Favoriting Radio Freetown with DJ Franc O: Playlist from November 17, 2008 Favoriting

West African pop music from the 1970s. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting November 17, 2008

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Artist Track
Bob Pinodo  africa   Favoriting
Myriam Makeba  malcolm x   Favoriting
Myriam Makeba  la guinee guine   Favoriting
Ambassadeur International  mandjou   Favoriting
Orchestre Regional de Segou  lefefin   Favoriting
Orchestre Poly Rythmo  mede ma gnin messe   Favoriting
Sweet Breeze  igbara bilum   Favoriting
Les Volcans  ayabavi dada tche   Favoriting

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Listener comments!


Ouch! I just realized that I played the same Myriam Makeba 45 that I already played 4 weeks before... that's pretty damn embarrassing and goes to show that my brain seems to finaly give in after decades of uninhibited alcohol abuse. Damn!
Paul Sherratt:

from the bbc :

well ok, from hugo ...

Would it be possible to put the playlist in the podcast metadata?

Oh, and was it the Les Volcans song that had 'Around the World' in the background? Any idea where to find more of their stuff?

I don't really know what "podcast metadata" is but I've asked at the radio station... I don't even own an iPod.

I have another few records by Les Volcans that I'm sure will get some airplay one day. They've also been featured on the excellent (yet weirldy named) comp "African Scream Contest" with a pretty amazing Latin Jazz tune. I have a monster Afrobeat 45 by them and a few LPs.

The metadata is basically stuff like the title, picture, and what not that go along. There's also a possibility to add notes - some podcasts put their playlists in there. Not a huge deal, but it'd be nice.

I'm sure that's going to turn out to be the really frustrating thing about listening to this podcast - discovering all this great, *out of print* music...
Amos Anyimadu:

Would it be possible to have the files as directly downloadable mp3 instead of scheduled podcasts - like you used to do at voodoo funk?
Franc O:

Sorry Amos, the shows are only available as is. It's probably best if you subscribe to the podcast.



That was a great song by Sweet Breeze. Any idea what album it came from?
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