Kenny G's Hour of Pain playlist | 05.20.09 ![]()
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Speaking of Retards
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Artist | Song [Comments]
> Unknown Girl | Stuttering Example![]()
> Noah Creshevsky | Sonata![]()
> The Feminists | X + Y = Di![]()
> Paul McCarthy | Finito![]()
> Ogden Nash | Wednesday Matinee![]()
> Alloy Orchestra | Track 7 from Man With A Movie Camera![]()
> East Side Sinfonetta | Mandelay Song![]()
> Jacob Jacobs | Mein Teier Jackalle![]()
> Brother Bones | Jingle Jangle Jingle![]()
> Susan Zagon | The Musical Snuff Box![]()
> Fred Lowery | William Tell Overture Finale![]()
> Jay Allison | The Neighborhood Freaks![]()
> Mothers of Invention | Hungry Freaks, Daddy![]()
> Head and Leg | Hey, Fat Lady!![]()
> The Residents | Mad Sawmill Of Copenhagen Germany Reprise 4![]()
> Gregory Whitehead | L’Indomptable![]()
> Lee Edwards | My Valentine![]()
> Benjamin, Wild Man of Hypnosis | Audio Letter To Don![]()
> Shirley Q. Liquor | Hypnosis![]()
> Guillaume Ollendorf | Le Bip![]()
> Stephan Hussong | In a Landscape (John Cage)![]()
> Ragnar Grippe | Chamber Music![]()
> Gavin Bryars | Private Music (1969)![]()
> Elton Ellen | Captain Fantastic![]()
> Kurt Mortensen | Death and the Iron Maidens (with chorus)[]
> Eske Norholm | The Flemming Lyst Project![]()
> Glenn Gould | Stowkowski Radio Interview![]()
> Bear Guy | Indian Chant![]()
> Qur’an for Little Muslims | Al-Fatiha![]()
> Brother Jim Schultz | September 11th![]()
> Wayne and Liz | Salvation in the End Times![]()
> Abana | The Judith Poem![]()
> Mystic Fugu Orchestra | Frog Doina![]()
> Mei Lanfang | Tai Zhen Wai Zhuan![]()
> Sato Michihiro | 荷方節
Listener comments!
12:09pm : lets g g g g g go k kkkk kk k kenny!12:10pm : who's got mayonnaise?12:10pm : hola, kenny!
saludos desde chile (back listening to 'fmu live!)
where did u get that stuttering example from?12:11pm : Please have her sing it....that was sad.. she sounded like a drunk Peaches Geldolf12:11pm : EWWWWWWWWWWW12:12pm : augustine believed in time. a structure of geometry then. and this writing is structure now is barbed wire time.12:13pm : kenny whats the deal with the pledges?! WHAT IS THE DEAL!?12:13pm : This is a Huyndai commercial?12:14pm : SONATA.One of the most annoying track of your show so far12:14pm : Lets not make fun of those who studder12:18pm : the first problem, istoria, is preservation, life after death. The second problem is how time is divided by minutes. rather a good thing, the minutes.12:19pm : Kenny G, please eat our souls12:19pm : but first, provide mayonnaise.12:20pm : EAT MY SOUL KENNY G!12:21pm : Would you like fries with my soul?12:23pm : Put your head down. You're having a colonoscopy.12:26pm : the mathesis regarding generative made a nice plot for the hopeful monsters. story wise. projections in media prepos theory. that language is the fractal. fractals are scalable facts of time movements alberti. what about a pure present?12:27pm : Those hard drive noises give me chills.12:28pm : do you like Adam Bohman? : ?tneserp erup a tuoba tahw .itrebla stnemevom emit fo stcaf elbalacs era slatcarf .latcarf eht si egaugnal taht .yroeht soperp aidem ni snoitcejorp .esiw yrots .sretsnom lufepoh eht rof tolp ecin a edam evitareneg gnidrager sisehtam eht12:31pm : a couple of friends of mine met you @ the Qwartz Awards months ago (Antonio, a.k.a. Pirata, and Felipe, a.k.a. dr800xl). they told me you were coming to Chile soon, is that true?
needless to say, congrats fot the award! ;)12:32pm : the problem with peace is that creativity is so often violent, i.e. monsters. How do we give up ontological structure, that is power, what power can exist in a pure present?12:40pm : Just lie still...OK?12:47pm : there is something so Anonymous and lively about live free form, what violence? maybe that is the archaic moral dilemma of ownership. this is cooperative of a journal made in the space of its own performance, i.e. comment page space.12:57pm : June didn't want to become a zombie.12:57pm : I just tuned in. Is this This American Life?12:59pm : that is only a justification for orgies as if people will fertilize themselves like plants or as in the policy of Plato in his Republic.12:59pm : hungry freex, daddy?12:59pm : It's too bad there's not somebody; oh, say a comic book hero, that could make these freaks rise helplessly into space.12:59pm : Hungry Freaks, Daddy!
G-d Bless Kenny G.1:05pm : If i saw you floatin down the gutter i'd configure your Leopard operatin system1:13pm : Whenever Kenny G throws up, rainbows are born.1:14pm : Is now a good time to mention that I love cake?1:15pm : : omg, i was hoping he'd say diarrhea!!1:15pm : multiperspective is not trancending time, it is only more than one observatino point. time has nothing to do with position or movement. the relationship, prepos, objet to object, that is the existence of time.1:18pm : Some us us are enjoying our lunch, again.1:18pm : that is beautiful kenny1:19pm : hey, us mothers, we can take any abuse you hand us.. even recycled food!1:20pm : Every day is a good day for Weird Paul Petroskey. Does WFMU have "Lo Fidelity Hi Anxiety"? "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" is pretty stunning in its brevity1:20pm : Lee Edwards is gonna throw up, I just know it...1:21pm : kenny go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:22pm : Are we going to go through this whole concept of time thing again? I explained this a month or so back. Don't make me get up.
Gotta go teach a class on string theory. Please buy my audiobooks.1:23pm : Everyone who is cool uses echo effects.1:24pm : (cecile?... where r u?...)1:25pm : Yes, it's Benjamin, the ass-kicking hypnotist.1:26pm : kenny you are the hungey freaks daddy,1:27pm : we do not need to limit knowledge to mechanics. power, geography is erased by hypnotist.1:28pm : Some of Benjamin's audience have been known to chew their own arms off just to escape his hypnotic grip of his show.1:30pm : And suddenly Rebecca De Mornay appears . . .1:33pm : I love wednesday!1:36pm : i hate Shirley Q. Liquor...but I'm on the phone right now...1:39pm : we must erase the function object object and add: object relationship object.1:41pm : geraldo: I think she's gone for the day....dammit garaldo, she's gone!1:43pm : hahaha,
thanx, pat
(it reminds me of that hall & oates' song...)
"i'll keep waiting", then...1:45pm : I hear you. I keep waiting, too.1:45pm : what a lovely place, an alle`e1:49pm : Quiet, yet disquieting.1:52pm : diana ross is talking to me?... this is a parallel universe, definitely!1:55pm : " I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.1:59pm : if we erase time all we get is taxodermy2:01pm : Fine by me.
All I ever wanted was a hollow ocelot with glass eyes.2:02pm : hahahahahahha2:02pm : Gavin Bryars looks like Marlon Brando from the back.
OK bye2:03pm : Time is nature's way of preventing everything from happening at one.2:06pm : where does understanding exist in time?2:06pm : time is an invention of the ruling class2:08pm : clocks are an invention of the ruling class, not time.2:09pm : Around 4:20, isotira.2:09pm : hi vicki!,
thanks for replying :D2:09pm : prove it.2:10pm : billions and billions2:11pm : time is naturally occurring flow of events that can never be stopped by anyone or anything. clocks cant be stopped. with guns of course.2:12pm : ya dig my nig?2:13pm : In a 4 dimensional space, time is just a coordinate.2:13pm : i meant clocks can** be stopped. my bad2:14pm : events happen no doubt, but that doesn't mean time does. you're talking about 2 different things. time had to be invented to deal with the flow of events and to make other people do them2:15pm : But even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Does that mean that time is intermittent?2:16pm : technical advance of gears, clocks and geometry are same line on a graph. measurement, value and materialism as well.2:17pm : Oh zip it Einstein, you hack. Go back to your insane maximum velocity theories. When you're ready to discuss event horizons or negative zero-spin quarks, come see me.
Brief History of Time now available in English accent audio.2:18pm : precisely what I'm talking about Hawking.2:18pm : time is real. it has no origin it will have no end. its greater than GOD. but there's no god so meh2:18pm : Albert, you fool, time is a vector.2:20pm : tewihotT: something becomes real as soon as you believe in it2:20pm : What? Oh, never mind. We'll be out back if you need us.2:21pm : correct-omundo2:21pm : I love my husband for his beautiful soul. No really!2:22pm : kenny, hello man, we love you.2:22pm : mentirosa2:25pm : this norholm piece is linked with john oswald's "barelys" - great!2:26pm : Now stop that, I hate big words I don't understand!2:26pm : Hey PMP, long time no hear from. How'd the day go today?2:26pm : So what you are saying, dc pat, is that no elementary phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon?2:27pm : are these danish guys? not bad.2:27pm : bring it2:28pm : Erwin: now we're getting somewhere!2:29pm : and no one controls our perception of reality better than than our rulers2:31pm : Hey, has anybody seen my cat? Erwin?2:36pm : ....perhaps catflaps are in fact wormholes. But only cats can move in time and space in this manner..2:38pm : Niels Bohr, yes. Erwin, no.2:39pm : That would sure explain the whole nine lives thing.2:39pm : I'm alive.2:39pm : No I'm not.2:40pm : And the landing on your feet thing, too.2:41pm : This shit's givin' me a headache.2:41pm : how do you know?2:43pm : hi carmichael - it's killing me man!
had a nap at lunchtime, powered up for it later!!! haha
how's tricks avez vous?!2:45pm : rolling=high on E2:48pm : Wendy makes me vomit.2:51pm : Paul, I'm hanging tough here in California. We're going bankrupt and I'm a govt. employee, so we're all daffing ourselves about now.
other than that minor detail, life's mui bueno.2:51pm : Hey, any of this stuff is a mile better than Dokaka.2:54pm : i thought i saw a puddy tat.. hi PMP!!!2:56pm : In the spoken bit before the singing commenced, that performer sounded like Fa or Bea from Day of the Dolphin.2:57pm : I just cut my hair and it only took 15 minutes. Way faster than going to the barber. But I had to look at a clock to tell me it was 15 minutes. 15 minutes later, my BOSS called a meeting. See what I mean?2:57pm : Not yet.3:03pm : So your BOSS won't cut your hair?3:05pm : plunk plunk plink1:40am : That little slider audio preview! That's the reason why I haven't upgraded yet! It's essential and I don't know why they did away with it!
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