Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from May 8, 2009 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting May 8, 2009: The Ismael Show (feat. Niki Arrowsmith, Potluck, & JOhnny d OO bs)

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Billy & Bryce  Stalking Cat, Hidden Person, Feral Cat Blues (Ismael 2009 remix)   Favoriting Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow  Cat Breath Recordings  2009      *    
Themselves feat. D-Styles  The Mark   Favoriting freeHOUDINIdeluxe  Anticon  2009      *   0:03:11 (Pop-up)
Tino Corp vs. Golden Chyld & Fuse-One  Schizophrenic DJ (Left Hand Doesn't Know What the Right Hand Is Scratching)   Favoriting Turntables By The Bay  Hip Hop Slam  2001        0:05:51 (Pop-up)
Mochipet  Marshall Bass Stacks   Favoriting Master P on Atari  Daly City Records  2009        0:09:01 (Pop-up)
Peter, Bjorn and John  Nothing To Worry About (Troublemaker Rmx feat. Adam, Tensta, U-N-I and The 87 Stick Up Kids   Favoriting     2009    unreleased remix by Troublemaker - who is from LA, down with Z-Trip, and one-half of the Backyard Bangerz crew. Very talented and gifted DJ + producer.  *   0:13:00 (Pop-up)
Ear Pwr  You Are The Bomb / Boyz II Volcanoes   Favoriting Super Animal Brothers III  Carpark Records  2009      *   0:17:48 (Pop-up)
Niki Arrowsmith  Sonny (Live on Put The Needle On the Record 05.08.2009)   Favoriting             0:19:48 (Pop-up)
Niki Arrowsmith  Molly Bawn (Live on Put The Needle On the Record 05.08.2009)   Favoriting             0:22:41 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Niki Arrowsmith interview 






Niki Arrowsmith 


0:25:49 (Pop-up)
De La Soul feat. Redman  Oooh. (Troublemaker Remix)   Favoriting     2009    unreleased remix    0:34:22 (Pop-up)
Dr. Dre  Deep Cover introducing Snoop Doggy Dogg   Favoriting     1992  12"  single from album of same name, this track introduced a certain Snoop Doggy Dogg who has since dropped the "Doggy" part of his name.    0:37:08 (Pop-up)
Lyrics Born  Funky Hit Records (4AM Remix)   Favoriting Single    2009      *   0:40:39 (Pop-up)
Gang Starr  Just To Get A Rep   Favoriting Single  Virgin Records America  1990        0:44:53 (Pop-up)
DJ Vadim  Maximum feat. La Methode   Favoriting U Can't Lurn Imaginashun  BBE Records  2009        0:48:32 (Pop-up)
Mangal Singh  Aja Mera Pind Di   Favoriting Deep Into Jungle Territory  Multitone  1994        0:53:26 (Pop-up)
Unusual & Electric  Go Dark On Me Now   Favoriting Disco For Love  Zirkus Records          0:58:20 (Pop-up)
Johnny Doobs  Corman Knows His Stuff   Favoriting Community Skratch Music: Volume 1  Community Skratch Music  2009      *   1:02:44 (Pop-up)
Nosaj Thing  1685/ Bach   Favoriting Drift  Alpha Pup Records  2009   
*   1:05:47 (Pop-up)
Tweek  Blaze Away   Favoriting Community Skratch Music: Volume 1  Community Skratch Music  2009      *   1:08:27 (Pop-up)
DJ Vadim  Game Tight   Favoriting U Can't Lurn Imaginashun  BBE Records  2009      *   1:12:25 (Pop-up)
Ear Pwr  Goofy Award / Discover Your Colors   Favoriting Super Animal Brothers III  Carpark Records  2009      *   1:15:35 (Pop-up)
DJ ALF  4:19 theme   Favoriting             1:19:16 (Pop-up)
Potluck  Dank Alumni   Favoriting Straight Outta Humboldt  Suburban Noize Records  2006   
Potluck backstage at BB Kings recently where WFMU interview took place 
  1:20:30 (Pop-up)
Mac Dre feat Da Looie Crew  I Need An Eighth   Favoriting Single  Romp Records  1998        1:26:16 (Pop-up)
The Pharcyde  Pack The Pipe   Favoriting Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde  Delicious Vinyl  1992        1:29:42 (Pop-up)
Alozade, Hollow Point & Mr. Vegas  Under Mi Sensi   Favoriting Single            1:34:45 (Pop-up)
11/5  Garcia Vegas   Favoriting Single  Dogday Records  1995        1:36:55 (Pop-up)
Potluck  Smoke The Pain Away Ft. Twiztid   Favoriting Pipe Dreams  Suburban Noize Records  2009      *   1:38:58 (Pop-up)
Potluck  Potluck Interview With Billy Jam on Put The Needle On The Record   Favoriting interview recorded backstage at BB Kings in NYC after the duo had done a killer set early last week    2009        1:48:15 (Pop-up)
Potluck  My Dad   Favoriting Pipe Dreams  Suburban Noize Records  2009      *   1:46:34 (Pop-up)
Themselves  Keys To The Ignition (feat Serengeti)   Favoriting Thefreehoudini Deluxe  Anticon Records  2009        1:50:00 (Pop-up)
Souls of Mischief  93 'til Infinity Instrumental   Favoriting             1:52:52 (Pop-up)
  Learn AboutThe United States: How To Get Citizenship               1:54:24 (Pop-up)
Don McLean  Mountains Of Mourne   Favoriting Single  United Artists          1:59:14 (Pop-up)
Mary Black  Ellis Island (33'd)   Favoriting Single  Dolphin Traders          1:57:08 (Pop-up)
U2  I Will Follow   Favoriting Single  Island          1:58:39 (Pop-up)
Dominic Behan (Brendan's bro)  Liverpool Lou   Favoriting             2:01:27 (Pop-up)
    Railroad Sounds : Steam And Diesel            2:01:59 (Pop-up)
Trackademicks  Enjoy What You Do (Flosstradamus Remix)   Favoriting Single    2009      *   2:04:48 (Pop-up)
Jordan Dare  Panic Meter   Favoriting Radio Void 001    2009        2:10:02 (Pop-up)
Mochipet  Master P on Atari   Favoriting Master P On Atari  Daly City Records  2009      *   2:13:32 (Pop-up)
Nina Simone  Save Me   Favoriting The Soul of Nina Simone  RCA  2005        2:17:16 (Pop-up)
Prefuse 73  Pitch Pipe   Favoriting Everything She Touched Turned Ampexian  Warp Records  2009      *   2:20:34 (Pop-up)
  Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Old School Computer Remix           Thanks Cecile    2:23:06 (Pop-up)
JOhnny d OO bs  exclusive WFMU 20 minute mix   Favoriting     2009    Exclusive WFMU mix by the Irish DJ/producer JOhnny d OO bs see COMMENTS boxes below for exact track listing by JOhnny d OO bs himself  *   2:26:45 (Pop-up)
Republic of Loose  I like music   Favoriting     2008    Another great band from Ireland    2:46:35 (Pop-up)
The Kinks  You Really Got Me, Billy Jam   Favoriting             2:50:41 (Pop-up)
British Standard Unit  D'Ya Think I'm Sexy?   Favoriting VA: Hybrid Kids: A Collection Of Classic Mutants  Cherry Red Records  1979        2:52:57 (Pop-up)
ThaAlkaholiks  Mary Jane   Favoriting             2:55:11 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

  5/4 11:18pm

what up WFMU listeners/commenters! In case that, like me, you were wondering about our main man Sean Daily's whereabouts, I emailed him this week to tell him he was missed and to see if he was okay, and he wrote back to say: "I haven't been able to visit the boards (or even listen to WFMU, for that matter) for about a week. My boss is cracking the whip at work, I've had to put aside everything non-work-related. Believe me, Billy Jam, I wish this wasn't so. I miss the boards, I miss the commenters and, most of all, I miss the music. But it's this or look for another job. I'll try to jump on the boards during my lunch break. I didn't know people were asking after me, and it kind of warms my heart to know that they are"
  5/5 2:15am
Hunter S. Thompson:

The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
  5/5 2:26am
John Lennon:

When you're drowning, you don't say 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,' you just scream.
  5/5 2:28am
Charles Bukowski:

Some people never go crazy, What truly horrible lives they must live
  5/5 2:32am
Ice Cube:

Since I was a youth, I smoke the weed out. Now Im the mutha fucka that ya read about. Takin a life or two
Thats what the hell I do, you dont like how Im livin. Well fuck you (Gangsta Gangsta)
  5/5 5:33pm
Bad Ronald:

Thanks for the SD update Yam Man!
Sean - Tune in whenever you can!

Groucho Marx: "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."
  5/5 8:44pm
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

This "WOO HOO" is for Sean. Come back soon man!
  5/6 3:14am
Ya Boy Black Ice (YBBI):

Wussup BillyJam and Hey folks:

I'm new to yalls board and the show, but I'm one of those dudes where if it looks like i can fit in, I'ma try to get in until I'm accepted or asked to leave the premises.
  5/6 1:08pm
Wendy del Formaggio:

I don't think all the DJs are my friends, but the radio itself is my friend. Sometimes the only one
  5/6 1:23pm

I do think it's possible to go through life and never fall in love, or find someone who loves you.
Lisa M:

Hey Billy!
Charles Haughey:

Get Money, Get Money! kEEP reppin' them strEEts...
Fianna FAIL!

What's in the Technics box? Anything?
Joe Steele:

Sean Daily is alive Woo Hooo!
Pearly Sweets:

Work cut into the fun time, Billy, so I wasn't able to finish it by last night. Though I have nothing to do this weekend but finish it.

friday, pizza ,wine, Billy Jam --somethings never change-- thank fook.
shouts-"Freedom for Sean"
Pecker Dunne:

The wagon wheels keep on turning. Now, where's me fiddle?

New Themselves. Nice nice nice.

Where I am were done with working and were onto drinking. Ahhhhh Friday.
Lisa M.:

aww damn, Billy. I see smoke rising from the board & turntables:-)

I'm so glad, BIlly, that Sean is OK.
Digging the jams, music is the healing force of the universe


I wuz thinkin Seany D was busy with all the offers that publicitymester KG got him. Wrong as usual!

bloody hell thats some track!!!!!

any hints on when the johnny doobs mix will be played
Joe Steele:

I friggin love this track.
Joe Steele:

Who did this remix and where do I get it?
still b/p:

I was rattlin' out some strange-ass manic hip-hop scat back there with the Tino Corp. et al, track, but it could be louder therapy if I'ze home. It's good for a person. Cecile, wait 12 hours before attempting such.

Just had a satori solution to my newfangled sleep cycle malfunction: illy Jam archive. iPod alarm clock. Up and dressed and working up a sweat, tbexhausted by normal human time. Or I could just find a more Put the Soundrack-worthy pursuit than this nonsense over here, to keep me busy at til the birds cheepie cheep. Less dress, more sweat.

Wow, what a voice!
Wow, what an ill-timed last post!

Thanks for being so divinely live--excelllent --loved it

Good afternoon, Mr. Jam, guest spinners, and posters. Not unlike Mr. Daily, I have a rather large work boot planted in my ass. So it's discreet listening for me today. Have a good one, everyone.

Nice voice! I know there's some Sri Lankans over on Staten Island. Is there a Sri Lankan community in NJ too? Groovy.

Psyched to hear Herr Doobs again.
d OO bs:

So Cow are my boys!!! SHOUTS TO THE LADS!

Niki is adorable and talented!
And Sri Lankan food is unbelievably good

best wishes, Niki, you are a cool girl.

There are several Sri Lankan restaurants along Bay Street and Victory Blvd. in Shaolin aka Staten Island -- have been for 20 years or more as best I recall. They are decent to goodish, though, so I only go sometimes :-)


4AM remixes always kick butt
Lil Trig (guest commenter):

Lil Trig's Top 11 WFMU Shows, May 2009:
1) The Dusty Show (Clay Pigeon, Thursdays)
2) The Best Show (Tom Scharpling, Tuesdays)
3) Put The Needle on the Record (Billy Jam, Fridays)
4) Ken (Wednesdays)
5) This is the Modern World (Trouble, Thursdays)
6) Bryce (Fridays)
7) Nickel & Dime Radio ($mall Change, Mondays)
8) The Glen Jones Radio Show feat. X Ray Burns (Sundays)
9) Scott Williams (Thursdays)
10) Sound and Safe (Trent, Mondays)
11) HotRod (Fridays)

hey trig, baby

It smells like.....FRIDAY!

Pondering, some friends and I are going to SanRasa on Satan Island on Sunday, and even if it's just decent, I'll have good company -- so that's within the parameters I already stated. 8^)
I probably won't go again if I'm not really impressed, though.
Lt. Col. Bill Kilgore:

The smell, you know that Friday smell, the whole jam. Smelled like....victory.
Restaurant Owners:

Whew, tough crowd!

I'm changing careers to kickass remixes! :-)
Lil Trig (guest commenter):

Trig's Ins and Outs:
IN: that Peter Bjorn & John track "nothing to worry about"
Anvil documentary, 30 Rock past seasons
OUT: Tripp, Shepard Fairy, Jandek
sb OO d:

In = Playas
Out = Hatas
Jandek (in his usual "singing" style):

You don't own me, I'm not one of your little toys.

Say hi to Irwin for me.
Timi Dz Nutz:

Hey Crew...I get to listen a lil'bit today...Yeah Woo Hoo!!!! but not much time to get my two cents in...

Hey Billy lounging in the West O listening your show waiting for a scrap of food to fill my bottomless pitbull tummy... those beats are good
Timi Dz Nutz:

Oh Yeah...Hey My Main Man Billy Jam Pappa Large Big Shot On Both Coast.!.!
Timi Dz Nutz:

Hey...BabyDoll & BabyGirl!!!!

Trig started it. The universe commands me to continue it.

My current faves in no order:
Z) Strength Through Failure
Y) Bryce
X) Stochastic Hit Parade
V) Liz B.
EF) Put The Needle on the Record
7.6) Theory of Everything
I-280) Pseu
I-287) Scott W.
444) Airborn Event
JMZ) Sound and Safe
AAA) Daniel Blumin
--) Ken (but only when on appropriate levels of dog tranquilizers)

And many others. This is subject to change at any moment on a molecular level, like Schrödinger's cat.

I STILL have the stinkin' Dokaka song goin' through my head, thanks to Kenny G. SO he moves up on my list.
Sean Daily:

Thank the GODS for lunch breaks. At least I can get my Billyjamicus Maximus here.

Oh, and... not even close to first comment! WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Woo Hoo:

Seany Jamzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woo Hoo:

just in time for



Sean Daily:

It's always 4:20 somewhere.
just a guy:

Yeah Sean, my living room

Dean Saily...sup...glad to see you back

That's some dank pot, though. Apparently 420 on the playlist.
Sean Daily:

Yeah. Sorry about the silent treatment. But the boss is cracking down at work... no more streaming Web radio, so no WFMU.

Hey, I'm just a douche anyway, let's be honest here.
Sean Daily:

No arguments there, Boss.

The Man:

Good work, Boss.

B-b-but... All these songs about mara-joo-wanna! Don't terrorists sell mara-joo-wanna? And Mexico! Soemting scaaaaaarrrry about Mexico! My local government propaganda officer told me so, so it must be true!

I try, The Man. That is so cool, coming from you.
John Today:

Hey, Sean.... I swear I wasn't trying to replace you.
John Today:

Whoop Whoop Middle of the Accu-Post! Holla!
Sean Daily:

Yes you were, John Today! Admit it! YOU ARE MY DOPPELGANGER! Do not listen to John Today! He is the False Sean Daily, the Evil Mirror Mirror Sean Daily! You can tell because he has a beard! ACK! I have a beard!
John Today:

ACK! I also have beard!
Sean John:

Buy my clothes. they have street cred cuz i sed so.

Sean, hush and chew your sandwich. Your lunch hour is already half-shot.

Sean, you listening to FMU podcasts etc. on an MP3 player, then?
Timi Dz Nutz:

Thats it I'm sick of it all!!!! I'm gona a beer lunch.....
Sean Daily:

Actually, on an Asus Eee PC that I got (no joke) at Toys R Us.

And I have to leave now. I shot half my lunch hour on other stuff before I got here.

Peace to you 'til next week.

"Woo hoo," I got him *trained*. [rubbing hands together gleefully] EXcellent!
Feral Cat:

Do I smell catnip?
Guy w/ Bong:

T H Catnip.
John Today:

It is okay though, dudes. While Sean is away, John will come out and play. Whoop Whoop!

WOOP HOOP! Always in the middle of the comments!!
Feral Cat:

bOmB sOnG B!!!!
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill n Johnny greetings from Dub. Hope your all well n having the craic. Tuning in n checking out the show. Peace

One man dance party up in here! Rock it Billy J
Pearly Sweets:

Billy, you are really tearing it up in this set.
Tall Paul:

Keep this sweet music playing my man.
Feral Cat:

Stalking cat....what an impostor!!!!

Dang, I heard what sounded like Boho Rhaps played on a calliope. I'm so tired from this week's workload, I thought maybe I was imagining it.
Listener James from Westwood:

Thanx for the old-tech "Bohemian Rhapsody." Lovely video for this one on YouTube. Old gear sings anew.

awesome, billy, you played it!
Listener James from Westwood:

And there's the YT link! Thanks!

juss picked the last of my sticks, am gonna eat every seed ,thats left over from my weed .even thougth i wont get high-i can only try-at 420, i had plenty, but now i am dry .
fank fuk billy gets me high

chadsey collins:

doobs, send billy a playlist
John Today:

Whoop Whoop. Doobs, break the fucking neck off this beat. KEEE-RACCK-A-TACKTACKTACK
Pearly Sweets:

The radiohead song old school computer one is the best most amazing thing. Out of all the ones I've seen. I don't even thinkk I've heard the original
Feral Cat:

Billy....Do you like that song by Cazwell 'I Seen Beyonce at burger king'?

nice mix........ Corman does know his stuff
d OO bs:

John Cage - Radio Happenings
Jimmy Penguin - Spirit
Amon Tobin - Big Furry Head
Scuba - Tell Her
Electric Prunes - Holy Are You
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
Edan ft Dagha - Rock n Roll
Quasimoto - C'mon Feet
Harmonic 313 - Cyclotron
Danny Breakz - Jellyfish
Dabyre - Game Over (Flying Lotus Remix)
Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Chile
Mulatu Astatke - Yekermo Sew
Vince Mackmahon - ...Relevant

OMG this song used to be in our store playlist at work

closer to thee last comment.......cant believe i keep having to miss the live show------my internal (eternal) child is having a fit right now in the corner because her comments privileges have been taken away......there there now voodoo child....just give it 5 minutes and the nice Mister Willy Jamikus will make it all better. xoxo
Feral Cat:

Love the kinks! Nice beat matching Billy....soooo pro DJ...Impressive
Pearly Sweets:

This track is pretty fresh. I think I might need to try and find this comp. Good show, Billy

great show Billy! like the old computer song. the building in the pic on top looks familiar like one I used to walk by on 124th st. I guess there are a lot like that in the city. who knows? thanks, PotLuck were great too!

Thanks to all for listening to this show. Although am not sure if Ismael, the one to whom the show was dedicated, was tuned in. Thanks to Sri Lanka by way of New Jersey singer of Irish songs Niki Arrowsmith for being a guest. Thanks to Iriish DJ/producer JOhnny d OO bs for making the exclusive WFMU mix. Thanks to Potluck for taking time to talk backstage @ BB Kings in NYC last week. Re Troublemaker mixes - they are unreleased but follow up on him via MySpace etc to get more info on how to get mixes. Re picture at top of page. It is in NYC and taken by photo journalists Jim and Karla Murray -who will be guests on the air again on June 12th. THe picture above is from one of their books. All other pics taken by me. The "Ciunt Car" and the "Technics Box" were both taken a few months ago on same block of W25th St. b/w 9th and 10th Aves in NYC. The Technics box was empty - I checked. Thanks to Cecile for connecting me with that Bohemian Rhapsody old school remix. C Ya next week. peace out to Porkchop, Jessica, Spiderman, Spaniel, Pearly Sweets, Feral Cat, Timi D, LS Monkey (next week will be her show)......

Love the show has become a staple of my new musical diet ups to the doobs nice mix
James & Karla Murray:

The picture at the top of the playlist was taken in West Harlem on one of the Boulevards around 5 years ago and can be seen in our NYC graffiti book, "Burning New York"(Gingko Press 2006) Thanks Billy Jam for posting it and looking forward to being on the show on June 12th talking about our latest book, "Miami Graffiti".
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