Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from May 15, 2008 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting May 15, 2008: Clay and Irene Trudel Go "LIVE"! Episode 30 - Season 2

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
Jesse crawford  Pixie Parade   Favoriting The Poet Of The Organ      LP  Crawford was the most celebrated organist of the silent movie era, where his style of interpreting ballads earned him his name ... the poet of the organ. This song is featured on your Dusty Show Marathon Premium, some of which have yet to be shipped. I don't handle that part of the equation. Passing the buck! 
Introducing Irene Trudel
  Irene was nice to enough to come down to the station on her own time to help me "run the board" and more! Irene's kindness and sanity show through and we partner well ... she being able to reign me in when I get wordy.
Talk Me Down! Boy, I was nervous.
Crankin' More Jesse
D-SAM talk. Explaining the troubles recently experienced in getting folks to call. Won't YOU help? Call the D-SAM now and leave a message I can play on the air. 201 521 1375!!!
Politics and Donuts
  I don't like Starbucks especially.
UPsala? upSALa?
Peculiar Town Names (Oh, THIS is boring). Sorry.
Caller One ... What's Your 20?
Lake Hiawatha
Lake City
Greg Lake
Lake Vietcong or something
Lake Panorama
  Pathetic rambling by Clay Pigeon. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Kolonel Karl Discussed
The Trouble With Dusty's New Voice
Micro-Cassette Chat
I.M. Boring Jeeeeezus
Speed Control Elimination
A nod to Seville
Unintelligible Dusty
Have I Lost You?
Irene Speex With Listener Mark.
  I wish I were much more compelling.
  I enjoy saying the "time" during these LIVE shows. It seems so un-FMU.
The Creepy Factor and Repellent Quality
A Youthful Dusty Listener Emerges
SCIENCE! (featuring Agar and Albumin!)
A Little More Organ
S'matter with the Yankees?
The "Sweet" Spot
Eat Your Hamburgers
Neopolitan Ice Cream
More Kolonel
  Is it disturbing hearing The Kolonel in "Real Time?" Yes.
Grammar and Grandpa
Pitching Their Song
Bracing Them For A Harsh Edit

PO BOX 5101

Hoboken, NJ 07030

A Word To Parents
Is That Organ Too Loud?
Jesse Crawford - The Poet Of The Organ (again)
Singing With Irene (I LOVED IT!)
Kyle and Gender Confusion
Michael and Timmy
The Hippy Revolution
Good For A Chuckle: The Dusty Show Drinking Game
Girlfriend - Girlfriend - Girlfriend
Thinking of Peter
Drink Your Milk!
Sweet Acidophilus
Please e-mail now ... I haven't gotten one in days. dusty@wfmu,org
A Call From Bobby The Guitarist
Rhythm Guitar
Manhattan ... Blair .... buildings are everywhere.
Feelin' Better About The Dusty Show!
Irene's Choking Fit!
Microbes Osmosizing!
Concern For Irene
A Call From The Netherlands!
Schweppt Away!
Flying Dutchman!
Irene's Insomnia
Golden Earring Forum
  I handled this Dutch interview so poorly. Sorry, Sam. Appreciate your calling from so far away.
Def Leppard and other HOT Bands!
Life Is Good To You My Friend!
Infant Gondola Imprinting
Netherlands, England, Japan, Parachute, CO, Bimidgi, MN., Aurora, KY .... We Love 'Em All!!!
Shooting Tendrils
CALL THE D SAM NOWWWWWW!!!!! 201 521 1375 and see what HAPPENS!!!!!?????
A Call From Conner in Washington, D.C.
The Exorcist Steps
Irene's Quietude
Morton Thiokol Rocket
Hiroshima Flowers
The Caller Speaks With Irene
50 and Floundering
Peter Lights The Way
Helium Man Poodles and Clowns
Turn Up That Organ!
Dave's Ankle
Please help. I need 20 DSAM calls in the next 15 minutes.

201 521 1375

Dial Tone Record Scratch Combo With Operator
Kim from Summerville, MA.
Harsh Dial Tone
The Legendary Peter!
Peter's Glowing Review
More In Love Than Ever In Front Of God And Everyone!
Dave's Anger
Queen  Keep Yourself Alive (Excerpt)   Favoriting Queen  Elektra  1973  LP  Evidently, Sacha Baron-Cohen is going to portray Freddie Mercury in an upcoming Film? 
  Well ... that was fun. Thanks Irene Trudel for sitting in with me and operating the board for a "LIVE" edition of The Dusty Show. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while. Although, it is nerve wracking. I was very nervous at the beginning ... but thanks to many nice callers, you made it easy. I appreciate that!

After listening to the archive of the show, I can see that I need improvement as a "live" host. That being said, I hope you didn't mind this departure from the "norm." I will again return to the streets. I would appreciate your opinion on whether or not you like "Live" shows or not. Maybe I should add a song or two or make the calls shorter? That might help. Or we could have a topic.

As it stands right now, Irene and I will do it again next week!!!!

I will also be on Billy Jam's Show next Friday, May 23rd live from The Knitting Factory!

Well ... thanks again for listening. Please, if you read this, shoot me an e-mail and give me the lowdown on who you are, where you are and how you arrived here. I appreciate your listening and interaction. It makes it much more fun.


Know what would REALLY be great? In fact, I DARE you .... Call the D-SAM and do it now. Don't tarry. It's essential. We have a phone in place to accept your incoming message and RIGHT NOW it is nothing more than a little lonely glowing red eye in the darkness, not five-feet away from the unmade WFMU DJ bed! Up there in what we call affectionately ... the D-SAM Nook. Here's the number ..... now .... CALL and say something. Anything. Tell me your favorite state capital and why. Tell me your favorite color. Tell me your problems or read us a short poem. It's wide open and so very NOW .... it's the D-SAM ..... The Dusty Show Answering MAchine .... and the way you've neglected it is tragic. Make the suffering stop. Phone now, listener.

Until next time, stay tuned, explore happiness and .... always remember. CP

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