Favoriting The Media Squat with Douglas Rushkoff: Playlist from June 1, 2009 Favoriting

The Media Squat is freeform, bottom-up, open source radio looking towards similarly open source, bottom-up solutions to some of the problems engendered by our relentlessly top-down society.

Each show will initiate a series of discussions, which will themselves comprise part of an expanding wiki of resources, support material, and community-generated content.

This isn't pure '60s or Whole Earth radicalism and self-sufficiency (though it's certainly related) but a 21st Century, cyberpunk reclamation of all technologies and social contracts as essentially open source, up for discussion, and open to modification. It's an application of the hacker ethic and net collectivism to everything, done in the spirit of fun and adventure.

Ongoing forums with host, guests, and listeners take place at http://www.mediasquat.net.

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Favoriting June 1, 2009: The Book Tour show

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Artist Track
Douglas Rushkoff  RAMONES > > You're in the Media-squat. Our last best hope for airtime. > > The Media Squat is freeform, bottom-up, open source radio looking towards similarly open source, bottom-up solutions to some   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  of the problems engendered by our relentlessly top-down society.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Join us every Monday night on WFMU, WFMU.ORG, and iTunes, or all week long at mediasquat.net   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  We want your ideas for guests - including yourself - as well as finished pieces. Come make radio with us at media-squat.net   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  I'm on the road this week, broadcasting from my hotel room. I did an interview with Harvey Pekar just for the occasion, though, and that's coming up.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Tomorrow, June 2, is the publication of my new book Life inc: how the world became a corporation and how to take it back. I'm doing a lot of talks and panels to promote the main ideas of the book: tha   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  and panels to promote the main ideas of the book: that the crisis is an opportunity.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  You can watch the film > Find out about tour dates   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Come meet me live at Boston Public Library Tuesday evening, June 2, > in SF at Booksmith on Haight on June 9, or at A New Way Forward seminar in SF on June 10.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  New York at McNally Jackson on June 16, and a book party co-sponsored by WFMU and Arthur Magazine at Blue Stockings Bookstore on June 18   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  Harvey Pekar is a cleveland-based comics writer, creator of the autobiographical American Splendor series which eventually became a feature film. He has written graphic novels about everything from   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  growing up in Cleveland to the Beats to violence in Macedonia. He's a intellectual everyman, or everyman's intellectual, who looks at the urban landscape and modern experience through the eyes of a   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  deeply human being.   Favoriting
Walter "Fats" Pichon  Wiggle Yo Toes   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  We're talking with Harvey Pekar, the comics writer about his work, as well as the challenges facing anyone who wants to create art on a corporatist landscape.   Favoriting
Douglas Rushkoff  You've been listening to the MediaSquat on WFMU radio, WFMU.org, and all week at media-squat.net. Our guest has been Harvey Pekar.   Favoriting
Ramones  We Want the Airwaves   Favoriting

Listener comments!


Don't forget the LIFE INC. book party at Comfort in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, on June 7!

Comfort is home of the "Comfort Dollar" as discussed on previous episodes of this show.

Yes. Hastings-on=Hudson is just a short train ride away folks. :-)

The economy is the eight hundred pound gorilla in the room. Sadly, it wrecking even Hasting-on-Hudson...

give me a break! just talking is a subversive activity?
Brian Oregon:

I guess it depends on what you're talking about with whom...

All talk is subversive and DANGEROUS (If you're in power [but KNOW you don't deserve to be... :-])
Steve Lafreniere:

Good luck on the book tour, Douglas. I'm putting a review in the rural alt paper I edit in far western NY state.
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