Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from March 30, 2007 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 30, 2007: WFMU GRAFFITI SHOW with: :James & Karla Murray, Henry Chalfant, HOST 18, TENZ, DEMER, SAVAGER, MUCK, & EZO

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New
ALF  Put the Needle on the Record Theme   Favoriting        
All photos (including two WFMU studio shots) by J&K aka James T and Karla L Murray
Mochipet  mochi what?   Favoriting Randbient Works 2002        This and all the amazing photos, capturing the equally amazing street-art and its creators, on this WFMU GRAFFITI SHOW playlist are all taken by photo-journalists (and friends of WFMU) James T. and Karla L. Murray. Check out their highly recommedd books capturing the past decade of NYC graf: "Broken WIndows" + "Burning New York" - both Gingko Press!   
Zeph & Azeem  here comes the judge   Favoriting Rise Up  OM  2007      *  
Dj Vadim  Theme to Big Willy Dee   Favoriting The Soundcatcher  BBE  2007      *  
The Books  sell bad ends all   Favoriting            
El-P  up all nite   Favoriting I'll Sleep When You're Dead  Def Jux  2007      *  
MUCK has a show at FUEL 516 Chapel St. New Haven CT on April 1st and atChannel 1 in New Haven on April 6th.            WFMU Studio A: 3-6PM: 03-30-007. L to R: TENZ, DEMER, SAVAGER, and MUCK   
Wax Tailor  There is Danger   Favoriting Hope & Sorrow  Decon  2007      *  
J-Dilla  nothing like this + the S   Favoriting Ruff Draft  Stones Throw  2007  CD    *  
Wild Style theme               

Music behind DJ:






Introduction to each guest including authors/photo-journalists James T and Karla L Murray and graffiti artists HOST18, TENZ, DEMER, SAVAGER, MUCK, and EZO. 

Style Wars movie excerpts        1983       
Henry Chalfant (Style Wars co-producer with Tony Silver)  call in interview - If U dont already have it buy the Style Wars 2DVD set & visit the recommended website sytlewars.com   Favoriting            
Graffiti artists: HOST 18, TENZ, DEMER, SAVAGER, MUCK, photo-journalist KARLA L Murray, and artist EZO            WFMU studios, Jersey City, NJ, USA. 03-30-007   

Music behind DJ:

various   Favoriting






interview with GRAFFITI artists               
Imagine spending all your time and money on supplies for a creation that could be destroyed the minute after U leave? If that ain't the highest form of passion and committment!               
The fact that it is outlaw art, by its very nature, gives it an edge, a vitality, an adreneline fueled rush               
No Eating. No Smoking. No Drinking.  No Gum. No Graffiti. No Loud Music. No Standing On Seats. No Fun.   Favoriting            
DJ Qbert "breaktionary" various  SABER & CLAW quotes exceprted from movie INFAMY by Doug Pray   Favoriting            

Music behind DJ:
45 King 

various   Favoriting







Music behind DJ:








Music behind DJ:
For graffiti supplies in NJ visit DEMER's store GRAFFITI COMIX in Bellville, NJ 07109 @ 400A Washington Ave 







Bootie SF djs  various   Favoriting the best mashups in the world come from San Franicsco           
            Emails during this graffiti themed show included this one (not read on air) from WFMU listener Ike, who wrote: " I'd just like to say that I love a lot of the more colorful graffiti murals as long as they're picturing something or doing something besides just tagging their names, but a lot of the plain ordinary graffiti which just consists of a boring signature doesn't do anything for me. I think some of the callers don't necessarily realize that "graffiti" can encompass the more beautiful aspects, the colorful pictures/illustrations etc. Also, anybody who rides the Raritan Valley line in NJ should check out the amazing mural on the north side of the tracks as you're riding between Newark and Union... it's been a while since I rode that train so I don't even know if the mural is still there, but it was there for years and years and depicts a dark silhouetted hooded figure, maybe with horns, against a possibly intergalactic background. This is somewhere around Hillside NJ/the Weequahic section of western Newark, near where the train tracks come close to U.S. Route 22. -- Ike "   
JAMES & KARLA MURRAY  all photos on this playlist   Favoriting         For more pics by J&K go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/ + www.jimandkarla.imeem.com   

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