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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, October 20, 2007 Favoriting
New Music, Mixed Bag

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This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Kaleidoscope: Why Try Favoriting / Side Trips

Erkin Koray: Silinmeyen Hatiralar Favoriting / Erkin Koray / Istanbul Plak

Kristi Stassinopoulou: Last Night I Saw In My Dream Favoriting / Taxidoscopio / Heaven and Earth

Kakys: Amandurdy Mama Favoriting
Thanks FMU alum Matt Ostrowski

Yildiz Tilbe: Ne Diyem Favoriting / Haberi Olsun / Avrupa Muzik

Shantel: The Veil Favoriting / Disko Partizani / Essay Recordings / *

Emir Kusturica: Devil in the Business Class Favoriting / Unza Unza Time

Gogol Bordello: Harem in Tuscany Favoriting / Super Taranta / Side One Dummy / *

Manuelito el Cantor Canari: Tigre Bravo Favoriting / Various Artists: Sanjuanitos / Riera / *

La Huaricinita: Neblina Blanca Favoriting / Various Artists: Huayno Music of Peru Volume 1 / Arhoolie

Marimba Chapinlandia: Juventud Antiguena Favoriting / Chapinlandia / Smithsonian Folkways / *

Conjunto Bernal: Melodias Mexicanas Favoriting / Mi Unico Camino / Arhoolie / *

Los Hijos del Sol: Si Me Quieres Favoriting / Various Artists: The Roots of Chicha / Barbes / *

Los Diablitos: Cuando Te Alejes de Mi Favoriting / Various Artists: Sanjuanitos / Riera / *

Lucky Dube: Little Heroes Favoriting / Victims / Shanachie

The Gladiators: Boy in Long Pants Favoriting / Studio One Singles / Heartbeat/Studio 1 / *
New anthology

Toots and the Maytals: Pomp and Pride Favoriting / Funky Kingston / Island

The English Beat: Doors of Your Heart Favoriting / Wha'ppen / Arista

Ticklah: Si Hecho Palante Favoriting / Ticklah vs. Axelrod / Easy Star

Extra Golden: Jakolando Favoriting / Hera Ma Nono / Thrill Jockey / *

Bhundu Boys: Pachedu Favoriting / Shabini / Discafrique

Gilberto Gil: O Canto Da Ema Favoriting / Various Artists: Brazil 70 / Soul Jazz / *

Rob Curto: Estrada do Sol Favoriting / Piano de Fole / *

Taraf de Haidouks: Hora Moldovenesca Favoriting / Maskarada / Crammed Discs / *

Frigg: Heikki Maenpaa's Waltz Favoriting / Keidas

RO: TORO: Hiidlase Vene Kamarushka Favoriting / RO: TORO / Eesti Kirjaandusmuuseum

Svang: Silia Valssi Mollissa Favoriting / Jarruta / Aito / *
Also on WOMEXIMIZER 07, the WOMEX conference sampler.

Hazmat Modine: Man Trouble Favoriting / Bahamut / Barbes
With Huun Huur Tu

Sway Machinery: V'al Yedai Avodecha Favoriting / Hidden Melodies Revealed / *

Overdub: Bregovic Laws Favoriting / Various Artists: Foolklegs / *
Goran Bregovic / Beck Mash-up. This album, the result of a world music mash-up contest can be downloaded for free via

Bitman: Me Gustan Favoriting / Latin Bitman / Nacional / *

Mexican Institute of Sound: A Todos Ellos Favoriting / Pinata / Nacional / *

Balkan Situations: Trip to the Balkans Favoriting / Trip to the Balkans

Lucia Pulido: Aqui Te Estoy Esperando Favoriting / Songbook II / BAU
With Fernando Tarres and La Raza

Listener comments!

  6:26pm maria:

Rob--wow this Diyem track is waaaay funky& awesome--had to turn it up and dance!
  7:39pm maria:

hey Rob-- open a new tab on the pc, go to your own playlist and comment there like the rest of us plebs.-
  10:53pm slugluv1313:

hi Rob,

feeling under the weather but your show sure helps me feel better!

saddened to hear about Lucky Dube's passing -- horrible tragic -- when did this happen? (i saw him -- with LKJ and The Dub Band! -- some years ago; it remains one of my favorite-shows-of-all-time)
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