Favoriting Choking On Cufflinks with Michael Goodstein: Playlist from November 1, 2008 Favoriting

Music for guys with food stains on their shirts: the required dosage of shitalo and d.i.y. crud you need to start your weekend right.

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November 1, 2008: Everyday's Halloween Goth Special - with special guest Justine D.

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
bauhaus  bela lugosi's dead   12"  UK  0:00:00 Pop-up)
throbbing gristle  hamburger lady   d.o.a.  UK  0:16:07 Pop-up)
shadow of fear  sick sacrifice   12"  U.S./Cleveland  0:20:14 Pop-up)
madhouse  advice   s/t lp  U.S./D.C./Maryland  0:23:58 Pop-up)
tsol  silent scream   dance with me  U.S./Long Beach, CA  0:26:39 Pop-up)
christian death  glass house   catastrophe ballet  U.S./Los Angeles  0:29:16 Pop-up)
factory  carnivore   awaken comp.  U.S./Los Angeles  0:32:27 Pop-up)
phaidia  madness area   in the dark  Japan  0:43:32 Pop-up)
fad gadget  fireside favourites   firside favourites  UK  0:46:34 Pop-up)
tones on tail  burning skies   s/t  UK  0:50:39 Pop-up)
siglo xx  answer   s/t  Belguim  0:56:27 Pop-up)
belfegore  nacht und sodom   12"  Germany  1:17:03 Pop-up)
death in june  in the nighttime   the guilty have no past  u.k.  1:19:42 Pop-up)
andi sex gang w/ marc almond  the hungry years   the whip comp.  u.k.  1:23:19 Pop-up)
mephisto waltz  tribal conflict   s/t  U.S./Orange County, California/Germany  1:29:52 Pop-up)
hysteria  the maze   behind the veil  uk  1:34:13 Pop-up)
the cranes      uk  1:46:36 Pop-up)
screaming for emily  another girl   scriptures 12"  u.s./New Jersey!  1:47:44 Pop-up)
screams for tina  fools' gold   strobelight funeral 12"  u.s./Los Angeles  1:50:41 Pop-up)
strawberry switchblade  who knows what love is?   s/t  UK/Scotland  1:55:51 Pop-up)
ministry  everday is halloween   12"  u.s.  2:03:00 Pop-up)
cetu javu  situations   12"  Germany  2:09:01 Pop-up)
loveland  when you dress up   that neplusultra 12"  U.S./New Jersey!  2:14:09 Pop-up)
depeche mode  black celebration   black celebration  uk  2:18:44 Pop-up)
sisters of mercy  this corrosion   floodland  uk  2:22:04 Pop-up)
x-mal deutschland  incubus sucubus II   12"  Germany  2:39:44 Pop-up)
front 242  headhunter   12"  Belguim  2:44:15 Pop-up)
nitzer ebb  let your body learn   that total age  uk  2:49:02 Pop-up)
alien sex fiend  now i'm feeling zombified (extended version)   gothic rock comp.  uk  2:52:01 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:03pm dave:

i wonder if it would've been physically possible to start a goth show off with anything BUT bela lugosi's dead. it is the ur-song from which all other goth songs spring.
  9:16pm dave:

this, of course, raises the question about the band which produced the titular track, Ministry: Goth Or Not?
  9:24pm mike g.:

Up to Psalm 69 - "Jesus Built My Hotrod" is the line.
  9:30pm dave:

well played, sir.

also, that shadow of fear song was really great.
  9:37pm steve:

i don't think you mentioned "cindy talk" from that era
  9:42pm travis:

howabout some castration squad???
  9:45pm travis:

castration squad : pre 45 Grave !!!
  9:46pm mike g.:

Travis - great suggestion - i'll look around for some.
  9:54pm dave:

a subquestion of Goth Or Not?: Goth Or Trying Too Hard? In this category fall the Fields of the Nephilim and This Mortal Coil questions.
  9:56pm mike g.:

Justine says: "Cowboy Goths? also what about the Cult?"

We're in agreement on This Mortal Coil being two thumbs up, Daniel B.'s the Fields of Nephilim fan.
  9:57pm dave:

i'd like to see a fields of the nephilim/cult deathmatch. i know who my money's on. those nephilim guys, they SCARE me.
  9:59pm D. Blumin:

Absolutely, Mike G! Preacher Man! Spaghetti Western Goth! Dave, agreed... Nephilim would smite them w/ their dusty hats!
  10:08pm dave:

the scene: a dusty, deserted street in a high-plains town. tumbleweeds, howling wind (with just a TOUCH of reverb). at approximately 30 paces stand ian astbury and carl mccoy.


Astbury makes his moves, and reaches for Fire Woman, but it's already over. McCoy has already pulled 'For Her Light', and Astbury folds, but very, very slowly.

Fade, to 'Wail of Sumer'.
  10:14pm D. Blumin:


The question is where is Von Eldritch in all this?
  10:19pm dave:

oh, that's easy. eldritch is the preacher, over at the church, leading the congregation in songs fron the floodland hymnbook.
  10:24pm D. Blumin:

Wait, shouldn't that be Nick Cave?
  10:27pm dave:

Good point. But your average frontier town didn't have a lot of convents, and i needed to put eldritch SOMEWHERE.
  10:27pm frankenberry:

play some voltaire man
  10:50pm frankenberry:

what you're playing burning skies twice
  10:51pm lodi rocky:

I am loving this show, dude, you rock
  10:54pm frankenberry:

nevermind i just pressed back. my bad yo
  11:05pm anne:

skinny puppy? dig it? was that the name of that song?

memories of exchanging letters from disgruntled suburban youth to disgruntled suburban youth, via penpal ads in the back of maximum rock n' roll and starhits (an english pop magazine with some english goth band features now and then)
  11:05pm UHRGH:

ahaha this song. Growing up in the 90s my friends and I only knew of the metal-industrial Ministry ... and then we found this song and laughed our asses off.
  11:08pm anne:

oh yeah, and those from detroit...

shock therapy "hate is just a four letter word", actually not even sure they were from detroit, just remembering hearing them on some fuzzy detroit station.

anyone from there listened to WORB farmington hills?
  11:12pm dave:

"cetu javu" is german for "depeche mode"
  11:14pm mike g.:

Anne - I was a WLIR/WDRE guy....

Dave -Loveland is German for Depeche Mode... just wait...
  11:15pm larraby:

.....was just listening to "Music for the masses" the other day. The question was posed, "is it as good as you remember it?" ooooooh yeah...
how bout some Nitzer Ebb? say, 1989's "Belief"? There's a classic...
  11:18pm dave:

who KNEW dave gahan had so many teutonic siblings?
  11:24pm lodi rocky:

oh wow, i was just about to ask if sisters of mercy qualified as goth lol
  11:28pm anne:

even goth is not immune to guitar solo
  11:28pm rich:

thank you! best Halloween show of the year.
  11:30pm Cliff:

Probably too late to add this song to the show, but Coil's cover of "Tainted Love" is one of the bleakest, most gut-wrenching things I've ever experienced. Just thought I'd share.
  11:39pm dave:

who new dave gahan had so many JERSEY siblings?
  11:43pm mike g.:

I was hoping to get to some Coil but I don't think we're going to make it this week.
  11:44pm anne:

reminds me of siouxsie and the banshees. there should be a documentary or something on her if there isn't one already. she's still lookin good.
  11:48pm lodi rocky:

dang, i was really hoping for some alien sex fiend, but great show nonetheless!
  11:51pm dave:

1. lock the target.
2. bait the line.
3. spread the net.
  11:53pm anne:

fabulous show, thanx guys. i never thought i was goth, but maybe i was just a little bit. this show made me teary eyed and sentimental.
  11:54pm lodi rocky:

  11:55pm larraby:

..."we have come to bless this house" Severed Heads,
Perfect Halloween Fodder... great show BTW. WFMU's my newest guilty pleasure...
  3:09am Jessica:

This lovely set, and comments, has me feeling both very old and nostalgic for a "whatever doesn't kill you" misspent youth, and biting back reminiscences of those color-disdaining characters in favor of crate digging. Heaven forfend such circumstances in our near future, but imagine the fun of weekly ABCs of angst sets. I'm already at C, with the Cabs, Monte Cazzaza, Chrome, Roz and Dave and Gitane's band... The Cult were better than expected, when they blew through, at supporting local talent: My first real commission was a rose-strewn fringe-fu jacket for an otherwise-presumed Ast-hole.
  11:28pm Jason Hughes:

How do I obtain Loveland's 'When You Dress Up'??
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