Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from November 9, 2007 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting November 9, 2007: SITTIN' IN THE MOM'S WHIP, TUNED INTO FMU (feat. Donald D & Jazzy G)

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
DJ ALF  put the needle on the record vrs 4   Favoriting     2007  and the name of today's show SITTIN' IN THE MOM'S WHIP, TUNED INTO FMU was inspired by new WFMU listener Sahak from west new york, NJ who wroite in an email from a few days ago that "I go to bergen community college and have a lot of time between my mostly retarded classes (didnt take the bloody placement test seriously, meh) any who i go and sit in the moms whip and surf the channels of the radio one day cause i listened.........." He goes to say he LOVES FMU including this show......Now for those not fully versed on da hip-hop slang I dug into the slang dictionary for the official meaning of "whip" and it is: When the steering wheel was first put into use in automobiles, it was called the "whip". The whip is what you used to control the horses on a stagecoach, hence the analogy. Many years later, various hip hop artists noticed that the Mercedes-Benz logo resembled a steering wheel. They then proceeded to use the old term "whip" to describe any Mercedes-Benz vehicle. The term has now been generalized to classify any expensive automobile.  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Donald D  Show starter + Rage of rao renagde   Favoriting Let the horns blow      Jazzy G (left) Donald D (right)    0:01:46 (Pop-up)
Jazzy G  live mix in the studio   Favoriting     2007  live in the mutharfuckin mix with Bronx legend JAZZY G on the ones and twos.....thanks to $mall Change for assisting with the equipment......Also in the house is fellolw Zulu Nation member, longtime emcee DONALD D    0:07:09 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
interview wiht DONALD D & JAZZY G 







0:45:03 (Pop-up)
ole skool interview from 1986  Donald D and Brother B with P-Fine on WNYU show Rap THis   Favoriting           0:55:20 (Pop-up)
interview          www.myspace.com/donaldd    1:01:11 (Pop-up)
B-Boys interview from 1986              1:27:08 (Pop-up)
Donald D live on the mic  with Jazzy G on the ones and twos   Favoriting       www.myspace.com/donaldd www.myspace.com/thebboys1983 www.myspace.com/therhymesyndicate www.myspace.com/bxsyndicate www.myspace.com/capucino www.myspace.com/scratchmasta_jazzy_g www.koolkatrecords.fi    1:33:34 (Pop-up)
Kollabo Brothers feat Donald D          from Finland.....    1:56:12 (Pop-up)
Rap2Rue  poisin - passiuon du crime   Favoriting           2:03:02 (Pop-up)
Dubbledge  777   Favoriting   Low Life  2007  more great UK hip hop  *   2:03:40 (Pop-up)
B-Boys  2, 3, Break   Favoriting   Vindertainment  1983      2:05:14 (Pop-up)
The Jazzistics  Marcus, Martin, & Malcolm   Favoriting   stones throw      *   2:12:10 (Pop-up)
Scissorkicks  glass cheques   Favoriting     2007    *   2:15:06 (Pop-up)
DJ Yoda  dueling banjos   Favoriting The Amazing Adventures of DJ Yoda    2007    *   2:18:39 (Pop-up)
Tino  Tino's Beat   Favoriting Tnio's Breaks Volumes 1 &2          2:20:38 (Pop-up)
Tetine  slam dunk   Favoriting soul Jazz singles 2006/2007  soul jazz  2007  THIS IS THE FINAL EMAIL from IKE who you will rememver had his breakfast eaten by Monkeys....This is Part 1 in his back in the USA email: Hey there Billy -- Well I'm finally back home and soooo glad to be here. Listened to some of the archive of your show entitled "Monkeys Stole My Breakfast" -- thanks for the shout-outs! One reason I'm really glad to be home is that I really didn't like China. Admittedly I only made it to a few parts of southwestern and western China, and my experience was colored by the pickpocketing incident, so I'm probably judging the country unfairly.  *   2:22:38 (Pop-up)
          PT 2: Among a few other places, I was in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, and I was eating true authentic famous Sichuan food in its home city. Great stuff. I also got a massage at a famous place and it was about the equiv. of $1.39 for a half-hour so that was pretty darn good. But everybody in China smokes constantly and everything is impossible to find; each street's name changes about every 200 feet and virtually nobody speaks English, and things keep getting torn down and replaced by boring shiny shopping malls. No history there.    2:28:43 (Pop-up)
          PART III of III And they all smoke everywhere. All the time. Constantly. Drove me crazy. The smoke is totally ubiquitous and pervasive. They smoke on the train in front of the no-smoking signs; they smoke in the Internet cafes (while playing online video games instead of trying to find a news site not blocked by the gov't); they smoke in all the restaurants all the time; they blow smoke in your face while you're walking down the sidewalk. My throat quickly felt like it was filled with shards of glass, especially after train rides. The people there were mostly very very rude and unpleasant, totally unlike Thais and Lao who are very friendly and kind. And none of them speak any English, nor can they conceive of a human being who is so stupid that (s)he can't speak Mandarin. It's just like being a non-English-speaker in most parts of the U.S. -- in other words, hellish. Except that they're possibly nastier about it. I did meet one or two incredibly nice people though. OK, gotta run. Talk to you later! -- Ike    2:29:13 (Pop-up)
Billy Jam's Record Fair Remix  stoned out of my lexie mountain   Favoriting   unreleased  2007  live turntalbe and streaming mix of two records inc. Chilites - found at record fair + snippet of the Lexie Mountain Boys live perfromance during Terre T's show  *   2:32:51 (Pop-up)
Metermaids  back and forth   Favoriting       Broooklyn hip hop crew who are opening for Brand Nubian tomorrow night at Knit Factory (they were guests on here before)....love the line about waiiting for the F train - something I think about every late nite waiting in the smelly 2nd Ave station    2:35:11 (Pop-up)
OP Ivy        1988  unreleased track I produced on a radio show back in Cali in August 1988    2:39:03 (Pop-up)
Forgotton Rebels  surfin on heroin (live / edited for radio version)   Favoriting           2:40:14 (Pop-up)
Prefuse 73              2:42:37 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Pan Pot 

BLACK FUSION   Favoriting






2:44:53 (Pop-up)
Lexie Mountain Boys              3:06:16 (Pop-up)
              3:07:45 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

north guinea hills:

my new favorite wfmu juxtaposition, bryce leading into billy jam!

phew ,,,,just got back in time.....its Billy Jam Day,
slap dem toons into the back of my face ,
and beyond

dammit! i missed the beginning of your show.
dan da lion:

i am so excited for this show you have no idea.

UBB 4 lyfe
Bobby Beat:

ah yeah......bringing back dat ol skool shit
DJ Whipzki:

right on WFMU for bringing back the real hip-hop music


diz iz da biz......
Jazzy G, givin it quirky big time,,,,,

throwing the smackdown to ease the pain....again and again......fmu is the drug...billyjam the pusher...apreecee8
Listener Dave from NH:

If I'm listening on the internets, does that mean I'm ghost riding the whip?

I am glad I have job sitting on my ass at a computer so I can listen to FMU in portland oregon

This shit is great. More old tapes of these programs please. Maybe a weekly segment Billy?
north guinea hills:

billy, thanks for the hiphop etymology. i knew what a 'whip' was, but never made the association of how it came to be.

It is my opinion that that slang dictionary explanation is total bullshiz.
dan da lion:

haha that old radio show spot was dope as hell

gosh darn

Seriously, someone should release a bunch of that shit on CD.
DC again!:

Here's some!

go go go go go go
dan da lion:

this playground stuff is GOLD


is this historic?

or wot?
north guinea hills:

dan, straight up w/ those playground rhymes

cooool fookin sesh -
legends alive,
fuk yeah

yeah! love it!

north guinea hills:

this deadly ill!
Mike in Manhattan:

good show!
Ami G.:

one of best shows i heard lately on fmu !!!

yum....your mommy got me up in a tree and guess wot...i found a yummy ham sanger....better find yours......kick-ass show Mr. Jam----promise I won't fall out when its done...creaking out now....
Dave in Chicago:

man I was painting my gutters on a ladder all day (Pics at welcomebackrosenthal.com) and listening to your EXTENDED interview was awesome, takes me way back to hear those voices. Thank God for internet phones!
Lou in Austin:

Please please don't leve the Friday afternoon time slot! Your show is the last thing I hear before I leave work on Friday. After a work week, I'm so tired and spent by the time Friday 2pm (my time) rolls around, I think to myself that there's no way I can function or have any energy for the weekend. Your show jazzes me and puts me in such a positive mood for the weekend. Thanks.
dan da lion:

billy jam i think you smoked some marijuana

talking about pooping and sandwiches

hmm hmm

Hey hey hey! Newark has a lot of problems but there are no monkeys here stealing my breakfast like back in Thailand....

Dan Da Lion, I think you may possibly be right!

second the Friday afternoon sentiment. What a way to end a tough week!! Billy J. is teh best

drooooolling on the nubian tickets me is,,,,,,

bravo! on-kore!!

Dude, This is not real old skool, its more like intermediate school... alas its still all good! To the beat y'all

O.K.so the tunes are correct but the mixes are weak
Electric Livewire:

My first record was Tears For Fears "Songs From The Big Chair". I think I was too young for it. I was 8. It took a while for appreciation to set it. But the appreciation for you, Billy Jam, is right away. WHOOT WHOOT!
Lisa Michelle:

Hey Billy Jam, Had my days all mixed up, though you were going back to Cali and no show today. arrgh!!! Anyway get to catch up on two past shows, on trusty IPOD

Love this show Billy! Had a crappy day at worky work but I got home and listened to this show and eveything is all better thanks!

hey thanks to everyone who listened to this show including Porkchop, Lisa, LSmonkey, DJ Spiderman, and everyone else who took time to post COMMENTS. Thanks also to my two guests - Donald D and Jazzy G - and also to Ike for his monkey travel tales, a super-duper shout out to $mall Change for assisting greatly in helping hook up the equipment (tune into the mighty Small Change's "Nickel & Dime" radio show Tuesday 11:PM -- 2AM). Big shout-out to new WFMU listener Sahak in West New York for inspiring today's show title (sittin in the mom's whip), and also to all the cool folks I met at the WFMU Record Fair last week including DJ Repoman and J-Force. ....Note: the talented BOB W will be taking over the show the next two weeks (November 16th and 23rd) and I will return on Friday November 30th - peace: billyjam
Johnny Doobs:

I'm trying to learn the maths behind reverberant sound here in Limerick University in Ireland - but to be honest - the book is open, but the headphones are on. The only info going into my braincells is through my ears and not my eyes. I blame your show. Really enjoy the show, this one was a cracker! Big ups. Say hey to Steinski, he's got my Kerrynini t-shirt! Diggedy dope.
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