Favoriting Marty McSorley: Playlist from December 31, 2008 Favoriting

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Dishin' out the hits!

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Favoriting December 31, 2008: joose

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Dead Luke  no joke   Favoriting running scared 7"  sweet rot  2008  7"    *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Cluster  Rote Riki   Favoriting Zuckerzeit  brain  1974/2004  CD      0:03:23 (Pop-up)
The Shining Path  take you so low so you can fly so high   Favoriting take you so low so you can fly so high  Planaria  2008  12"    *   0:07:12 (Pop-up)
Die Princess Die  The Shakes   Favoriting Die Princess Die  Rococo  2004  LP      0:19:25 (Pop-up)
Black Randy & the Metrosquad  Theme from Shaft   Favoriting Pass the Dust...I Think I'm Bowie  Sympathy for the Record Industry  1994/1980  CD      0:24:23 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
bob james 

Courtship   Favoriting

The official music of the XXIIIrd Olympiad Los angeles 1984 






0:26:55 (Pop-up)
MC Diamond king  deal of the century   Favoriting deal of tha century      MP3      0:30:36 (Pop-up)
Sparks  shoping mall of love   Favoriting music that you can dance to  curb  1986  LP      0:34:43 (Pop-up)
Quintron  Caveman 5000   Favoriting Quintron: these hands of mine  Skingraft    LP      0:37:36 (Pop-up)
MC 900 Ft. Jesus with dj Zero  Talking to the spirts   Favoriting Hell With The Lid Off  Nettwerk  1989  LP      0:40:28 (Pop-up)
Goudron  grand river version 3   Favoriting Horses and Chariots 12"  Ersatz Audio    12"      0:46:26 (Pop-up)
Dat Politics  2.53   Favoriting Sous Hit  Tigerbeat6    LP      0:49:52 (Pop-up)
Dub Narcotic Sound System  shake a puddin   Favoriting boot party  k    LP      0:57:14 (Pop-up)
Electrocute  Kleiner Dicker Junge   Favoriting i love my daddy 12''  Emperor Norton  2003  12"      1:02:31 (Pop-up)
Eats Tapes  Supreme Master   Favoriting Sticky Buttons  Tigerbeat6          1:05:21 (Pop-up)
Mellow Man Ace  mentirosa   Favoriting mentirosa 12''  Capitol  1990  12"      1:09:17 (Pop-up)
Party of One  Babydoll   Favoriting Caught the Blast  fat cat    LP      1:13:38 (Pop-up)
Boozlebam  Fantabulous   Favoriting Why is anything forbidden?  Deathbomb Arc    CD      1:18:00 (Pop-up)
Ninja High School  Invasion Party   Favoriting Young Adults Against Suicide  Tomlab    LP      1:19:52 (Pop-up)
Leonard Nimoy  I'd love making love to you   Favoriting outer space / inner mind  Famous Twinsets    LP box set      1:28:41 (Pop-up)
Make Up  the bells   Favoriting Untouchable sound  Sea Note    LP      1:31:17 (Pop-up)
unknown  Unknown   Favoriting       LP  i cant read or type ukrainian    1:34:36 (Pop-up)
Ralph White  O Death / Natural Bridge   Favoriting Navasota River Devil Squirrel  Mystra / Spirit of Orr  2008  LP    *   1:38:40 (Pop-up)
Sheila Chandra  Quiet 1   Favoriting quiet  indiepop/caroline  1996/1984  CD      1:47:11 (Pop-up)
Getatchew Mekuria  Yegenet Muziqa   Favoriting ethiopian urban modern music vol 1  L'Arome    LP      1:56:38 (Pop-up)
Quails  yeah   Favoriting We are the Quails  inconvenient press    LP      2:03:40 (Pop-up)
OOIOO  Ah Yeah!   Favoriting Feather float            2:05:57 (Pop-up)
Suicide  Frankie Teardrop   Favoriting Suicide            2:08:24 (Pop-up)
Tangerine Dream  Stratosfear   Favoriting Stratosfear  jem    Cassette      2:18:31 (Pop-up)
Die Bunker  kalachnikov   Favoriting peut-etre qu'il n'y a pus rien? 1983-1984  Eirkti    LP      2:25:41 (Pop-up)
Robert Goulet  The Little Prince   Favoriting after all is said and done  artists of america  1976  LP      2:33:22 (Pop-up)
Chris Thompson  it's not over   Favoriting playing for keeps ost  Atlantic  1986  LP      2:38:58 (Pop-up)
Hot Butter  Pipeline   Favoriting popcorn  Musicor    LP      2:43:18 (Pop-up)
Raaskalabomfukkere  dont do that   Favoriting Hark Too! Tribute to the Hark Album by Wim T. Schippers  worm  2008  LP    *   2:46:42 (Pop-up)
weldon irvine  blast off   Favoriting spirt man            2:48:39 (Pop-up)
cold cave  the trees grew emotions & died   Favoriting the trees grew emotions & died  dias  2008  12"    *   2:56:06 (Pop-up)
Matt & Kim  yeah yeah (flosstradamas remix)   Favoriting             2:59:23 (Pop-up)
Ogi  pet rock   Favoriting ogi  EMI Pathe Marconi  1980  LP      3:03:03 (Pop-up)
The Sound Of Lucrecia  De Vez En Cuando   Favoriting 4 Women No Cry Vol. 3  Monika  2008  CD    *   3:06:43 (Pop-up)
Young People  Born to Die   Favoriting ne'er do well  Hand Held Heart    12"      3:11:17 (Pop-up)
Jena Malone and Her Bloodstains  New Year come   Favoriting             3:14:21 (Pop-up)
Tape  Augustan Chateau   Favoriting Milieu Plus  Hapna  2008  CD    *   3:19:24 (Pop-up)
A Faulty Chromosome  What?   Favoriting A Faulty Chromosome            3:25:07 (Pop-up)
Alternative TV  still life   Favoriting The Image Has Cracked            3:33:14 (Pop-up)
Assembly line people program  head found with note   Favoriting Taking a Chance on Chances  slampt/troublman    LP      3:37:54 (Pop-up)
Chinese Stars  cold cold cold   Favoriting listen to your left brain            3:39:28 (Pop-up)
Life Partners  AIDS of Spades   Favoriting AIDS of Spades  Ride the Snake  2008  7"    *   3:43:15 (Pop-up)
Bipolar Bear  Unlisted   Favoriting man mountain            3:46:24 (Pop-up)
Jemima Jemima  Father Time   Favoriting Redcoats            3:49:11 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


this Bob James music sounds more like a crime drama theme than Olympics material.
Nick the Bard:

Don West needs to come back to late night sellathon stuff. The stupid knife guys aren't that fun, and it's too hard to figure out when the Flavor Wave Oven infomerical with Mr. T is gonna be on, and I don't want to watch stupid ass TNA wrestling for Don :(

I'm still waiting for Vince the Shamwow guy to get his own full-length infomercial.

i no longer have tv so im outa the infomercial loop. wally george always got my late night viewing. did his show make it out to the east cost or was that an LA only thing?

has anyone ever bought something from an infomercial?
Nick the Bard:

I had to lok him up on Wiki, and at least from the sound of it he didn't.

I'm still trying to tape that Mr. T one though, but taping infomericals is really difficult (took me YEARS to get the Popeil pasta maker one, well, one of it's varients at least).

If you get a chance though, 4AM Mondays on one of the spanish channels, Comanche is incredible. It's a prayer line hosted by some guy dressed like an indian chief and dancing around waterfalls with snakes. And his phone number is on fire.
Nick the Bard:

I havn't bought anything off one yet, but I REALLY wanted to buy one of those Authenic Hand Hammer Woks of China where the hammer marks keep the food on the sides and allows the liquids to drain and collect in the middle.

Well, that and the one triangle pocket sandwich maker that was hostd by Christopher Hewitt (Mr. Belvedere). He died too early :(

I REMEMBER THAT! The Mr. Belvedere sandwich maker! Holy Shit!

And I am intrigued by this Comanche guy. Is he like the prayer cloth guy on BET?

damn I missed mc 900 ft jesus! did you play that other tape yet?

I whole heartedly bought some pilates exercise tapes off late night TV!
Nick the Bard:

I havn't seen the prayer cloth guy yet, but from what I'm seeing, I don't think he is. As far as I can tell with my high school spanish classes, Comanche is just a regular prayer line out of Brooklyn (I looked up the number), and he helps with problems of alcohol, money, love, drug addiction, etc through the mysterious powers of plants, animals and Our Lady of Guadalupe. And by animals, I'm guessing it's snakes and tigers (he has a tiger head on his set for some reason).

He has three different shows, one with some other guy dressed like an indian (and when I say Comanche is dressed like an indian chief, I'm talking war paint and full headdress) sitting at a boulder with a phone in it, one solo at the same set where he gets REALLY passionite about his help with a caller, and the third one with customer testimonials. That's the best one, just to see the one guy's wife give him a complete "WTF" look the whole time he's talking.

Oh man, that's spectacular.
person from country:

What about the Heat Surge? As Seen on TV. Apparently the Amish are making the best mantles for electric fireplaces. And according to the commercial, they aren't telling how they do it!

Somebody must know a talkative Amish right?

They're pretty taciturn, actually. Although the guy I talked to might have been a Mennonite. Also, you PLUG IN the Amish heaters. Can someone please explain this to me?
Nick the Bard:

OK, just checked, he's on Telemundo. Monday at 4AM is a definite time for him, and he's also on Fridays, but I'm not sure what time (I think it might be 2:30 and 4am).

Oh, and in the third show, he's also dancing aroudn a waterfall with snakes.

Ninja High School is also rocking my face. Awesome.

Annnnd wikipedia says they broke up last year. Figures.

yeah I totally forgot about the prayer cloth guy!!! I was blown away by that, so I had to call, I wanted to see this prayer cloth. They sent it to me. it looked like the sort of thing you clean a pair of glasses with, only not as soft. then they hounded me with junk mail saying how basically, those who give money, get god. I finally wrote on the donation form that I didn't believe in god, and would never give them any money, and mailed it back. never heard from them again

I wanted those feet maxi pads, but for my soul.

Nimoy's "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins":

I believe that Nimoy's singing career was created in the 70's simply to be made fun of on the internet in the future. No other explanation makes sense.

nimoy is the best! he hosts a video tour of the newly remodeled observatory and when he gets to the theater thats named after him he kinda creepily talks about making out w/ his wife in the back. and his dentures make him lisp now. its good times.

And he digs fat chicks, I like that about him.

Did anyone besides Spock and Kirk from star tek make records?

I hope you got paid by Joose, whatever nasty fluid that is.

no payment necessary. im doing a public service i need to let the people know there is a new sparks alternative now readily available in NYC. (although i haven't tried it yet, im scared of the 9.9%! and the fact it only comes in 24ozers) KEEP THE SPARKS ALIVE!

Hell yeah Joose. Marty Macsorely knows his beverages. Though I will be drinkin' Sparks until they pry it from my cold, drunk hands.

Joose is some serious shit, you can't drink it like Sparks. More booze, AND it's much speedier. I prefer the blue. Its good if you're planning on dancing all night, being obnoxious, sarcastic and maybe getting slapped.

yes the people are desperately ill informed when it comes to available and cheap liqueur. then again who am I to judge? I used to drink Zima. But at least I was underage.
Nick the Bard:

I know Brent Spinner (Data) did, with back up voclas from Picard, Riker, Worf and Geordi; I'm pretty sure Patrick Stuart released one or two albums of songs. I have this nagging feeling that Colm Meanie (O'Brien) did for some reason...

wow I'd like to hear the patrick stewart. I bet it's sexy, engage, engage, engage. If you know what I mean.

Nick the Bard:

Why does Robert Goulet have to be dead :(

i know i thought about going to vegas for the funeral

I like your game.

Born to Die. Greeeat song. Thanks, Marty.

i need a time out. gather my thoughts and loose some urine. get my game together. thanks for listening whats everyone doing for new years to night?
listener. from denmark:

i totally forgot that it was new years, so I'm completely lost as to what I'm gonna do. maybe there are some street parties in copenhagen
Nick the Bard:

Probably nothing really. My one aunt is having the family NYE party as usual, but it's so damn boring there, and her house is alike a damn submarine when everyone's there.

I just really lost intrest in NYE once staying up until midnight became no big deal too :/
person from country:

There's a leap second this year so I'm going to start the count one later and make everybody else look so foolish. Then I'll ponder what Dick Clark is doing for this year's instead of hosting. Probably drooling.

I"m gonna go to a soul party, drink champagne and think about marty.

do they still let dick Clark on tv? its really inhumane if they do.
person from country:

The Great Wiki says yes, they did last year. Hope it wasn't to demo what spittle looks like for their HD broadcast. But you never know, they'll do anything for ratings.
Nick the Bard:

Yeh, he's gonna be there this year. Maybe he'll go all senile and ride the ball down dressed like Baby New Year.

man im really outa it this week & i didnt even touch the joose. I think it messed w/ my brain just by being in the room. see you all next week. im going to go piece my brain back together. happy new year!

you guys are all fags...bunch of pussys!!!!
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