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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, February 3, 2007 Favoriting
Gamelan Dharma Swara

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Gamelan Dharma Swara is a New York-based group of over thirty dancers and musicians performing traditional and new works for Balinese gamelan. The ensemble will perform Gamelan Rwa Bhineda: The Sacred Balance at Symphony Space, Broadway at 95th St in Manhattan on February 17.

Rwa Bhineda explores the Balinese use of dance, music, and drama as sacred mediators that open the door to the unseen world and restore balance to the ever-tipping forces of good and evil. We'll learn about this work as well as the basics of Balinese gamelan, and members of the ensemble will perform a few pieces live in the studio.


This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Estrella Morente: Tangos de Grana Favoriting / Mujeres / Mute / *

Ojos de Brujo: No Somos Maquinas Favoriting / Techari / Six Degrees / *

Gamelan Dharma Swara: Pendet Peliatan Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Gamelan Dharma Swara: Demonstration Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Gamelan Dharma Swara: Legong Kuntul Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Gamelan Dharma Swara: Telek Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Gamelan Dharma Swara: Teruna Jaya Favoriting
Live at WFMU

Lekan Babalola: Ide Osun Favoriting / Songs of Icon / Mr Bongo / *

Getatchew Mekuria: Almaz Yeharerwa Favoriting / Moa Anbmessa / Terp / *

T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo: Les Djos Favoriting / The Kings of Benin Urban Groove, 1972-1980 / Soundway

Vieux Farka Toure: Mar Hine Cocore Favoriting / Vieux Farka Toure / World Village / *

Shiyani Ngcobo: Senzeni Favoriting / Introducing / World Music Network

Jackson do Pandeiro: Sebastiana Favoriting / Various Artists: Brazilian Beats 3 / Mr Bongo / *
New to WFMU

Andy Statman: Sweet Potato Favoriting / East Flatbush Blues / Shefa / *

Pistolera: Cazador Favoriting / Siempre Hay Salida / *

Solomon and Socalled: Hassidish Favoriting / Various Artists: Shtetl Superstars / Trikont / *

David Krakauer: The Electric Sher Favoriting / Bubbemeises / Label Bleu / *
With Socalled

Robert Zollitsch: Jodler No. 7 Favoriting / Deutscher Folkforderpreis 1999 / Heideck

XD Wei: Two Countries Favoriting / String Theory / Seven Ravens / *

Jim Leonard: Hamabe no Uta Favoriting / Super Saw / Em / *

Azam Ali: Abode Favoriting / Elysium Remixes / Six Degrees / *

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