Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from October 22, 2007 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Monday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Favoriting October 22, 2007: Aftermath of a little leaf peeping and sheep watching.

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Artist Track Album Label
Wire Wound  "Turn And Face Me"   Favoriting Early Songs  Perservation 
The Trolleyvox  "Whistles in Church"   Favoriting Luzerne  Transit of Venus 
Quartet San Francisco  "Harlem Nocturne"   Favoriting Whirled Chamber Music  Violinjazz Recordings 
John Hsu, viola da gamba/ Louis Badge, harpsichord/ Judith Davidoff, viola da gamba: Marin Marais  "Suitte d'un gout Etranger, Book Four: Caprice ou Sonate"   Favoriting Marin Marais: Pieces de Viole: Suitte d'un gout Etranger  Musical Heritage Society 
Sylvain Chauveau  "N" /"A_"   Favoriting S.  Type Records 
Saddleback  "Pushing Upstream"   Favoriting Night Maps  Preservation 
Radiohead  "Faust Arp"   Favoriting In Rainbows   
Robert Wyatt  "Heaps of Sheeps"   Favoriting Shleep  Thirsty Ear 
Tunng  "Bullets"   Favoriting Good Arrows  Thrill Jockey 
Fionn Regan  "Hey Rabbit"/"Black Water Child"   Favoriting The End of History  Lost Highway 
Lambert and Nuttycombe  "Morning"   Favoriting At Home  Fallout 
Ed Askew  "My Love is a Red, Red Rose"   Favoriting Little Eyes  De Stijl 
Dave deCastro  "Up At the Moon"   Favoriting The Merest Whisper   
XTC  "Love on a Farmboy's Wages"   Favoriting Mummer  Geffen 
Alexandra & the Fleurs Tragiques  "This One's For You"   Favoriting Alexandra & the Fleurs Tragiques   
The Phonemes  "Tree" /"Pain Perdue"   Favoriting There's Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You  000000 Recording Club 
Little Wings  "Scuby"   Favoriting Soft Pow'r  Marriage Records 
Julia Kent  "Fontanarosa"   Favoriting Delay  Important 
Songs of Green Pheasant  "Alex Drifting Alone"   Favoriting Gyllyng Street  FatCat 
Saccadic Eye Motion  "Turn Off the Light"   Favoriting    
John Renbourn  "Kokomo Blues"   Favoriting Faro Annie  Reprise 
Nick Pynn  "Flood:Adrift/ Ark/ Walking On Water/ Closing Titles"   Favoriting In Mirrored Sky  Round Records 
Of Montreal  "Miss Blonde, Your Papa is Failing"   Favoriting Icons, Abstract Three  Polyvinyl 
The Sadies  "Yours to Discover"   Favoriting New Seasons  Yep Roc 
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss  "Nothin' "   Favoriting Raising Sand  Rounder 
Vic Chesnutt  "Warm"   Favoriting North Star Destroyer  Constellation 
Iron and Wine  "Resurrection Fern"   Favoriting The Shepherd's Dog  Sub Pop 
Brazzaville  "Madalena"   Favoriting East L.A. Breeze  Vendlus 
Avia Gardner  "Between Our Pages"   Favoriting Mill Farm  Intr-Version 
MV & EE with the Golden Road  "Day & Night"   Favoriting Getting Gone  Ecstatic Peace! 
Beirut  "In the Mausoleum"   Favoriting The Flying Club Cup  Ba Da Bing! 

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Listener comments!

north guinea hills:

nice early set. 'tis helping my after lunch digestion.

beautiful music for a beautiful, contemplative day in the tri-state area. thank you much.

This is just a great mostly non-vocal yet interesting playlist to help me concentrate on writing my boring report (in the DC metro area). That last piano bit reminded my of my new favorite mood-setting groups Mono and Tarentel.

Just curious... has anyone out there paid for the new Radiohead "In Rainbows"? I think the group will cover the cost with concerts, merchandise, etc. but I just wonder if anyone is actually PAYING for the download. BTW, I think it is good music, after a first listening.

I'm curious about that too. I haven't downloaded it yet, but I was planning on doing it and sending them $10 just to support the concept.
Ironically, I'm such a cheap music listener, that the only radiohead music I do own I bought used (so radiohead never saw a penny of that).
Irene Trudel:

Yes, Paul, I paid for it. Paid $8.00 because that's the price (thereabouts) that I would pay for an album offered from the NARAS list. Of course, I shared with WFMU.

north guinea hills:

ooooooooo! i love ed askew! thanks!

Irene - I suspect most people are not paying for the Radiohead download. The only people paying are diehard fans of the group or people with strong moral feelings about artists rights (like yourself). But in the end, the artists win because their music is spread more widely (virally, if you will). I enjoy your show!

According to what I've read, only about a third of the takers are paying nothing. The average price paid ranges from $5 to $8 depending on who you're asking. I base this on three or four sources I've read in the past couple of weeks, all of which usually prove reliable.

I don't think your morals have to be particularly high to feel like you should throw something at Radiohead for doing that (I'm not even a Radiohead fan). If anything, it could be a question of not supporting record companies.

sedative...i fell a sleep into it...thanks for playing another one of my weary songs

i don't really know what i'm listen to right now, but it's just perfect to draw!

Track 1 in this set: artist = EARLY SONGS, album = WIND WOUND, check out: http://www.digitalisindustries.com/foxyd/features.php?which=263
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