Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from October 19, 2007 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

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Favoriting October 19, 2007: the A to the B to the C (Cliche)

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
DJ ALF  Put The Needle on the Record (Vrs 4) feat Lady M   Favoriting   unreleased WFMU track  2007      *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Ronnie Darko  number 2 unfinished   Favoriting solid steel mix    2006        0:01:52 (Pop-up)
Natural Self  I dont need this trouble   Favoriting Z-Trip presents All Pro    2007      *   0:05:07 (Pop-up)
Ness & Cite  deserteurs   Favoriting Harre de Guerre        French hip-hop thanks to WFMU listener    0:08:28 (Pop-up)
DJ Muggs vs Sick Jacken  ciclon   Favoriting the legend of the mask of the assassin  RMG  2007      *   0:12:29 (Pop-up)
AWOL crew  contemplatin (live on WFMU)   Favoriting from the CD Marathon Mix for this show 2007    2007        0:16:45 (Pop-up)
Kings of Swing  Stop Jockin' James   Favoriting   BumRush  1988  12"      0:19:48 (Pop-up)
The Soft Machine  the concise British Alphabet   Favoriting             0:23:42 (Pop-up)
Rap Rhymes feat Stacy Q  the ABC song   Favoriting Rap Rhymes: Mother Goose on the Loose (V/A)  Epic  1993        0:24:16 (Pop-up)
A Tribe Called Quest  footprints (Doc's Big Booty Retro Mix)   Favoriting (V/A) Old School vs New School            0:30:20 (Pop-up)
Gabriell Anada / Eyerer & Chopstick  Trommelstunde /Make my Day (Haunting) - edit   Favoriting   Karmarouge Records  2007      *   0:34:27 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

two of us (extended album mix) + cocktails for two   Favoriting

Save the World 






0:39:33 (Pop-up)
Avotica  Oaktown Blues   Favoriting     2005        1:03:05 (Pop-up)
Too $hort  the ghetto   Favoriting     1990        1:10:29 (Pop-up)
Peggy Lee vs Ludiacris  stand up fever   Favoriting DJ Axel: Breakin the Law  www.djaxel.com  2007    playing at BOOTIE NYC tonite  *   1:15:13 (Pop-up)
Hank Kingsley vs Wu Tang Clan  hey now.....wu tang   Favoriting         Jeffrey Tambor in 1990's HBO series "The Larry Sanders Show") who plays "Hank Kingsley" - talking to the Wu Tang Clan in this clip with Jon Stewart also in this excerpt    1:17:50 (Pop-up)
Red Hot Chili Peppers vs Wu Tang Clan    DJ Axel            1:19:16 (Pop-up)
Hanger 18  ...that I know I want   Favoriting Sweep the Leg  Def Jux  2007      *   1:20:46 (Pop-up)
DJ Muggs vs Sick Jacken  praying mantis   Favoriting LEGEND of the MASK of the ASSASSIN    2007      *   1:23:47 (Pop-up)
Carol Coleman vs Dubya                1:27:09 (Pop-up)
DJ Muggs vs Sick Jacken  reptillian rennaissance   Favoriting LEGEND of the MASK of the ASSASSIN    2007      *   1:28:31 (Pop-up)
Radiohead  weird fishes/arpeggi   Favoriting In Rainbows    2007      *   1:33:12 (Pop-up)
Bob Marely vs Lupe Fiasco  could you be kicked pushed and loved   Favoriting DJ Axel: breakin the law    2007    this DJ Axel spinning tonite at VAULT (basement of Element) during the BOOTIE NYC party 10/19/2007  *   1:38:52 (Pop-up)
Lucky Dube (R.I.P.)  different collors/one people   Favoriting Victims  Shanachie  1993    R.I.P. to reggae great and South African musician Lucky Dube who yesterday evening around 8:20PM (October 18rh) was gunned down and killed, reportedly in front of his own kids, in the Johannesburg, SA suburb of Rosettenville. Police are calling the murder part of a botched hijacking in which the artist was reportedly dropping off his son and daughter at another family member's home. Reportedly two gunmen approached Dube's car and opened fire killing the artist but not harming his children - both who apparently had already just excited the vehicle, then running to get help after witnessing the shooting from afar. Lucky Dube was one of South Africa's most successful reggae recording artists and started out his career doing traditional African Zulu music as a Mbaqanga artist in the eighties before switching up and doing reggae music fulltime. Lucky Dube, whose rich catalog includes 21 albums - both Mbaqanga and reggae including last year's reggae album "Respect" , was only 43 years old and is survived by seven children and his wife Zanele. His full name was Lucky Philip Dube (pronounced doobay) and his mother named him Lucky apparently because he was born in poor health, yet survived    1:42:14 (Pop-up)
Ness & Cite  entre deux feux   Favoriting             1:46:30 (Pop-up)
K-OS  the love song   Favoriting     2007      *   1:49:20 (Pop-up)
Joe DeVito  broke and alone   Favoriting             1:52:50 (Pop-up)
Bernhard Gal  dissociated voices   Favoriting Installations            1:54:14 (Pop-up)
DJ ALF  Heartburn in Okinawa   Favoriting She Tore My Heart The Fuck Up!  unreleased  2006        1:55:07 (Pop-up)
John Favreau  the answering machine message   Favoriting swingers            1:59:29 (Pop-up)
Ghost N Jay  not a love song   Favoriting         Irish hip-hop    2:02:18 (Pop-up)
Divine Force  holy war (live)   Favoriting             2:05:41 (Pop-up)
Nac One  hand crafted   Favoriting   BOMB    12"  Berkeley CA emcee    2:09:44 (Pop-up)
Nac One interview        2004/dec        2:12:47 (Pop-up)
the teacher  instant relaxation   Favoriting             2:15:35 (Pop-up)
A Tribe Called Quest feat Faith Evans  stressed out   Favoriting beats rhymes & life  Jive/Zomba  1996        2:19:11 (Pop-up)
The CacaMan  aint got much of a smile   Favoriting     2007        2:22:59 (Pop-up)
the violent years exceprt                2:26:36 (Pop-up)
The Kids: Zepth & Mars English, Michelle C, Chirs & Avery, and Sonia  rock n roll mcdonalds   Favoriting         from CD with RON ENGLISH's new book "Son of Pop"    2:27:57 (Pop-up)
Wesley Willis  my mother smokes crack rock   Favoriting             2:29:34 (Pop-up)
Coldcut  more beats and pieces   Favoriting             2:31:54 (Pop-up)
DJ Pierre  the dance (jackin club mix)   Favoriting   afro acid digital  2007    legendary acid pioneer DJ Pierre is back with his brand new (dropped yesterday)  *   2:39:04 (Pop-up)
stepehn bodzin  marathon man   Favoriting             2:41:19 (Pop-up)
THE END .....                3:00:30 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Dean Saily:

cirst fomment --hoo woo

Second comment! :-) Happy friday peeps!

worst silly thrills:

ford comment!
Sean Daily:

Not first comment! Woo hoo!
north guinea hills:

that's cheating? play on!
north guinea hills:

maybe i should have gone w/ 'worst penny thrills 'insteand ;)
north guinea hills:

and instead of 'insteand', i should have gone w/ 'instead'
Lisa Michelle:

Hey Billy Jam,
Ok Im always late, but always make it to the party! In the middle of a move at work, and they will snatch my headphones in 15 mins, play something fonky!!

I feel French when I peer down the page's narrow confined space for listener input...cuz it's a comment alley view.

Muggs and Sick - nice music.

Esta chingon
north guinea hills:

sean, the 'hoo woo!' made me rofl.
north guinea hills:

billy, superb soft machine interjection before rap rhymes. i give up, i'm not getting any more work done for the rest of the day...

Doc's Retro mix is fiiiiiiiiine indeed. go billy go.
north guinea hills:

i could go for some aciiiiiiiiid techno/folk
P to the C:

MOMMY!!!!! ALL THEIR COMMENTS ARE KILLING ME MOMMY!!!! once again....this fryday brings all werk and no fun for this tender porkuschopikus.....I miss you all terribly.....i will try to sneak though so be good little kiddies for Mr. B to the J.....(kill them mommy)
P to the C:

Lucky Dube!!!!!!!!!!whoa....i didn't hear.....having a moment...sad .........cheers for the dedication billy....
Sean Padilla:

"Stop Jockin' James" is the funniest song I've heard in quite some time.

I miss Scott too... Do you miss his beer too?
Thanks for letting us know about Lucky Dube... So sad.
Sean Padilla:

It didn't take long for me to think of a cliche that I hate. Whenever people say "You gotta do what you gotta do," it reminds me of my woefully inarticulate dad, who says it at least once during every conversation I have with him.

"it is what it is"
The Box:

Think outside THIS, yo.

north guinea hills:

wait, i missed that (actually was working). was lucky dube that south african reggae king?

north guinea hills:

yeah i miss scott's beer (been getting tanked during lunch on microbrews in his honor). oh, we need trouble to bring back the comments, otherwise i might have to WORK!

"Hey Now!" Hank Kingsley..
Someone beat me to it!
I hate life!
P to the C:

yeah NGH.....check out his album from early 80s- titled RASTAS NEVER DIE.....let's hope so eh?
Nick the Bard:

"You learn something new everyday"
Especially the people that say it like sixteen times in a 5 hour period when you're playing Scrabble with them...

"On the ground" seeped silly in the last six years from more pointed/literal uses to free-scattered overuse all over the damn place. Whenever I hear it from radio sources/reporters, I repeat it aloud with a shout in my kitchen. Neighbors nervous.
north guinea hills:

Hey Now!
420 here comes 420:

celebrate friday celebrate god bud
P to the C:

"at the risk of sounding cliche"

the tractor beam is pulling....can't break free.......

north guinea hills:

son of bloody hoser! missed the hank kingley reference (i paused the player to talk to my boss), so, i'm 6 minutes behind everyone else.

porkchopulous, i get paid tomorrow, and i need some vinyl. i'm hitting the shops in bed-stuy and crown heights, so hopefully i'll get lucky and find some lucky. i've only read about him before....
north guinea hills:

billy, throw me the deets for bootie nyc. sounds suite!
Boston, MA:

thanks for keeping the beats tight
north guinea hills:

gneisse, finally some lucky dube! my day is complete!

that bush quote "nobody cares about their deaths more than I do" is sort of a cliche, like "nobody ______ more than me/I ..."

it's always a really uninformed thing to say and can only be deemed true by determining your position relative to every living human, in the case of GW it means every human would have to concede that their concern was of less degree than the president's own... I doubt that even he could agree that that would happen, so it's a strange thing to say because when looking at it from this logical perspective, it seems that he would be forced to disagree with himself

couldn't it be that GW's concern is _equal_ to that of the most concerned of humans?? the line is 'no one cares <more> than me' , not 'no one cares <as much or more> than me'.

obviously - still a hackneyed cliche, and a most certainly untrue statement
north guinea hills:

holy shit, bernhard gal! i have this record
chuck norris:

all truth is cliche-ed

yeah good point I would edit my comment from "concern was of less degree" to "concern was of less than or equal degree", and that is admittedly more plausible
Sean Daily:

Look, we know what Dubya's record is. To rehash it is counterproductive. The main questions we should be worried about are 1) How do we get rid of him, 2) How do we make sure that history remembers him as a shit president and 3) How do we survive the fucker.
north guinea hills:

ditto, sean. i'm out. enjoy the fresh and freaky weekend everyone!

SD: for what its worth, I was debating the semantics more than anything. sort of in keeping with the 'cliche' theme. anyhoo.
chuck norris:

the good lord sent us the bushman to eliminate this cliche you call truth
Sean Daily:

Oh yes... take off the sweater... take it off... oh yeah... yeah...
Sean Daily:

I hear you, cannonball. Dubya's fast become one of the biggest cliches in American history.
P to the C:

"im not one to gossip but......."
"you didn't hear this from me but..."

"i'm just sayin'"
Paul Caruso:

you can't believe everything you see and hear, now can you? Now if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way.

Billy Jam rulez!

i missed the whole show live. thank f**k for archives...
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