Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from May 18, 2007 Favoriting

Billy Jam's avatar View Billy Jam's profile Favoriting

Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting May 18, 2007: Out of Step ...With the World: feat: Ian MacKaye (Dischord) + Mysterious D, Adrian, & Trixxie Carr (Bootie NYC)

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Out of step....with da Intro (Minor Threat vs Too $hort vs Scotts loop)              0:00:00 (Pop-up)
DJ ALF  Put the Needle on the Record Theme: Vrs 3   Favoriting           0:03:02 (Pop-up)
No Luck Club  corporate spy hunter   Favoriting prosperity        *   0:04:31 (Pop-up)
Masta Ace/Original Concept  born to roll/knowledge me   Favoriting Get Up! featuring Skratch Bastid  www.skratchbastid.com      *   0:08:18 (Pop-up)
Soul by the Pound.Common  a few more kisses to go   Favoriting Get Up! featuring Skratch Bastid          0:10:47 (Pop-up)
Brand Nubian  concerto in X minor   Favoriting All For One    1990      0:12:22 (Pop-up)
Skratch Bastid  get up   Favoriting Get Up! featuring Skratch Bastid          0:13:08 (Pop-up)
Afrika Bambaataa  zulu chant   Favoriting   Tommy Boy  1993      0:19:06 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:





This picture, taken outside the Apollo audtions call on Saturday morning, was snapped - like many of the pics on this playlist by your DJ. Note the MashUp pics by A+D and the Ian MacKaye pic off of Salon.com 


0:21:12 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
the turd burglar 







0:24:14 (Pop-up)
Ian MacKaye interview  live phone in from DC   Favoriting       www.dischord.com    0:31:20 (Pop-up)
Minor Threat  cleaned up mix   Favoriting            
Billy Jam  Noise Annoys   Favoriting feat bathroom fan + SF sea lions + Jackson Heights street vendor           
James Last  adagio from piano sonata in C minor Op13   Favoriting            
DJ Wise  start from scratch   Favoriting The Chiroparctors GOldmine        *    
DJ Promote  thank-you and good night   Favoriting The Chiroparctors GOldmine  Syntax      *    
Amir  82nd & MacArthur   Favoriting Like a thief in the night        *    
Amir  like a thief   Favoriting       Bronx, NY hip-hop dance company Rhythm City about to audition at Apollo     
Outkast  crumblin erb   Favoriting            
Copycat  Sex Psittols vs Visage vs Fun Loving Criminals Vs. Charlatans   Favoriting            
Public Enemy vs Herb Aloert  rebel without a pause (whipped cream mix)   Favoriting produced by Evolution Control Committee           
Rob Base vs Prince  it takes two 2 kiss   Favoriting       Brooklyn dad Jeremy Lucas and his three daughters: Star, Shatar, & Tasia (aka the group Simplicity), in Harlem at the Apollo tryouts Saturday morning. Note that their friend Willie, who showed up hella early to save a spot in line, is out of picture.     
VoiceDude  war bombs   Favoriting            

Music behind DJ:
interview with Adrian, Mysterious D, & TRixxie Carr 

www.aplusd.net wwwbootieusa.com   Favoriting






A&D  beethovens fifth goldigger   Favoriting            
Loo and Placido  should I stay or should I boogie   Favoriting            
Skratch Bastid  Axel F & Rakim   Favoriting            
Nice N Smooth (Skratch Bastid remix)  hip hop junkies remix   Favoriting            
No Luck Club  mans ritmo....   Favoriting Prosperity        *    
Adrian & Trixxie Carr  live in the studio   Favoriting            
Bogmen  weila weila waila   Favoriting            
THE END; good nite + thanks 4 tuning in!               

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Listener comments!


Ahhhh... Washington D.C. radio was, and still is, notoriously bad.
Very very very bad. Awful. Atrocious. No college stations! Except
for the 10-watt U of Maryland station, which has extremely limited
range. I grew up about 100 miles east of there, and in our little
town, in the last couple of years, we now have a decent college radio
station, but Washington still doesn't. Terrible radio over there!
Awful! One of the NPR stations used to have a lot of decent bluegrass
programs, but they've gotten rid of almost all of those, and replaced
them with plain old NPR talk. And the Pacifica station is
booooooooring. Some jazz and that's about it.

Philly -- not a terrible radio town. Boston -- pretty good. San Fran
-- nifty. NYC -- great, it has FMU! Washington -- abominable!
Dan in DC:

I am a recent transplant to the DC area, and I heard Ian mention that he could think
of bands from the 80s and 90s in DC, but what is going on today?

IE Where and what is the scene in DC at this moment in his opinion?
45 year old punk:

Mean kids ruined all the great stuff we set up. Jello Biafra, Will Shatter, Bad
Brains, X, Darby, Phranc ETC,,,,, we did not do what we did for these mean nasty
kids to ruin. This 2nd generation clap trap is enough to make even ME want to boot
one of these BRATS. 45 years old. FIVE YEARS LATE. Ruined everything. If you
weren't there in 1980, forget it.

I only caught the last 10 minutes of the show. But I totally dug the band that was playing the neat mash-up kinda covers of Bille Jean and Tainted Love and what not.

Was that Mysterious D?

Loved the show. I could not find the their web sites. You gotta slow down when ya throwing that stuff out there.
Ramelzee vs Krob was pretty awesome in its day.
Guy Walker:

When punk/hardcore started and you went to a show there was a chance you might get hit but after Rollins' crowd in Washington etc jock jerks showed up just to hit someone and it is why hardcore came to a total halt. Phranc, Mike Watt, Billy Zoom all the elders bowed out because of the 2nd generation.

Hey, thanks for the show and for the opportunity to hear Ian, it was a very good interview. It really struck me that in 2007 you can't play Minor Threat because of the swearing, not even in an independent radio station! that's insane and a total paradox. I suppose you all agree. That "clean mix" you did should be part of the history of censorship. I'm writting from Spain... People, do something about the situation and all the things going on today in your country!!!

First up: thanks to everyone who listens to WFMU - especially those who emailed here. As far as links related to the guests on this show: For Ian MacKaye (one of my all-time heroes) information and music (including Fugazi and minor Threat) best to just go to www.dischord.com and as Ian suggested in interview: support artists' work! For links to the "mashup/bootlegs" that A&D were mentioning go to these sites: gybo.org, bootieusa.com, bootienyc.com, and mashuptown.com. For more info on singer Trixxie www.trixxiecarr.com. And for more info on the featured DJ, Skratch Bastid from Canada (with new mix CD "Get Up!") go to www.skratchbastid.com - And any questions ever on music played in this show please me @wfmu.org - peace: BillyJam
Fhreedom emcee:

Hey, thanks for another good show. I like the fact that it is not just one kind of music. To me your wide mix represents what hip-hop is supposed to be....everything from punk rock to classical to spoken-word & emcees, and old breaks and new skratch tracks. Loved hearing Brand Nubian track!
Catherine, Australia:

killer show!!i love fugazi!!!

Hey folks, A+D were kind enough to let me know that you played my "Fade to pretty vacant" on the show. Thanks for the spin. Appreciate it. More Cat stuff over at www.djcopycat.com. Thanks again. See you! /Cc

hahahah i love yah,, beyonce
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