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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, June 30, 2007 Favoriting
Jasmine Dellal, Director, Gypsy Caravan

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The film Gypsy Caravan, screening at Village East Cinemas (2nd Ave between 11th and 12th Streets) in Manhattan - and elsewhere around the country - documents the World Music Institute-produced Romani (Gypsy) music mega-tour of 2002. Shot in part by music-doc legend Albert Maysles, the film intercuts concert and tour footage with segments shot back in the artists' home countries.

The film features a glittering array of leading touring Romani artists from around the world: Antonio el Pipa (Andalucia, Spain), Esma Redzepova (Macedonia), Fanfare Ciocarlia (Romania), Maharaja (Rajasthan, India) and Taraf de Haidouks (Romania).

Director Jasmine Dellal initially made her cinematic mark with American Gypsy, about a US Romani family. She talks to Rob about her experience taking the Romani on the road. And we hear music from the Gypsy Caravan soundtrack / companion cd on World Village records.

Here’s a rundown of openings of the film around the country:

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Taraf de Haidouks: Carolina Favoriting / Various Artists: Gypsy Caravan / World Village / *

Gnawa Diffusion: Itchak el Baz Favoriting / Souk System / Warner

H. Kayane: Ya Denia Favoriting / 1426 / Platinum

Ahlam: Mashi Favoriting / Acting Salam / Barbarity

Oudaden: Ighraknfin Favoriting / Oudaden 2 / Symphonie

Hassan Aglaw: Track a/2 Favoriting / LVEN 258 / La Voix el Maarif

Naha Salec: A Pesar De Las Heridas Favoriting / Various Artists: Sahrauis / Nubenegra

Aicha Mint Chighaly: Maane, in praise of the Grandmother Favoriting / Mauritanian Griot / Auvidis
With Yara mint Sidi

Gypsy Caravan film audio clips:
Featuring George Cruze, Johnny Depp and Taraf de Haidouks

Jasmine Dellal Interview:
Starts about 1 hour 10 minutes into the show.

Maharja: Mehndi O Malir Favoriting / Various Artists: Gypsy Caravan / World Village / *
With kids in Rajasthan

Maharaja: Roomal Favoriting / Various Artists: Gypsy Caravan / World Village / *

Taraf de Haidouks: Mugur Mugurel Favoriting / Various Artists: Gypsy Caravan / World Village / *

Juana La de la Pipa: Te Necesito Favoriting / Various Artists: Gypsy Caravan / World Village / *
With her church congregation

Jasmine Dellal Interview:

Fanfare Ciocarlia: Nakalavishe Favoriting / Various Artists: Gypsy Caravan / World Village / *
With Esma

Jasmine Dellal Interview:

Esma: Romano Horo Favoriting / Various Artists: Gypsy Caravan / World Village / *

Jasmine Dellal Interview:

Maharaja: Maro Jailo Favoriting / Various Artists: Gypsy Caravan / World Village / *
Matthew Burton Remix

Nortec Collective: Dandy del Sur Favoriting / Various Artists: The Chicas Project / Nacional / *

Jose Conde y Ola Fresca: Descarga Inez Favoriting / Revolucion / Mr Bongo / *

Roswell Rudd and Yomo Toro: Tres Cuatro Favoriting / El Espirito Jibaro / Soundscape / *
Featruing Bobby Sanabria y Ascension

Pivi et les Balladins: Samba Favoriting / Varous Artists: Authenticite / Sterns / *
The Syliphone Years - Guinea's National Orchestras (New Anthology)

Shego Band: Dada Hamuda Favoriting / Kabeebey / Shego Records

Lura: M'Bem Di Fora Favoriting / M'Bem Di Fora / Times Square / *

Bob Brozman: Bamako Blues Favoriting / Lumiere / World Music Network / *
Music bed for concert listings

Bob Brozman: Ska Waltz Train Favoriting / Lumiere / World Music Network / *
Music bed for concert listings

Listener comments!

  7:23pm Mady Taylor:

Thanks, Rob - for the thoughtful sharing of this material. It is much appreciated.
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