Kenny G's Hour of Pain playlist | 04.15.09 ![]()
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Jack Bogdanski Reads the Tax Code
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Artist | Song
> Jack Bodganski | Reads from The Complete Internal Revenue Code![]()
> Kenny G and Finn | Sings The Tax Code![]()
> Shirley Q. Liquor | Smoking Taxes![]()
> My Insurance Man | Taxes and Money![]()
> Apology Line | I Steal Money![]()
> Heathcote Williams | I Will Not Pay Taxes Until![]()
> Dub Adams | Income Tax![]()
> Coyle & Sharpe | Spare Money on a Sunday![]()
> Robin Kahn | Free Money (Patti Smith)![]()
> Wing | Money, Money, Money![]()
> Mel Blanc | Money![]()
> Brian Joseph Davis | Johnny![]()
> Marianne Faithfull | Surabaya-Johnny![]()
> The Fugs | Johnny Pissoff Meets the Red Angel![]()
> Josie Cotton | Johnny Are You Queer?![]()
> Kevin Blechdom | Johnny![]()
> Unknown | Track 2 from The Best of Night Air![]()
> William S. Burroughs | No More Stalins, No More Hitlers (with John Cale) (1989)![]()
> Rod McKuen | The Athletes in the Old School Annual![]()
> Janet Cardiff | The Missing Voice (Case Study B) (Artangel, 1999)![]()
> Jimmy Mitchell | Eres Tu![]()
> Allen Ginsberg | Capitol Air![]()
> Kenny, Irwin and Finn | Cha Cha Cha Version of the Tax Code![]()
Listener comments!
12:06pm : Shoulda seen this coming for Kenny G's Tax Day broadcast: the tax code. That's my Kenny G! Radio-as-ordeal all the way!
Oh, and... first comment! Woo hoo!12:07pm : i was holding off sean... you win!12:07pm : I think I heard this song last year?12:07pm : Kenny, can you play something over this?12:08pm : Morning All!12:08pm : why donate towards broadcasts like this?12:09pm : I have a good feeling that, when the title of the whole show is "Jack Bogdanski Reads the Tax Code" that we are going to be in for QUITE the treat!12:09pm : Please call Stella, and tell her to drop the taxes at the post office.12:09pm : Gald i asked !12:11pm : Educational Radio that isn't full of fluff or bias! This is fantastic!12:11pm : whew, now i can leave the room. i'll be back for chapter 1112:11pm : are you grading papers, Kenny?12:11pm : Wow Kenny, I bet you taxed your brain throwing this gem of a show together.12:11pm : +12:11pm : here we go again...12:12pm : Kenny, this is beautiful. Everything is beautiful. This would go great with Sports12:12pm : @may not donate: 1) This is farking GREAT radio.
2) If you don't like it, you can always change the channel.12:12pm : 1 every trust, subsection12:12pm : 31% over $300,50012:13pm : I'll bet Kenny is regretting having comments today12:14pm : And the villiains and the ploughman have to have their lord's consent.12:14pm : Here's a a little tax tip PSA from the government!
(many more in the same directory). : here's some lulz: : Hell's donkeys, I may triple my donation next year!
WHEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee!12:19pm : i bet kenny put comments up on purpose12:20pm : Have we gotten to the subsection about first born sons yet?12:21pm : so everyone can compare notes...comments from distant past a similar past
the three r's kids12:21pm : Bet you all are missing my programming now? Oh and Sean Daily - go to hell!12:22pm : I like being bored more than I do angry.12:22pm : Well, annie, Chapter 11's about the only chapter most companies on Wall Street know nowadays.12:24pm : Andy Breckman: I want to see Jim Morrison dead.12:24pm : So let me get this straight. HUMANS wrote this?
And Andy B.: ???????12:27pm : He's poking the beehive with a stick. If it is even Andy.
I'm going to lurk until Irwin comes on.12:30pm : You say that like poking a beehive with a stick is a bad thing, Cecile.12:31pm : it is if you puff up like a blowfish when you get bitten, Sean.
And the bees are our friends!12:32pm : Pass-through entities are what you get if eat too much fiber, aren't they?12:33pm : hola a todos!
hola kenny! - congrats for your qwartz award! ubuweb is a tremendous labor of love!
(never anyone has read the "formulario 22" like this here in Chile)12:34pm : that sounds like an void that needs to be filled, Gerardo.12:35pm : Let me guess. Jack Bodganski went completely insane right after he finished recording this.12:35pm : i was outside did i miss anything?12:36pm : are u suggesting i am the one to approach it , dear cecile?12:36pm : Actually, his podcast page for this ends with the note:
As you can see, this project is on hiatus, while the author seeks the guidance of a mental health professional. Check back here for updates as his various medications are adjusted.12:37pm : ok call me when they get to chapter 11. i'm going outside, turning on the radio to top forty.12:38pm : Music?! MUSIC?! I am kinda shocked.12:39pm : It always pays to stick around.12:40pm : annie: Dude, dude, you, OMG, you like missed the part where like the guy like went into married taxpayer filing corporate earning singly DUDE IT WAS TEH AWESOME.12:41pm : crap, that was what i wanted to hear!12:41pm : Bravo! Bravo!12:43pm : YESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:43pm : is "a small child" the one echoing you, kenny?12:44pm : more like "son or step-son"12:45pm : I am, gerardo!
Maybe you could set it to a catchy beat?12:46pm : Sing along, everyone! ONE AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!12:47pm : that's it. i'm planting onions til three. see ya.although the beethoven is nice.. hhmmm..12:47pm : 2-I!12:48pm : Kenny G: Giving Back to the Community by Training The New Generation of Radio Dadaists.12:48pm : We are strong! Heartache to Heartache! We stand!12:50pm : Kenny, it might do you well to be singing the laws on child abuse12:50pm : This is better, with the knacky prodigy. That Jack fellow, although he was clear, neutral and not aggressive, made me want to stab and stab like Tommy did to Billy Batts in the trunk of Henry's car. "Die, MF!!!"12:51pm : Now you gotta cut loose. Footloose. Kick off your Sunday shoes. Oo wee. Ma Rie. Something that rhymes with "Marie".12:51pm : Are you taking requests? I'd love to here Schedule A or perhaps Form 8871- Child Care Credit.12:53pm : This is GREAT!12:54pm : Next year - tax code remixes.12:55pm : So are we going to get the complete text of the Treaty of Versailles on Armistice Day?12:58pm : So I'd like to know where
You got deductions,
Said you gotta show where
you took deductions..12:59pm : right, i'll take the challenge, cecile!
let's see what can be done - any way, formulario 22 is definitely shorter and includes mainly numbers and columns
tax code remixes = "code weenies"?
"rock the code.."?12:59pm : GREAT JOB FINN!12:59pm : I'm the Taxman, I'm the taaaaaaaax-man12:59pm : hahahahahahahahahahahaha1:00pm : LOL, gerardo!1:00pm : So is this how IRS employees talk dirty to each other.
"Oooooo... I've been a NAUGHTY girl. I need a good, HARD AUDIT."1:02pm : thanx, cecile :)
standing ovation for finn!
back in 15 minutes ;)1:03pm : so does Shirley wear black face?1:03pm : "Rock the code, don't rock the code, baby,.."
Yes, thank you, gerardo. Just right.
You'll receive a check for this assistance, which you must declare for the tax year 2009.1:07pm : @dc pat
Yes. : Tax SEX? "Well, it'll certainly make chartered accountancy more interesting."1:07pm : Just got back from a tea party. What'd I miss?1:09pm : Now this Heathcote Williams letter is how you do a tax revolt, people.1:09pm : just as much of a dick as I thought.1:12pm : So... is anybody going to teabag their Congressman today? Anyone? Anyone?
Funny how no one will admit to that in public...1:18pm : OMG, OMG, this Coyle & Sharpe job would be TEH AWESOME.1:21pm : *thinking Lenny kayes guitar parts very loudly*1:23pm : I thought it was a bit pitchy.1:27pm : Oh, thank God, civilization at last! I was out for a while and what do I come back to? Wing covering Abba! Don't tell *me* this isn't worth donating for!1:28pm : All I know is that everything on Kenny G's playlist today would sound covered by Rank Sinatra.1:29pm : Oh, by the way, unless Kenny's swtched to reading the Bankruptcy Code, you aren't going to be hearing Chapter 11, at least not the one you're thinking of.1:30pm : Sound better, that is. G'way, son, yer botherin' me.1:32pm : I was gonna call AIG soulless bags of meat just waiting to be torn apart by rabid Rottweillers but, hey, whatever, Kenny.1:33pm : ah, he's reading from old comments. AWESOME1:34pm : Ken's old comments and mic breaks!1:35pm : To reiterate: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha1:37pm : Whoa, the resemblance is uncanny! Has anyone ever really -- I mean really -- seen Ken and Kenny together? Diid anyone see "Kenny" in the audience durng Ken's "Mariah Carey from Hell" turn at the 'thon finale?? I thought not.1:38pm : Vielleicht ist die Zeit ist reif für ein Konkurs-Code / Tax Code mashup...1:38pm : Hey! I remember this show.1:39pm : Well, I don't know if I wanted to do THAT to AIG or shove THAT up THERE, Kenny.
And I'm pretty sure I didn't mention anything about a hamster...1:44pm : Didn't know that Marianne Faithful did one of Heathcote Williams' poems "Why d'ya do it" on "Broken English". Quite a spell-binding performance, though not your typical radio play, I'd think.
A versatile chap, that Heatcote. He used to write for International Times back in the 70s (and, ahem, for Suck, too) ...1:44pm : This is brilliant! It should come with footnotes.1:46pm : Superb1:46pm : this is great, C'MON JOHNNY!!1:48pm : She sounds like Ann Sheridan in The Man Who Came to Dinner.1:49pm : I'm getting flashbacks of sitting in the old Thalia movie theater.1:49pm : So Beelzebub has a devil set aside for her, for her, for HEEEEERRRRRRRRRR?1:51pm : I could listen to this for 3 hours1:54pm : Isn't this from 20th Century Blues? Great album! Wish I could have seen her in "Threepenny".1:54pm : I can't believe that record is ten years old. I still play it all the time.1:54pm : i'm back!
how many times does she say the name "johnny" throughout the rant?
did i hear a remix alarm?...1:56pm : Wow, great show1:57pm : Aaahhh, back in time to hear Marianne. Or is that Paul Williams??1:57pm : ju killt johnny1:59pm : Good ol' Ed Sanders & crew.2:00pm : Slum Goddess has long been one of my favorite songs. And Kill for Peace.2:00pm : they always make me feel good Carm... KILL KILL KILL FOR PEACE!!2:03pm : I came across my 2fer1 josie cotton cd just the other day.2:03pm : Ah -- I was literally just typing up a question whether or not this was coming up.2:04pm : Johnny hit and run Pauline2:04pm : National Lampoon's "Lemmings" has a song about Johnny, who was a biker. So my parents hated hi-hiyim ....2:06pm : Johnny Angel2:09pm : I am excited for the Kenny G Keys to the Kingdom archive2:11pm : I got the last one he did which had the Portsmouth Sinfonia. Always wanted their murdering of the classics.2:13pm : Grandpa?2:18pm : the apple don't fall far from the tree2:31pm : eight is two?2:33pm : No, Ed is. Next year he'll be three.2:33pm : Shewt... For many of us, eight was two a LONG, LONG time ago... And I have no idea what I'm talking about.2:34pm : it's official... i broke my hand.2:35pm : how you break him, stingy?
That Capitol Air has a good...beat.2:36pm : watching this show from a train coming back from Newcastle2:36pm : Yeah, and how about that time six was nine? All the hippies cut off their hair, and I didn't care. It was WACKY.2:37pm : Get the the coals dropped off okay, Vicki?2:38pm : If that is a case, Stingy, I don't mind as long as you replace it. Thanks for coming forward and admitting it.2:39pm : yes, all the seagulls are black now2:41pm : My head is all squishy too. No wait, it's my hand. How did I break my hand?2:42pm : It's not the webbed fingers, the fur or the claws that worry me about my son. It's the fact that he looks like the milkman.
Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all week.2:43pm : this show looks clever - is it a Kenny clever show?2:43pm : You ever notice how it seems that Irwin has more fun on Kenny's show than on his own?2:44pm : I think Kenny's son is swell, and I want to buy him an ice cream.2:44pm : Can you guys get Nathan Explosion to do the Tax Code? That would be so BRUTAL.2:44pm : so clever, i believe i've swallowed my tongue in a desperate attempt to retain composure here at work.... gurk!2:45pm : it's always more fun on other people's shows because you don't have the responsibility and you can go home. And if you are really obnoxious you can even get the host thrown off the air by making them say rude words like shit and poo2:48pm : Irwin doesn't have to worry about getting his pay docked screwing around on Kenny's show.2:48pm : you calls dis FOOD?!?!2:48pm : Poo!2:48pm : thanks guys, i'm currently doing my taxes and this is helping so much2:52pm : Thanks guys, I just learned I did my taxes wrong per subsection b :(2:52pm : It's kind of like School House Rock for the Internal Revenue Code, y'know?2:53pm : "es imposiible, mi cielo, tan separados, viviiir..."2:54pm : I probably missed a bunch, but it's a lovely day in St. Paul2:54pm : vicki! - how's everything going around?2:55pm : Vicki, it is a very clever show, if you are still around.2:55pm : latin tax code has been the menu, cecile2:56pm : The floor-show for this is really incredible... six dozen dwarf accountants, scuttling along the floor with adding machines like caffeinated fiddler crabs....2:56pm : nice, gerardo!2:57pm : who is the abused child accompanying Kenny in his little musical number?2:57pm : Wow, BSI that's a sight!2:58pm : i felt off my bike then i felt asleep on the sidewalking3:00pm : Y'know, "six dozen dwarf accountants, scuttling along the floor with adding machines like caffeinated fiddler crabs" would make a good name for -- no it wouldn't, that's ridiculous, never mind.
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