Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from September 21, 2007 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

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Favoriting September 21, 2007: No Longer Lost.....FOUND with guest Davy Rothbart (Found/Dirty Found magazines)

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
ALF  intro song Vr. 2   Favoriting              
Shape of Broad MInds        2007      *    
The German Shepards  Mr. Tupper   Favoriting Music for Sick Queers  M+S Music  1985  Vinyl       
Phoenix  hopeful   Favoriting First Words  Mother Tongues  2000    Austrailian Aboriginal female compilation     
V/A  all my bitchy friends are coming over tonite   Favoriting Sing along with the music        a WFMU collection compiled by the Professor - producer of the fomrer WFMU found sound show "THE AUDIO KITCHEN" - check the archives    0:10:48 (Pop-up)
V/A vs German Shepards  hamburger halmet vs THC   Favoriting             0:13:30 (Pop-up)
V/A    eavesdrop: a wealth of sound            0:18:31 (Pop-up)
VASIOUS shit in da mix  too many records and cds to type in names of   Favoriting         this is an example of where the time-consuming aspect (tying in all that data) of the accuplaylist blocks the creative flow.......gotta go    0:22:07 (Pop-up)
Modeselektor  BMI   Favoriting Happy Birthday  B-Pitch Control        *   0:29:33 (Pop-up)
Rob Sonic  dead as disco   Favoriting Sabotage Gigante    2007      *   0:33:09 (Pop-up)
Dam Rubber  burn funk   Favoriting             0:37:32 (Pop-up)
Dana Diaz-Tutaan                0:41:06 (Pop-up)
Shape of Broad MInds  skit   Favoriting             0:42:51 (Pop-up)
Memphisto Odyssey  catching the skinny   Favoriting             0:44:39 (Pop-up)
Bass Kittens  disengage   Favoriting             0:49:54 (Pop-up)
Answering Machine Tapes Vol 1            If you are in New York City and you get LOST you can usually FIND your way home by going to the nearest Subway Station.    0:55:24 (Pop-up)
Dave Allen  practice makes perfect   Favoriting         late great Irish comedian    0:59:26 (Pop-up)
No Luck CLub  triad zone   Favoriting Prosperity    2007        1:02:05 (Pop-up)
Answering Machine Tapes Vol 1                1:05:53 (Pop-up)
Rob Sonic  rock the convey   Favoriting Sabotage Gigante    2007    Don't waste money on art. Make your own or just go out and find it on the street - on the walls you will find posters - perfect to wallpaper your bathroom!  *   1:09:45 (Pop-up)
Rupert Holmes vs Noize  if you pina coladas and feedback + walks on da beach   Favoriting             1:14:11 (Pop-up)
Joel & the BOTs  Mystery Science Theater 3000 dissertation on the Pina COlada song   Favoriting             1:16:27 (Pop-up)
Electric Laser People  world couldnt do justice   Favoriting straignt talk on raising kids          *   1:18:27 (Pop-up)
Damien Demspy  negative vibes   Favoriting             1:20:06 (Pop-up)
V/A    One of One (foiund sound collection on CD)        Abandoned records on New York street just awatiting to be FOUND    1:24:24 (Pop-up)
Iller Than Theirs  To Be ILL   Favoriting Iller THan Theirs  Embedded  2007      *   1:26:36 (Pop-up)
Supermayer  us and them   Favoriting   Kimpakt  2007      *   1:30:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
underworld insturmental remix 

huntemann dub   Favoriting







1:33:52 (Pop-up)
Davy Rothbart interview (FOUND)            Davy from Found holding up a find.    1:47:06 (Pop-up)
                2:14:27 (Pop-up)
TRS80  act like a tennager   Favoriting         9 year old girl    2:21:50 (Pop-up)
FOUND MAGAZINE  ass thwomp   Favoriting             2:28:34 (Pop-up)
Urbs & CUtex                2:28:42 (Pop-up)
Mgdalena Lganska  piosanka trecia   Favoriting Southern Fried 2            2:35:05 (Pop-up)
Blakkat  aztec acid   Favoriting             2:38:41 (Pop-up)
DJ Rasoul            another great SF DJ/producer    2:40:50 (Pop-up)
            For more information on FOUND magazine, the FOUND books, and DIRTY FOUND magazine as well as the ongoing Found North American tour - just underway - go to either www.foundmagazine.com or www.myspace.com/pagemelater     

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Listener comments!

north guinea hills:

nothing special, but the other day on 1 av i found an 800 page tathered finnish book (maybe 45 years old) i ended up bringing home. i have no idea what it is, being my finno-ugyric is rather rusty, but the front cover makes it look like it's possibly a fairy tale...(but it's 800 pages long).

kudos for getting lost..then found magazine, love their shciidt. i used to collect found polaroids back in fla. unfortunately, they didn't follow me here.
north guinea hills:

but i still have my box of found cassettes i still dj w/

north guinea hills:

to repeat my last comment for scott's set (because he played a villa-lobos guitar piece) ricardo villalobos should do a villa-lobos remix. someone should email him.

Jonathan Kane Feburary play Curl please
Sean Padilla:

That Rob Sonic song was cool, but this Dam Rubber joint is JAMMIN'.
Lisa Michelle:

Hey Billy jam!! Listening in.. Liking this Burn funk, very smooth and mellow..
north guinea hills:

oh, and kudos on the tape collage
north guinea hills:

oh damn! (not getting any work done here), that's better then any of the answering machine tapes i found (found a threat on one, but the tape broke)
north guinea hills:

i'm w/ sean w/ this rob sonic shit. gold!

north guinea hills:

MST3K! word! wasn't there an AP report of a bosnian couple who got divorced over the same narrative of the pina colada song last week?

That would be... so COOL.

I mean tragic. Tragic is what I meant.

ah. this set is so cool. i am digging it. but now i have to leave to catch the train home .. :-(

YEAH!! MST3000 on the pina colada song...strangely this song really does have a little happy place it my heart---- heres what wiki has to say about the Bosnian couple.....why do we know this shit?

In 2007, it was reported that a Bosnian couple experienced a similar situation as this song, although it lacked the happy ending. Feeling trapped in a miserable marriage, Sana Klaric and her husband Adnan both began having online affairs in the same internet chatroom. After falling madly in love with their anonymous online paramours, they arranged to meet in person. At their rendevous, they discovered that the "new" person they were in love with was actually their spouse. However, unlike the song, their reaction was negative. With Sana feeling betrayed and angry, and Adnan deeply disappointed, the couple divorced.

pina coloda story: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_2512486.html
north guinea hills:

porkchop! brother! long time no see! (i'm spinoza's small change's friend). and sueb, i knew i wasn't making it up! my memory comes through once again. that is just so fucking hilarious (w/ relation to the pina colada narrative) thanks guys!

are you referring to the DJ Porkchop from the east coast??? I will admit it here and now with billyjams acuplaylist as my witness....I am not that particular white meat.....Im the west coast cut...so yes...a very long time no see....yet maybe someday...in some strange way we will FIND each other.
north guinea hills:

aye, my bad, but thanks again for the wiki (and the brains) to confirm my foggy memory.
Lisa Michelle:

Hey, I hear set it off in the background. Turn it it Billy jam,lol. oh, in honor of Studio B, can you play Man parrish? I know,Im pushy..:-)

my pleasure NGH.....and pardon my slip earlier....maybe in some strange way we will FOUND each other....

did somebody say set it off.??..i second that.....and uh...while Im here....dont do anything too great for a few minutes---i gotta go pick up a sandwich..thx
Lisa Michelle:

Damn.. Im going to miss the request.. Time to go its 5pm, and Fred Flinstone is sliding down the brontasaurus(sp)
Ok, Billy will download the podcast for a listen on the train ride, back to Williamburg. Nice show, see you at the Cake Shop.

Davy.......... I love found so.....with all due respect.....I have wondered if some of the found stuff in your mag was fake or planted for Found ....how much if any of the found stuff do you think is fabricated....and does it matter if its good?

ps: phunny...you guy found me two days ago on zannel
north guinea hills:

lol porkchop, nice one, and no probs.

thanks again for finding found. finding the L train back to the burg. verbum superes!
north guinea hills:

addenduM: thanks for the jams billy!
Sean...from Iowa:

Billy Jam your show is awsome and I highly recommend TRS-80. Check 'em out.
Sean...from Iowa:

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