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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, January 26, 2008 Favoriting
New Music, Mixed Bag

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This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Alamaailman Vasarat: Luiden Valossa Favoriting / Maahan / Silenze

Bridges: Olaf, Olaf... Favoriting / Live in China / Heilo

Tartit: Assinaina Favoriting / Abacabok / Crammed Discs

Orchestra Ethiopia: Shama Kefena Favoriting / Ethiopiques 23 / Buda Musique / *

Jan Wouter Oostenrijk: L Blaed I Musiqya Favoriting / Maghreb Jazz Guitar / Maghreb Jazz / *

Son de la Frontera: De la Cal Favoriting / Cal / World Village / *

Jorge Ben: Pulo, Pulo Favoriting / Forca Bruta / Dusty Groove America / *

Os Mutantes: Jogo de Calcada Favoriting / A Divina Comedia Ou / Omplatten

Dengue Fever: Integraton Favoriting / Venus on Earth / M80 / *

Heptones: Do Good to Each and Everyone Favoriting / Various Artists: Jamaica Funk / Soul Jazz / *

Darga: Mimouna Favoriting

Tokyo Champloo: Nanyodoya-Re Favoriting / Various Artists: Tokyo Champloo

Source: Manquez Pas Favoriting / Tonight's African Jazz Band / Completelly Nuts

Abdel Tee Jay: A Nor Nem You Favoriting / Palm Wine A Go Go / Farside

La India Canela: Dedication of Affection Favoriting / Merengue Tipico / Smithsonian Folkways / *

Dailey & Vincent: Poor Boy Workin' Blues Favoriting / Dailey & Vincent / Rounder / *

Toumani Diabate: Tapha Niang Favoriting / Boulevard De L'independence / Nonesuch

Yamandu Costa: Cebolao Favoriting / Ida Y Volta / GHA

Carmen Linares: El Sol, La Rosa y el Nino Favoriting / La Luna en el Rio / Naive

Pierre Akendengue: Considerable Favoriting / Africa Obota

G. G. Vikey: La Berceuse du Mono Favoriting / Chantre de Negritude / Riviera Afrique

Balval: Jekha Chaja Favoriting / Blizzard Boheme / Whaling City Sound

Officina Zoe: Santu Paulu Favoriting / Live in Japan / Polosud / *

Kapugi Brothers: Oh My Lamb Favoriting / Various Artists: Folksongs of Illinois / Illinois Humanities Council / *

Taraf de Haidouks: Balada Conducatorolui Favoriting / Various Artists: Latcho Drom / La Bande Son

Fanfare Tirana: Apocalyptic Kaba Favoriting / Albanian Wedding / Piranha

Nomo: Divisions Favoriting / New Tones / Ubiquity

Aphrodesia: Holy Ghost Invasion Favoriting / Lagos By Bus / Cyberset / *

Tomas Einarsson: Descarga Favoriting / Romm Tomm Tomm / *

Tomas Einarsson: Orgia Favoriting / Romm Tomm Tomm / *

Monguito: Junto al Canhaveral Favoriting / Pacheco Presents Monguito / Fania

Buena Vista Social Club: Chan Chan Favoriting / Various Artists: World Circuit Presents... / Nonesuch

Andy Palacio: Watina Favoriting / Watina / Cumbancha

Listener comments!

  6:28pm meg griffin:

heeeey rob,,whuts shakin??? havin a grooooooovy weekend?? seen any good movies??? WHOOOOOHOOOOO I'M FIRST COMMENT =) =) SEE U SOON
  6:30pm michael doerentrup:

sitting at the dining room table in germany drinking beer, smoking. the stuff you are playing caught me totaly off guard. excellent stuff!!!!!!!
  6:42pm Zach in Philly:

hey hey hey,
'Just sitting in the living room sipping bitters, tooling about on the computer, and loving the daylights out of this Bulerias!

How's the weather in Germany? It's freezing cold here!~

peace on~
  6:48pm rob w:

Sitting here in the dj room...

Haven't seen any 'on theme' (int'l) films I can think of lately - but have recently been turned onto The Candidate w / Robert Redford, early 70s - one of the great election-themed films...
  6:51pm Zach in Philly:

Wow, "Integraton" is a great track (too) ... why don't I own a copy of this album yet!?
  6:54pm michael doerentrup:

hey zach,
belive it or not it`s around 12 degrees celcius. i actualy hung out in the garden today
i`m off to bed.
  8:59pm alan thomson:

Hello Rob,and greetings from west -coast Scotland,lovely to hear Chan Chan again!
  1:15am Sylvain Leroux:

Hi Rob, thank you for the play on Source "Manquez Pas", my debut as a singer. Best wishes.
  6:21am slugluv1313:

hi Rob!

heard beginning of your show but had to leave to work at Peru Negro show (i love those guys!) -- will listen to rest of show later (thank God/dess/JAH/Great Spirit/Allah/WHOEVER!!! for archives!) . . . was so sad to hear of Andy Palacio's passing; i had been hoping and "praying" that he would recover . . . .
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