Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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August 15, 2008 Favoriting
High Fidel-ity
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo Wax 1990)

The Impressions 

The Young Mods'
Forgotten Story
(Listen: Pop-up)
The Young Mods' Forgotten Story
(Curtom 1969)
Pat Peterman  You Gonna Reap It   Favoriting The Birmingham Sound:
The Soul of Neal Hemphill, Volume 1
(Rabbit Factory 1970)
Judy Clay  Bed of Roses   Favoriting The Complete Stax/Volt Soul Singles 1968-1971
(Stax 1968)

Little Bob &
the Lollipops
With These Hands   Favoriting I Got Loaded
(La Louisianne ca. 1966)
Kip Anderson  A Knife and a Fork   Favoriting Chess Club Rhythm & Soul
(Kent 1967)

Talkover Music:
Memphis Black (Ingfried Hoffman) 
Why Don't You Play the
Organ, Man   Favoriting
Soul Club
(Sonorama 1969)

Sir Lancelot

with Gerald Clark's
Caribbean Serenaders

The Century of the
Common Man
(Listen: Pop-up)
Trinidad Is Changing
(Flyright ca. 1942)
Lord Flea & His Calypsonians  It All Began With Adam and Eve   Favoriting Jamaica Before Ska
(AB )
Nathan Abshire
w/Little Yvonne Le Blanc 
Mama Rosin   Favoriting French Blues
(Arhoolie 1956)
The Ambitions  That's My Baby   Favoriting Rebel Rock a Billy Rock, Volume 2
(Jim Jam )
Rosco Gordon  New Orleans Wimmen   Favoriting

Bootin': The Best
of the RPM Years

(Ace 1952)
Lynn Taitt & the Jets  Stream of Life   Favoriting Hold Me Tight
(Trojan )
Lee Perry & the Soulettes  By Saint Peter   Favoriting Chicken Scratch
(Heartbeat 1964)

Talkover Music:
Nicola Conte 
Forma 2000   Favoriting Bossa Per Due
(ESL 2000)


Shwe Maung Than /
Aung Bar Zay
(Listen: Pop-up)
Pat Waing: The Magic Drum Circle of Burma
(Shanachie 1998)
?? [Sorry, I can't read Thai]  ?? (still more Thai)   Favoriting ?? (do I have to spell it out for you?)
(V.Music Sound )
Suar Agung dari Desa Sankaragung and Sekehe Jegog dari Desa Pendem  Gopala   Favoriting Jegog of Negara
(King 1990)
Unidentified  Khen le Molam   Favoriting

Ethnic Minority Music of
Southern Laos

(Sublime Freq. ca. 2004)
Wendy Mae Chambers  New York, New York   Favoriting Gravikords, Whirlies, and Pyrophones:
Experimenta Musical Instruments
(Ellipsis Arts 1996)

Talkover Music:
The Steps 
Babendi Bendi   Favoriting Krontjong Warna-Warni
(Time Stereo 1960s)

Roland Kirk 

Why Don't They Know?
(Listen: Pop-up)
Now Please Don't You Cry, Beautiful Edith
(Verve 1967)
The Jazz Composer's Orchestra  Communications #10   Favoriting Communications
(JCOA 1968)

Dance, Eternal Spirits, Dance!   Favoriting Black Saint
(Black Saint 1975)
Bill Barron, Ted Curson & Orchestra  Jes Swingin'   Favoriting Now, Hear This!
(Audio Fidelity / Fresh Sound 1964)
Ornette Coleman  Song for Che   Favoriting Crisis
(Impulse! 1969)

Talkover Music:
James Moody 
Heritage Hum   Favoriting Heritage Hum
(Perception 1971)

Gene Freeman 

Fidel Castro
(Listen: Pop-up)
Automatic Bop, Volume 2
(Collector )
Doye O'dell  In the Little Shirt My Mother
Made for Me   Favoriting
Bath Tub Blues
(Cattle Compact 1947)
Van Howard  I Speak to the Stars   Favoriting

Van Howard

(HBR 1954)
Okie Jones  My Heart Went Blind   Favoriting Okie Jones
(HBR 1950)
Skeets McDonald  Your Love Is Like a Faucet   Favoriting The Radiozark Transcriptions, Volume 2
(Bronco Buster 1954)
Rodney Morris & His Missourians  Free, White and Twenty-One
[Racist song alert! Apparently Morris had second thoughts and re-recorded this tune later as "Free, Wise and Twenty-One"]   Favoriting
Boppin' Hillbilly, Volume 18
(Collector )

Talkover Music:
Hey Mr Bundle   Favoriting Make New Friends
(Tru Thoughts 2004)

Malik Adouane 

(Listen: Pop-up)
The Orient Meets Funk Brothers & Soul Sisters
(EMI 2006)
Victor Brady  Brown Rain   Favoriting Brown Rain
(Polydor 1970)

The Duke of
Flute for President   Favoriting Flash
(Wah Wah )
The Lyman Woodard Organization  On Your Mind   Favoriting Saturday Night Special
(Strara 1973)
The Frank Derrick Total Experience  No Jive   Favoriting You Betcha! Live at Fiddlers
(PS 1974)
Funkadelic  Friday Night, August 14th   Favoriting Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow
(Westbound 1970)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  9:05am bryce:

  9:07am PG:

Top of the morning to one and all. I have a really good feeling about today's show.
  9:11am Hugo:

Good afternoon from the western side of the eastern side of the pond.
  9:12am annie:

i'm just in upstate new york, happy to be listening. as usual..
  9:12am hathaway:

good morning!

i just want to share with everyone what an amazing show i saw last night here in chicago. kelan phil cohran did a tribute to the almighty sun ra with a huge assemblage of people, including the hypnotic brass ensemble. i think there were about 40 people onstage: singers, dancers, musicians, and phil himself wearing a king tut headdress. did any other listeners attend?
  9:13am Ted from Baltimore:

Good morning Doug, everybody. Saw The Ex and Getatchew down here in Baltimore last night. Still on Cloud 9 (even at work!). One of those things that everyone should experience at least once in their lives, like Paris or the Grand Canyon.
  9:13am Bad Ronald:

Greetings all from the Big Bad Apple.

Love the set so far...
  9:16am hathaway:

yeah, ted! i'm way psyched to see the ex and getatchew in chicago sunday. it's a good week for shows here.
  9:22am gumby:

Greetings from the Jersey shore to all! Well the mid Jersey suburbs anyway. And here in cubeland to boot. However, I am digging the knife & fork as I down doughnut #2. and I am jealous of the Getachew peoples, but since Tamar hooked me up with where to get the new disc it is on the way!!!! Whaaa-hoooo! Solid soul sendoff Doug EXCELLANTE!!!!
  9:23am Hugo:

Oh, I've experienced Paris several times, but the Grand Canyon remains. I have experienced Mount Everest many times, but from the comfortable distance of a flight window - heading up and down Nepal.
  9:24am GP:

Morning all

Dropping by: Check
Tuning In: Check

Glad it is Friday...been staying up WAY too late watching the Olympics every night.
  9:29am gumby:

"With all the powder and paint what you see is what she ain't" - Whaaa-hoooooooooooo!!!!!
  9:30am gumby:

GP I think I am a little delirious with all the TV time I'm putting in on the olympics. Damn, I love that unscored ballet of the beautiful bodies.
  9:31am Michael:

Another upstate New Yorker (Saugerties) listening away the morning...
  9:33am Paul Sherratt:


Whaaa-hoooooooooooo!!!!! Indeed.
  9:34am GP:

Gumby, 10-4 on that..i REALLY need to get Tivo or something. I guess I could go the old VCR route but then I don't know when I would sit still to watch it again. At least I know that I have to dedicate a chunk of my evening to sitting there and watching
  9:37am bill:

Yet another upstater - Columbia County. There's always such a great mix of musical styles on this show.
  9:40am gumby:

I'm jealous of my 15 year old he gets to stay home and watch the weight lifting, kayaking and all those things they don't show on the night time cast. Shout out to all you upstaters, soon it will be past bug time and I will have to get my family to the Dacks with our packs! At the risk of repeating myself, Whaa- HOOOOO! ( Too much coffee methinks)
  9:44am annie:

lucky enough to be in an area which has very few black flies..
  9:44am Hugo:

Your life would be incomplete without at least one Lee Perry compilation ...
  9:51am Paul Sherratt:

Saw Mr Perry perform a couple of weeks back. Through no fault of his own he was a little late owing to his Swissair flight being delayed. So he came on stage with his suitcase .. nice touch I thought ( or does he always do that ?? )
  9:52am dc pat:

The Ex & Mekuria: Saw them down here in dc on Wed. Do what it takes to see them, folks. Best show I've seen in 10 years! Truly amazing.
  9:53am dc pat:

Audience was a wild blend of teenage bloggers, oldsters (like me), and drunk Ethiopians doing war cries.
  9:54am Parq:

G'morning, Doug. Pandering to the mainstream crowd again, are we?
  9:54am Hugo:

Not when I saw him - Mr. Perry, that is, but he did bring his suit adorned with silver cds. And he brought the Mad Professor to man the mixing board - so the sound was terrific.
  9:57am Jegaga:

Jegog of Negara is INCREDIBLE! Does anyone know if any Jegog ensembles exist in North America???
  10:01am dc pat:

That's what the Ex should do next, play w/ a gambalan ensemble.
  10:01am dc pat:

gamelan, sorry
  10:02am Doug:

Here is some info: There are only a few Jegog ensembles and they all exist on a remote Indonesian island where a particularly huge species of bamboo grows. This oversized bamboo is used for the resonaters on the marimba-like gamelan instruments. Massive!
  10:03am Jegaga:

Jegog is not 'normal' gamelan (i.e. gamelan gong kebyar, the style most 'American' groups practice). It's totally unique, rare, and requires a multi-ton set of instruments that are very weather-sensitive - basically hollow logs that players stand on and hit with rubber mallets. My group in Boston, Gamelan Galak Tika, is interested in acquiring a jegog, but we're worried about the logs psplitting. Oops - DOug's on it.
  10:04am Sur:

WOW! Doug, Doug, Doug, you continue to blow my mind! I had not heard Jegog music since I was in Bali 5 years ago! Takes me right back to the rice paddies! Thank you again!
  10:09am Ted from Baltimore:

Sur -- If you love this music you should check out Bryce's show, and particularly his archives. He has done some amazing sets focused on music from Indonesia and vicinity the likes of which I've never heard.
  10:10am Hugo:

I think this type of gamelan music is basically Bali-based which is different from the gamelan of Java which again has different strands - whether it's central Java or the Sunda Sraits. Indonesia is full of regional musical traditions. Hearing this, I had a look at the cd racks and found an example of Tapanuli music from northern Sumatra - picked up in Jakarta some years ago - which again is different from gamelan ...
  10:14am gumby:

Doug, FMU staff & listeners, thank you for the continuous stream of musical info. You are like my teacher, Mr. Quackenbush who always tried to slip in info on the wild stuff beyond our 6th grade classroom and the standard curriculum. I still attempt to listen, read and learn all I can.
  10:26am GP:

That is also why I am here as a listener...More times than not I make a fool out of myself on the comments page, but if I am also learning a lot about music that I would have never heard anywhere else. If I am not learning something new every day ( not only about music )then I feel that that day was wasted.
  10:28am Parq:

Belated thanks (I was in transit) for the Wendy Mae -- that was the only likable version of that tiresome suburbanite anthem I've ever heard.
  10:28am Jegaga:

Not to nit-pick, but this might be useful - the 'tiny island' of Negara is really Bali - Negara is one of numerous ancient kingdoms there. Jegog iis usually pronounced 'je- gog' - the "go" is like the English word 'go', not ga. :)
  10:31am dc pat:

I'm a learner too. I also dig the book discussions...
  10:36am gumby:

not only do we get to learn, we don't have to listen to the tiresome played out anthems (to borrow from parq) of classic rock or any other boring radio stations. I tried the Matt Pinfield show on 101.9 and while Matt is a wonderful encyclopedia of rock & roll history, the 5 minute commercial break damn near killed me.
  10:44am Hugo:

If you want to know more about Negara, here's a study by one of America's foremost anthropologists:
  10:52am gumby:

I got distracted here at work, damn coworkers, when you were talking about the Ex & Getechew Mekuria show coming up on Wednesday the 20th. Could you post when and where it is on the comments here. Thanks, I'll try to pay more attention next time.
  10:56am Ted from Baltimore:

ahh! One of my favorite Ornette (and Charlie Haden!) tracks. Gives me shivers. I've had this record since college, which was a really long time ago. I guess not everything I listened to back then was crap.
  10:56am Doug:

It is my pleasure:

Wednesday, August 20, 6-10pm
Damrosch Park at West 62nd Street & Amsterdam
(Part of Lincoln Center)
No tickets, come early!

Extra Golden
Mahmoud Ahmed & Alemayehu Eshete with Either/Orchestra
The Ex with Getatchew Mekurya
  11:01am Hugo:

Beautful Coleman tune (but you knew I would say that) ...
  11:10am Ike:

Gumby, re: Pinfield, I agree, endless commercials and too many burnt-out so-called classics, undoubtedly enforced by dumb corporate playlisting. 101.9's ratings are shockingly awful, so their days are numbered. But the new morning show on 91.5 is good if you like indie rock. (Obviously is the best possible choice but that's not always possible....)

Wow, great Castro song.
  11:10am Doug:

Here's the link to my Fidel Castro songs blog post:
  11:21am Chicago Jo:

Free WHITE and 21! that's classy.
  11:27am GP:

Feel like I am at a Saigon Karaoke bar...this song is awesome.
  11:34am Ted from Baltimore:

Doug, where do you find this stuff? This is one of the most insane songs I've ever heard. I wonder what Victor means by the title. "Brown Rain" evokes some ... disturbing imagery.
  11:35am Bob:

Don't miss the Malik Adouane's excellent video of his version of Shaft:
  11:36am Stuart Troutman:

What a wretched noise this is. Brown Rain and Battered Steel Drum and one terrible vocal.
  11:37am XNet:

I love it!
  11:39am Parq:

Stop equivocating, Stu. Don't hold back.
  11:41am gumby:

drippin', trippin' that brown rain song was friggin' flippin'
  11:52am gumby:

as always, a wonderful aural world tour Doug, thanks.
  11:53am Frank Footer:

OMFG!!!! WFMU is finally playing Funkadelic! Thank you so much Mr Schulkind!
  11:57am Ted from Baltimore:

Thank you, Doug. PG's hunch at the top of the show was on the money.
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