Kenny G's Hour of Pain playlist | 05.06.09 ![]()
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People Are Strange
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Artist | Song
> Vito Acconci | Theme Song![]()
> Alllman Brothers | Blue Sky![]()
> Dokaka | Ramblin Man![]()
> Kenny G | Sings Roland Barthes![]()
> Hampton Grease Band | Halifax![]()
> Allman Brothers Band | Pony Boy![]()
> Holger Hiller | Dozing off In Front of the TV![]()
> Beatles | I'm Only Sleeping (Take 1)![]()
> Yximalloo | Sleep Well![]()
> Colin Anderson | Colin Anderson Whistles the First 19 Articles (1949)![]()
> Kenny G | Sings the German Constitution![]()
> Jon Catler | Sleeping Beauty![]()
> Kevin Blechdom | Going to Sleep![]()
> Tom Recchion / David Toop | The Long Sleep![]()
> Leroy Anderson | Dreams![]()
> The Residents | The Sleeper![]()
> Holger Hiller | Dozing off In Front of the TV![]()
> Various | Apology Line![]()
> Markku Peltola | Keskeltä Läpi Ja...![]()
> Yat-Kha | Tozhu Kyzy (Tozhu Girl)![]()
> Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band | Alice in Blunderland![]()
> Asa-Chang and Junray | Senaka (Instrumental)![]()
> John Zorn | Giu La Testa (Duck You Sucker!)![]()
> Kenny G and Irwin | Cinamon Girl![]()
Listener comments!
12:29pm : Corn weenie?12:29pm : Good morning, Mr. G.12:30pm : .12:30pm : vito..... love this performance. thanks kenny12:30pm : Is this from Seedbed?12:30pm : Is this the "other" Ray Manzarek tape?12:30pm : Kenny, don't. Awwww, Kenny don't. You say you will when you won't a-ha, Kenny don't.12:33pm : thats all..... thats all risky wants.... come oooon. doo doo doo...12:47pm : iTunes is a true champ12:48pm : Kenny's goin' all AOR on us ....12:50pm : I like to imagine there is some studio hair guitar going on right now.12:50pm : Air guitar too. But hair guitar sounds cooler.12:51pm : Its a Wednesday Rock Block for ya, right here on W-F-M-U!!!12:51pm : Where is your boy wonder? I think that kid that was helping you read the tax code really helped your show, Kenny. Somehow you need to get a full time child soundboard like him to bounce these ideass off of.12:52pm : Play Whipping Post!12:53pm : Now this is a toe tapper!12:54pm : The Zappa version of Whipping Post.12:55pm : I don't know whether to hop around in a frenzy of joy, or vomit! Awesome!12:58pm : STOP IT! STOOOOOP ITTTTTTTT!!!! my mother just died have you no pity man!12:59pm : has the show started yet?12:59pm : YOUR TORTURING ME1:00pm : We're gettin' there, Annie. Will happen about 3 pm ....1:00pm : we're all petty bourgeois now kenny, i blame it on the paradigm shift.1:00pm : I kinda want to jazz dance to this.1:00pm : wow, hear that cyborg sing!! this kind of stuff makes me believe in intelligent design and that we will all be monkeys soon! (not the other way around)1:01pm : You know, this very song was stuck my head just a little while ago.1:01pm : Finally hitting your stride, Kenny. Nice!1:01pm : Roland Barthes- the use by date has already expired. We should be able to buy these ideas at the day old bakery outlet. I like my culture in a petri dish- fresh.1:02pm : My God! You have such a beautiful voice!1:02pm : GOD! YESS!
I'm peeing giggling cherubs now, baby!1:02pm : AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!1:02pm : Rock Off, Kenny!1:03pm : Dude, just wait until he starts discussing the Brahms concerto . . . Duuuude . . .1:04pm : i knew the listener hour would eventually turn out like this one day...1:05pm : and Jakobson, man, Jakobson . . .1:07pm : Rather like AIG, the alienation of the common man can SUCK IT!1:07pm : ...not forgetting alvin toffler1:08pm : ...not forgetting alvin toffler1:09pm : Just don't sing the greatest hits of Marshall MacLuhan. He had too many socialist ideas. I've kept an eye on him and his descendants, just in case.1:10pm : Hee, my boss just walked up as I was listening to this :D The English major and anarcho-syndicalist in me delighted.1:11pm : ah!
best grease band tune ever....
me head 'splode.1:11pm : whew thank god he stopped. i was ready to put the belt around my neck and hang myself from my bathroom door1:13pm : This song relies too much on melody, beat and general organization to be the Hampton Grease Band.1:14pm : Yes, come to Halifax. It's nice. A bit chilly, but the health insurance is free.1:14pm : phillip - r.i.p. posthumously1:15pm : so, would Barthes agree that a discussion of gardening on the comments board is a perpetuation of petit-bourgeouis interlocutory play, exacerbating the notional dialectic of normative contestation?1:18pm : He might. Then again, he might not.1:20pm : I just got here. Did I miss the Happening?1:20pm : Go vaygun!1:21pm : Kenny it, bro!1:21pm : does this mean you're practicing vaygun-omics?1:24pm : That Kenny Gee... a tempeh-muncher. I shoulda known.
and a lot of gravel too.
and a lot of gravel too.1:25pm : oh kenny youre killin me1:26pm : ipods and itouches are EVIL EVIL1:28pm : steve jobs wants to turn us all in ipeople1:30pm : driving our icars talking to our i friends1:31pm : steve1:31pm : need to reboot these iBalls...1:33pm : WELL I WOUNT HEAR OF IT! I HAVE A ZUNE AND A LOVE IT, DO YA HEAR!!!!!1:33pm : it is amazing how consistent irwin is with his Kenny G character1:36pm : Kenny, this is Schaap-tastic . . .1:36pm : what the f is a dobro????1:38pm : a dobro is an accoustic guitar with a metal resonating board1:38pm : You really have to ask?1:39pm : Schaap-tastic! Awesome, Riddler! Was thinking the same thing.1:42pm : please close up the line spacing between
Vito Acconci | Theme Song
Alllman Brothers | Blue Sky
it is disturbing me and it is sloppy.1:43pm : Ah, Yes1:48pm : but now, everything is harmonious and i am at peace1:48pm : I want to go to sleep and this is pushing me closer and closer to hiding in my desk hammock.1:50pm : have another ginger cookie, with reed's ginger ice cream! and chocolate syrup!1:50pm : I STILL have that Dokaka song going through my head.1:51pm : You just exploded my brain, Annie1:52pm : after i typed that i said to myself, holy shit i want some too!! and i only have a spoonfull of dough left!!1:56pm : postmanpaul, I believe Kenny uses that spacing to indicate a set break, but I wasn't listening at the beginning--did he speak between those 2 songs?1:58pm : revroth - precisely, neither was i... so i am giving him the benefit of the doubt1:59pm : hey annie, kenny and irwin the same person??1:59pm : He did speak before he started bringing the allman.2:00pm : for sure. and i'm sure they are sworn to secrecy2:03pm : "Speak-singing"2:03pm : I don't think Kenny G. and Irwin sound particularly alike. And they sure don't look alike. Kenny G. is much more handsome. Also, unlike Kenny, Irwin doesn't rub his junk up against anybody during the marathon. Although you can tell he wants to. He's just better at controlling himself.2:05pm : typographically speaking, thanks pearly sweets.2:05pm : i was gonna type something, but ike's comment is too damn funny..2:05pm : thanks,ike.
you insider,you!2:05pm : is it safe to say kenny g does LSD?2:06pm : nothing about KG is safe.
....nothing...2:07pm : Kenny G. *is* LSD.2:07pm : word up^2:08pm : "Whispers" the German Constitution. Which is different, because Germans always yell.2:08pm : Kenny G is hardline straight edge. We are going to the Earth Crisis show this weekend.2:09pm : LSD = Lethargic Sleepy Drone2:10pm : seriously i feel like im in a LSD trip2:12pm : issac - i occasionally detect a 'nuage' of post lsd ennui, but that's kenny, fortunately.2:12pm : i just gave someone a piece of myself2:13pm : I trip vicariously through Kenny.2:13pm : If that's a fake moniker, then you're spelling "Isaac" incorrectly -- I've never seen "Issac" as a genuine alternate spelling. I recommend two "A"s and just one "S." But then, I'm in a bad mood. Who really cares anyway? NOTHING MATTERS. This world is an UNLIGHTED PIT of rusty, indigent DESPAIR!2:15pm : ike, take an apostrophe and sit in the corner..2:15pm : rather like AIG, unlighted pits of rusty, indigent despair can SUCK IT!2:15pm : Hooray for the Residents!2:20pm : woah.. relax2:22pm : I <3 my Apology Line tape.2:22pm : Dignity does not exist in this dark, dank world.
Hmmm. Clearly I need more chocolate.2:23pm : Jerk! You spilled my food and ruined my evening!2:25pm : issac, ike has a point there. notwithstanding the uncomfortable proximity exhisting between the 'a' and 's' key.2:26pm : freeform eh?2:27pm : Kenny is so calm now; his medication must be kicking in.2:28pm : nah, he's just getting ready to segue way to his irwin personality2:31pm : I dare not use my name in the listener comments panel anymore for fear that he hurl derision my way.2:32pm : More apology line!!!!!!2:32pm : I'd like to hear about cake.2:32pm : ?- i was very scared for a couple of days. now i have no fear of this man we call kenny-g. notice i flail my dog/cookie/garden comments freely!2:35pm : These cats know how to rock. Sounds like the Danish ZZ Top, using Sears Silvertone guitars.2:37pm : totally.2:39pm : Kenny just tells the good, the bad, and the ugly. He is a giant speaker box extended on top of a radio antenna telling the stories people didn’t want to be told to show the silliness inherent in most conversations. What could have been intense last week or two weeks ago might be easily seen as complete pap when taken out of context of the moment.2:39pm : kenny - thank you for letting us in today.
issac - tottaly!2:40pm : Pearly, you're totally deep. Really.2:41pm : I guess what I am trying to say is I haven't finished that bryce song yet even though I wanted to send it to him by tomorrow.2:41pm : pearly, i dig ya and PMP- ditto2:42pm : I seek sustenance. Will see you all later at Irwin's place.2:43pm : And thanks Kenny, for an enlightening three hours. Really.2:44pm : Ditto on the More Apology Line request! Kenny, does Allen's widow have the full archive?2:47pm : Blunderland indeed!2:49pm : I had no idea you liked to play MUSIC that's so PRETTY.2:51pm : taking the dog for a walk, see you in irwin-land.2:52pm : kenny, are we witnessing a realigned paradigm today? and if so, it becomes you.
you rock, kenny.2:54pm : Kenny, many thanks for playing the historical whistling of my father, Colin Anderson. I am very proud of this! The record is nearly 60 years old. Please come to Cologne, where the shellack will be played at the Stadtarchiv!
Richard2:57pm : goodnight everybody2:58pm : Doopy doopy do boogaloo2:58pm : Kenny G: 0, Inanity: 12:59pm : The only thing being realigned is your perception. Kenny is, and that is all.3:00pm : Kenny G: 98 Lakers: 943:01pm : -max- you may have something there!
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