Codpaste with People Like Us and Ergo Phizmiz will be taking a break while the WFMU annual fundraising marathon is on, and will resume on 10th March, so please do stay subscribed, do stay tuned! We at WFMU rely on our listeners to show appreciation for the station during this two weeks of the year in order to pay for all the costs involved in running the station, getting the radio shows, internet streams and podcasts to you. We hope you appreciate how special and unique WFMU is, and even in it's 50th year, it should by no means be taken for granted. There are so many things that are no longer existing because of the lack of attention and care from so many people that often benefit the most from such creative endeavours. Please pledge now to WFMU, and help us to keep making this work. Put your money where your mouse is, we know we are. We, People Like Us and Ergo Phizmiz don't know what we would do without our friends and listeners at WFMU."Codpaste with People Like Us and Ergo Phizmiz wil...
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