judaism. I'd love to hear some conversation on what kind of group skills, and social skills we'd have to learn to be able to work in bottom up groups. I feel as if we are fairly illiterate in those areas, making group work very difficult.
Brian Oregon:

The inherently social (as opposed to individual/selfish) nature of human being is reflected in the central role of language in our individual and group lives. Humans could not live without language.
Brian Oregon:

Corporations are a very efficient way to consolidate the power of the powerful -- on a practical level power is grouped and then entrusted to handlers that use the power to increase the power/profits of the investors (that is the people with the power). Are there things that would never have developed unless we adopted a system of corporate-enhanced power? Probably, but it's not an answerable question at this point, so it's kind of dumb for people to get hung up on it. We are where are. All we can do is move forward, hopefully in ways based on democracy rather than on the interests of concentrated power.
Brian Oregon:

Here's a strange but true thought: the product of television (the thing it produces in order to make money) is viewers.
Brian Oregon:

The citation of biological evolution to justify social (including economic) practices is evil. Any one who does this should be put on the list for tar and feathering.
Brian Oregon:

Out here in ranch land Oregon, people will actually say out loud that they aren't concerned about "all that global warming stuff" because God is in control. That these people are "conservatives" from the Modern Superpower tells us something very important about how modern imperialism works...

I must say I cannot agree with Jody's "pick and choose" mentality. This is the typical consumerist approach to spirituality. Let's take a quote from Kant, Sapere Aude! (Have the courage to use your own reason.)
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