Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from July 18, 2008 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting July 18, 2008: Fresh Bryce for Rotting Vegtables - Saul Williams & Jello Biafra interviews

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Sir Mix-A-Lot  gold   Favoriting swass  Nasty Mix  1988      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The HoarseMen  feel mine   Favoriting Snacks & Catastrophes    2008      0:04:24 (Pop-up)
Rated X  if it don't fit (don't force it)   Favoriting           0:08:01 (Pop-up)
RA  petite gilet   Favoriting demo 03    2003  from France    0:11:43 (Pop-up)
The HoarseMen  Pablo McNasty's Revenge   Favoriting Snacks & Catastrophes    2008      0:15:19 (Pop-up)
No Luck Club  koolkat   Favoriting happiness      from Canada    0:17:13 (Pop-up)
Dan Smith  baby got book (me so holy)   Favoriting Southpaw's Greatest Hits      c.o GodTube.com    0:24:51 (Pop-up)
Exodus  congorock   Favoriting     2008      0:26:16 (Pop-up)
A Girl & A Gun  Wmomp that sucka (A1 bassline remix)   Favoriting           0:29:27 (Pop-up)
Jello Biafra interview (1980) with Jools Holland        1980  28 years ago not long after the first DKs album dropped - Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegtables    0:35:04 (Pop-up)
Dead Kennedys  Holiday In Cambodia   Favoriting fresh fruit for rotting vegetables    1980      0:36:30 (Pop-up)
Jello Biafra & the Melvins  voted off the island +   Favoriting Sieg Howdy!  Alternative Tentacles  2005      0:41:06 (Pop-up)
Jello Biafra & the Melvins  California Uber Alles   Favoriting     2005      0:45:49 (Pop-up)
Dead Kennedys  California Uber Alles   Favoriting     1980      0:45:57 (Pop-up)
Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy  California Uber Alles   Favoriting     1992      0:46:32 (Pop-up)
Jeffrey Cobb & Stumbo on KALX, 1990  hostage situation   Favoriting     1990      0:49:49 (Pop-up)
Dead Kennedys  Kill The Poor   Favoriting     1980      0:52:36 (Pop-up)
Saul Williams  NIggy Tardust   Favoriting The inevitable rise and liberation of Niggy Tardust    2008    *   0:55:27 (Pop-up)
Saul Williams  Sunday Bloody Sunday   Favoriting The inevitable rise and liberation of Niggy Tardust    2008    *   1:00:36 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Saul WIlliams call in interivew livew 







1:17:40 (Pop-up)
Saul Williams live spoken word on phone              1:18:23 (Pop-up)
Saul Williams  scared money   Favoriting The inevitable rise and liberation of Niggy Tardust    2008    *   1:19:40 (Pop-up)
J-Live  One to 31   Favoriting Then What Happened?  bbe  2008  NOTE: J-Live will be the special guest on next week's equally special show - live from the KNitting Factory - come on down and get on down y'all  *   1:23:19 (Pop-up)
Gang Starr  Code Of The Streets   Favoriting       the amazing hip-hop pair of GURU and DJ Premiere    1:26:26 (Pop-up)
Serge Gainsbourg  angoisse   Favoriting Du Jazz dans le Ravin          1:29:49 (Pop-up)
Rabbi Darkside  the better the bomb (advance pre-mastered copy)   Favoriting Building the better bomb    2008  another live guest (there will be many) on next week's show out of the Knitting Factory in Lower Manhattan  *   1:32:08 (Pop-up)
Dimitri Martin  kids   Favoriting           1:34:53 (Pop-up)
Real Rulers  ladies rock the house   Favoriting           1:35:38 (Pop-up)
Marco Bellini  dirty   Favoriting           1:41:02 (Pop-up)
DJ Rasoul              1:47:12 (Pop-up)
Kevin Wilson  breeze (driftin on by)   Favoriting           1:50:00 (Pop-up)
Saafir / Chino XL  Not fa Nuthin   Favoriting           1:54:05 (Pop-up)
Jello Biafa  the WFMU remix   Favoriting           1:57:44 (Pop-up)
Jello Biafra interview              2:08:44 (Pop-up)
Jello Biafra & the Melvins               
DJs of Mass Destruction feat DJ ALF  addicted to oil   Favoriting War II           

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Listener comments!


yay yay yay hooooooray!!! wooooooohooo!!!

1988. Golden.
Billy Jam:

what up FMU listeners....If you have any questions you would like relayed to today's call in guests - Saul WIllaims and Jello Biafra - send em in now via this here COMMENTS section of the aculplaylist - thanks~
north guinea hills:

no questions, but i got to see jello play w/ melt banana back in '98 in gainesville, fl for an impromtu set, since they were both randomly in town...(mb for their tour, and jello for a q&a + spoken word at uf)
Bad Ronald:

Hey Billy!!!

broken image URL for the playlist:

Why doesn't Jello run for prez again?
north guinea hills:

rhyming w/ john wesley , that's genius!
the Illuminated Void:

thunder being mix
north guinea hills:

delivering on my bassline request! thanks billy!!!

nice show for the first day of The Last HOPE. Tell Jello 'thanks' from all of us geeks & hackers. One thing I'd like to ask him is how he thinks HOPE, & I guess the community as a whole, has changed over the last few years.

I personally love that the early emphasis on phone & computer hacking has morphed into a more general DIY ethic.

Jello's talks (including the one I saw at the last HOPE I participated in) are utterly amazing. One of our great soothsayers.
the Illuminated Void:

first album i ever brought
Bad Ronald:

Hi Kenzo - can you fix the broken image on the playlist?
the URL should be:
the Illuminated Void:

home my mom thought i was satan

P.S. Kris: That was exactly what I focused on during my HOPE panel: Do it yourself, don't rely on the communication tools and networks provided by the major corporations. Once you're dependent on them, they always pull the blanket out and assert all sorts of terrible controls.

Bad Ronald: I'll leave it to Billy Jam to change the URL, or to ask me to change it for him. Maybe he means for it to look like he was p0wned.
Bad Ronald:

Gotcha - TX
Billy Jam:

please change Kenzo
the Illuminated Void:

jello did run for president on the green party platform he lost the nomination for the party

kenzo: so true. I wish I had seen that talk.

I love that the lock-picking and stuff has come a lot more front and center. There's even a panel on Urban Farming this year.

geeks are so great.
Billy Jam:

KENZO - if you could change the PIC that would be great thanks!~

The hacker ethic isn't about computers and technology. It's about understanding the world around you, exploring and investigating so you can learn how everything works, and putting things together in new ways. The mainstream media redefined the word as meaning "breaking things," but that's not what hacking is about. That's "cracking."

There, I just saved everyone a trip to the Hotel Penn this weekend.
Bad Ronald:

This set is PUMPIN!!! TX - Billy
north guinea hills:

or as kenzo said, like guy debord coined, "detournment"..., more acccurate then "hack"

amen, kenzo.
the Illuminated Void:

north guinea hills:

i mean, "detournement"..(i can't spell!!!)
Bad Ronald:


ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

QUESTION for Saul Williams - What are his views about John McCain and Barack Obama?
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

QUESTION for Saul Williams - Are there any particular artists you would like to work with in the near future?

FOR SAUL WILLIAMS: Are there any artists he's looking forward to working with in the near future?

Nice one, ALF! :)
dei xhrist:

Jello Biafra helped me and my best friend survive the suicidal yearnings of white middle class assholescence. We've failed, however, to become the truly good citizens that the DK made us want to be.
north guinea hills:

i'm ashamed (being the music nerd/dj i am) i didn't discover saul williams until dj spooky put him on his "under the influence" mix album for his chain gang track. swirls of cellos gave it a nice edge a rugged razor fresh feel. i've been a fan ever since.....
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

QUESTION for Saul Williams - Do you think differently of Jesse Jackson now after he made the controversial comment towards Barack Obama?
dc pat:

Jeeze, I was only kidding..

no questions for Messrs Williams & Biafra, but just a big "welcome back, Mr Yams!" for my man Billy Jam.
north guinea hills:

wait, gang starr was guru & dj premiere?1!!!!, wow and this whole time... i'll stop being snarky, sorry/////

i have to run. amazing guests Billy. Childhood/adult heroes. can't wait to hear what they have to say (missed the first interview). glad to hear you back. have a great weekend everyone.
Dave from ks.:

Always f**kin common sense from Jello B.This Guy Knows the unfortunate hard Realty of our sad situation of the drug gang presidency that is this administration.
Sean Daily:

Blasphemy! Digital is always better! I mean, JEEEEEEZ, Jello, a few little presidential elections get stolen and suddenly out come the torches and pitchforks.

"Keep voting smart": You no longer can, thanks to computerized voting machines. We'll never know what the votes really are anymore.

When can we all just admit that politics is legalized cruelty over our fellow man and that the entire system is corrupt? When you vote you are simply perpetuating the corruption, not improving it. Do I have the ultimate answer? No, but I sure as hell know that voting will only keep criminals in power over me and I will have nothing to do with it, period.

(Admits it)
Sean Daily:

Don't give up hope. That's what they want you to do.

I don't see it as giving up hope because there IS not hope of being a "free" person if you continue to vote someone ELSE into power to run your life for you. By the way, I do vote: I vote every time I open my wallet and make a purchase. I vote every day of my life. Stepping into a booth for 30 seconds every 4 years is not voting, it's a smoke screen. But I appreciate your sentiment, Sean, I do.

I was at the voting machine talk that Jello mentioned - we all new those things were chock-full-of holes, but some of the stuff they found in that audit is purely criminal.
dave from ks.:

Good BillyJ. boy for having J.B. as Guest, very good information,well explained!!

God thanks for mentioning the PMRC. Tipper's a smart lady, but that's a big mistake. And it explains the Lieberman mistake.

Video games are the modern whipping boy equivalent of comic books. And we all know comic books destroyed western civilization.
Sean Daily:

You have a point, Mike. Actually, no, you have many points.
Sean Daily:

And this is some scary stuff coming from Jello. Guess I'm not as politically aware as I thought...
esch oder anarchie!:

My 9 yr old son discovered "Holiday in Cambodia" thru Guitar Hero. And he's never heard of Holiday Inn .. Thanks Jello!
charles wipman:

Listen to Jello Biafra and the Dead Kennedys lyrics made
me try to be a better person every day; happy birthday Jello and thanks for all. Thanks to the WFMU crew, i love this radio. I hope that booth of you stay on the air for very
long. Let's C ya

Remember when you were a kid and you told your mom that your friends were making fun of you or saying things about you? She said, "Well, then they're not really your friends." Likewise, if someone downloads your art for free and doesn't give you a dime, they're not really your fan.

billy, i thought wfmu was a high school station??

At WFMU, you need a hall pass to go to the bathroom.
Lisa Michelle:

Damn Billy, Im real late, LOL.. I went to see The Dark Knight , so missed the show this afternoon. I will catch up with you later!
Vivien Palcic:

Hi Billy. I just listened to the archive of your interview with Jello Biafra from Friday 18 July, which I enjoyed very much. I'm one massive!!! Jello fan! I was also listening to the live stream earlier and heard some awesome stuff. Great work, guys! (It's Sunday afternoon for me over here in Perth, Western Australia.)
Bad Ronald:

Fantastic show Billz Thankz!!!!

does Jersey City offer post graduate degrees?
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