"The Rubber Band" song second from end has backing singers that sound, to me, hauntingly like the backs on "Sally Go Round The Roses" by the Jaynettes. I know "Roses" predated Dylan's Albert Hall tour 'cuz of the backstage Joan Baez rehearsal vignette....
Is this possible?
Please please say Let's Let it Roll was cut off at the end of the show...I need more!
HeavySoulBrutha DaveB.`:
SUPERB! Thanks so much for this AMAZING tribute!!
Peace and SOUL...
Wolfgang S.:
Hello Fine Wine! Great tribute show for one of the greatest musician from new orleans. He play here in Berlin (Germany) for the jazzfest 2006. Great show and we never forget him. Thanks. W.
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Listener comments!
Is this possible?
HeavySoulBrutha DaveB.`:
Peace and SOUL...
Wolfgang S.: