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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, December 22, 2007 Favoriting
Arctic Andalucia III: Svang at WOMEX + Global Xmas Faves

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Arctic Andalucia: Wintry sounds from summery Sevilla at WOMEX 2007 pt 3 of 3: Harmonica show-and-tell with Finland's Svang harmonica quartet!

We cap off our WOMEX 2007 sessions by visiting with the engaging Finnish harmonica ensemble Svang. Svang formed as part of an exam project at the Sibelius Academy and couldn't stop playing after that. The group plays not just typical chromatic and blues harps but also exotic variations such as the Harmonetta (a curious combination of the accordion and the harmonica).

Svang will demonstrate the various typical and unusual harmonicas they play, and you can see their companion web page with images and descriptions of the harps here:

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Ananda Shankar: Planet X Favoriting / 2001 / Fallout / *
New reissue

Uslad Vilyat Khan: Arrival in Benaras Favoriting / Various Artiusts: Darjeeling Limited (Soundtrack) / Abkco / *

Cornershop: Counteraction Favoriting / Hold On It Hurts / Merge

Alim and Fargana Qasimov: Bardasht Favoriting / Spiritual Music of Azerbaijan / Smithsonian Folkways / *
Opening section from the Mugham Chargah

Badakshan Ensemble: Falak Favoriting / Song and Dance from the Pamir Mountains / Smithsonian Folkways / *

Mandara: Kanda Mali Favoriting / Mandara / Mandara Music
Traditional Tshokwe tune (Angola)

Richard Crandell: Seven Favoriting / Spring Steel / Tzadik / *

Hiem Bihoulete and ensemble: Djadja Pt 1 Favoriting / Pays Lobi / Ocora / *
New bin; 1998 recordings

Grupo Oba-Ilu: Guiro Favoriting / Afro-Cuba / Soul Jazz / *

La Cumbiamba Eneye: Encarnacion Favoriting / Marioneta / Chonta

Pablo Mayor and Folklore Urbano: Dobladillo a la Lengua Favoriting / Baile / Chonta

Drumheller: Calypso Favoriting / Wives / Rat-Drifting / *

Ching-Dong Tsusinsha: Track 7 Favoriting / Osaka Style / Off Note

Svang: Om Inte du Vill Favoriting / Svang / Aito

Svang: Jampparaleele Favoriting / Svang / Aito

Svang: Harmonica demonstration Favoriting
Recorded at WOMEX Sevilla 2007

Svang: Lelita Ioanna Favoriting / Svang / Aito

Svang: Kaipaustango Favoriting / Svang / Aito

Svang: Bass harmonica demonstration Favoriting
Recorded at WOMEX Sevilla 2007

Svang: Po Muromskoj Doroshkje - Muromskin Tiella Favoriting / Svang / Aito

Svang: Silia Valssi Mollissa Favoriting / Jarruta / Aito / *
Forthcoming cd

Gosti: I Heard the Swan Singing Favoriting / Various Artists: Native Music 2 / Latvian Music Information Centre

Traband: Tak To Mam Rad Favoriting / Pritel Cloveka / Indies / *

Kocko Tomas & Orchestr: Ceska Favoriting / Poplor / Indies

Euros Childs: Horse Riding Favoriting / The Miracle Inn / Wichita / *

Willie Colon: Dona Santos Favoriting / Asalto Navideno II / Fania
Canta: Hector Lavoe

African Guitar Summit: Afre Hyia Pa Favoriting / Various Artists: Think Global World Christmas / World Music Network / *

San Jose Serenaders: La Historia de San Jose Favoriting / Various Artists: Think Global World Christmas / World Music Network / *

Machel: Soca Santa Favoriting / Various Artists: Mas! A Caribbean Chrsitmas Party / Ryko

Majorstuen: Til Betlehem I Judaland Favoriting / Juledrom / MFC

Sari and Mari Kaasinen: God Was Born at Christmas Favoriting / Can We Have Christmas Now? / Northside

Kitka: Alilo Favoriting / Wintersongs / Diaphonica

Ioan Pop and Ensemble: Chant de Noel + Chanson de Route Favoriting / Iza: Noel en Maramures / Buda Musique

Bernie Witkowski & His Silver Bell Orchestra: Santa Claus is Coming to Town Favoriting / 7" Single / Stella

Artist uncredited (Okinawa): Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Favoriting / Various Artists: Music from the Rim of Asia / Methodist Board of Missions

Celia Cruz: Cha Cha Cha de la Navidad Favoriting / Various Artists: Mambo Santa Mambo / Rhino

Degung Parahyangan: White Christmas Favoriting / Degung for Christmas / Gema Nada Pertiwi
Music bed

Maytals: Christmas Feeling Ska Favoriting / Various Artists: Christmas Greetings from Studio One / Hearbeat

Hector, Yomo, y Daniel: En la Navidad Favoriting / Feliz Navidad / Fania

Listener comments!

  7:56pm Natalie:

Enjoying the show from Chicago!
  7:59pm Cort:

Great show tonight, Rob. Loved the session with the Finnish musicians. Did a gig in November 1993 in Helsinki, loved the city and the people but didn't see or hear much local music (didn't know where to look). Hope to go back there in summer soon.
  8:44pm julian:

ah - i thought you'd never play yr trad okinwan kurisumasu track! omedetou!
  4:43am slugluv1313:

hi Rob!

missed Svang (was in transit) but will listen on archives -- but i did hear those amazing "seasonal" tunes . . . nah, i don't think you are "selling out" -- i say celebrate 'em all . . . and on THAT note: Happy Kwanzaa! Eid Mubarak! Happy Chanukah! Happy Solstice! ¡Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año! etc. etc. etc. . . . !!! (p. s. -- Yomo Toro is awesome, believe it or not, i saw him play here in Hoboken a few years ago at the Puerto Rican Festival)
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