Hi Tony,
Im Jim Lasko a member of Tryad and the writer of the song you played - Uptown Suburb Alley. Thanks so much for not only "discovering" our album but for giving us some air time so many years later. When the album came out we did get a lot of support from WNEW FM and Allison Steele. I will always have fond memories of her show and her kindness. Love your show. Thanks so much again.
Jim Lasko
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Listener comments!
Jim Lasko:
Im Jim Lasko a member of Tryad and the writer of the song you played - Uptown Suburb Alley. Thanks so much for not only "discovering" our album but for giving us some air time so many years later. When the album came out we did get a lot of support from WNEW FM and Allison Steele. I will always have fond memories of her show and her kindness. Love your show. Thanks so much again.
Jim Lasko