Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

May 31, 2009 Favoriting

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Favoriting St. Valentine's Day Massacre - The Cocktail Slippers (CD: St. Valentines's Day Massacre) [Wicked Cool]
Favoriting Love Gun - Kiss (45) [Casablanca] 1977
Favoriting Summertime Fun - Nikki & The Corvettes (12" LP: Nikki & The Corvettes) [Bomp] 1980

Favoriting She Don't Love You Anymore - The Garage Gods (45) [Lost In Tyme]
Favoriting Do You Feel Alright - (Wally Tax &) The Outsiders (45) [Polydor] 1969
Favoriting Chien Mechant - Sheetah Et Les Weismuller (CD: Hola Ye-Yeah!) [Screaming Apple]
Favoriting Beach Ball - The City Surfers (45) [Capitol] 1963
Favoriting All Downhill From Here - The Sons Of Moon (CD: So Long, Sunrise) [DDI]
Favoriting Poor Little Fool - Rick Nelson (45) [Imperial] 1958

Favoriting Evil One - The Texreys (CD: Cave Girl) [Ugh!]
Favoriting Saturday's Son - The Sons Of Adam (45) [Decca] 1966
Favoriting Up On You - The Revellions (CD: The Revellions) [Dirty Water]
Favoriting Garden State Parkway Boogie - Holme (45) [Thin Ice Records] 1977
Favoriting Hideout - Plainfield Slim & The Groundhawgs (CD: Demo: When The Devil Hits Home)

Favoriting Gimme Your Love - Mark & The Spies (CD: Give Me A Look) [Screaming Apple]
Favoriting Superlungs - Terry Reid (45) [Epic] 1969
Favoriting 6654321 - De Keefmen (10" LP: De Keefmen) [Kuriosa]
Favoriting Come And Get These Memories - Martha & The Vandellas (45) [Gordy] 1963
Favoriting Don't Believe Me When I'm High - The Mojomatics (45) [Bad Afro]

Favoriting Sold For Sinners - The Dolly Rocker Movement (CD: Our Day's Mind The Tyme) [Off The Hip]
Favoriting Why Do I Cry - The Remains (45) [Epic] 1965
Favoriting Goodbye My Friend - The Heartbeats (CD: Two Down, Four To Go) [Twang!] 1995
Favoriting I Live For The Sun - The Sunrays (45) [Tower] 1965
Favoriting Doreen - Muck & The Mires (CD: Hypnotic) [Dirty Water]

Favoriting When I Died - The Thermals (CD: Now We Can See) [Kill Rock Stars]
Favoriting Garden Of My Mind - The Mickey Finn (45) [Direction] 1967
Favoriting Mr. Mudd And Mr. Gold - Steve Earle (CD: Townes) [New West]
Favoriting The Wah-Watusi - The Orlons (45) [Cameo] 1962
Favoriting Something About You Girl - Graham Day & The Gaolers (CD: Triple Distilled) [Damaged Goods]

Favoriting Minority Report - Los Straitjackets (CD: The Further Adventures Of Los Straitjackets) [Yep Roc]
Favoriting Shattered - The Good Feelings (45) [Rock-It] 1967
Favoriting You Made Me Cry - The Frantic Five (CD: On The Move) [On Stage] 2007
Favoriting Summer's Comin' - Kirby St. Romain (45) [Inette] 1963
Favoriting Spell In Your Heart - The Norvins (CD: Time Machine) [Soundflat]

Favoriting House Of A Thousand Guitars - Willie Nile (CD: House Of A Thousand Guitars) [River House]
Favoriting You Gotta Leave - The Gentlemen Wild (45) [Northwest International] 1967
Favoriting Maui Wowie - Merrell Fankhauser (CD: Move To Higher Ground) [Music Maniac]
Favoriting Summer Means Fun - Bruce & Terry (45) [Columbia] 1964
Favoriting Goodbye - The Royal Purple (CD: The Time Element) [Umbrella] 2008
Favoriting Anywhere The Girls Are - The Fantastic Baggys (45) [Imperial] 1964

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