I'm not finding out much on the WWW about title or artist for Mr. Schnook -- late 50s or early 60s?
Fine Wine:
I know nothing about that record...gonna play the flip shortly.
Sounds good. Nice show as usual. :-)
Fine Wine:
Thanks, appreciate that.
Richard D:
Great Show!!!!! as usual....
John Lightning:
Caught your show for the second time...love the obscure goodies, especially the Billy Wright cut...great sing along chorus and a guitar/sax break so bad it was GREAT. I'll be listening live or on line regularly.
John Lightning Brooklyn NY for Radio NewYork International (at JohnLightning.com)
You've outdone yourself, Mr. Finewine (Apr. 24). My compliments.
I'll go to "restart" now.
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Listener comments!
Marshall Stacks:
Fine Wine:
Fine Wine:
Richard D:
John Lightning:
John Lightning Brooklyn NY for Radio NewYork International (at JohnLightning.com)
I'll go to "restart" now.